mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 14:37:32 -03:00
These changes include: * gamecard: add GAMECARD_HEADER2_OFFSET and GAMECARD_HEADER2_CERT_OFFSET macros. * gamecard: rename GAMECARD_CERTIFICATE_OFFSET macro to GAMECARD_CERT_OFFSET. * gamecard: add GameCardFlags2 enum. * gamecard: update GameCardHeader struct to reflect the new Flags2 field. * gamecard: add GameCardHeader2, GameCardHeader2EncryptedData and GameCardHeader2Certificate structs. * gamecard: update gamecardReadHeader() to check if the `Has10Certificate` flag is set in the gamecard header. If it is, the function will read and log both Header2 and Header2Certificate areas, and it will also attempt to verify the RSA signature from the Header2 area. * gamecard: if a Header2 area is detected, an error will always be triggered for the time being. If anyone comes across this error, please get in touch me. * gamecard, fs_ext: fix signature field comments.
7107 lines
238 KiB
7107 lines
238 KiB
* main.c
* Copyright (c) 2020-2024, DarkMatterCore <pabloacurielz@gmail.com>.
* This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool).
* nxdumptool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* nxdumptool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "nxdt_utils.h"
#include "gamecard.h"
#include "title.h"
#include "cnmt.h"
#include "program_info.h"
#include "nacp.h"
#include "legal_info.h"
#include "cert.h"
#include "usb.h"
#include "nxdt_devoptab.h"
#define WAIT_TIME_LIMIT 30
/* Type definitions. */
typedef struct _Menu Menu;
typedef u32 (*MenuElementOptionGetterFunction)(void);
typedef void (*MenuElementOptionSetterFunction)(u32 idx);
typedef bool (*MenuElementFunction)(void *userdata);
typedef struct {
u32 selected; ///< Used to keep track of the selected option.
bool retrieved; ///< Used to determine if the value for this option has already been retrieved from configuration.
MenuElementOptionGetterFunction getter_func; ///< Pointer to a function to be called the first time an option value is loaded. Should be set to NULL if not used.
MenuElementOptionSetterFunction setter_func; ///< Pointer to a function to be called each time a new option value is selected. Should be set to NULL if not used.
char **options; ///< Pointer to multiple char pointers with strings representing options. Last element must be set to NULL.
} MenuElementOption;
typedef struct {
char *str; ///< Pointer to a string to be printed for this menu element.
Menu *child_menu; ///< Pointer to a child Menu element. Must be set to NULL if task_func != NULL.
MenuElementFunction task_func; ///< Pointer to a function to be called by this element. Must be set to NULL if child_menu != NULL.
MenuElementOption *element_options; ///< Options for this menu element. Should be set to NULL if not used.
void *userdata; ///< Optional userdata pointer associated with this element. This is always passed to task_func as its only argument.
///< This may or may be not used by the menu handler. Should be set to NULL if not used.
} MenuElement;
struct _Menu {
u32 id; ///< Identifier.
struct _Menu *parent; ///< Set to NULL in the root menu element.
u32 selected, scroll; ///< Used to keep track of the selected element and scroll values.
MenuElement **elements; ///< Element info from this menu. Last element must be set to NULL.
typedef enum {
MenuId_Root = 0,
MenuId_GameCard = 1,
MenuId_XCI = 2,
MenuId_DumpHFS = 3,
MenuId_BrowseHFS = 4,
MenuId_UserTitles = 5,
MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu = 6,
MenuId_NSPTitleTypes = 7,
MenuId_NSP = 8,
MenuId_TicketTitleTypes = 9,
MenuId_Ticket = 10,
MenuId_NcaTitleTypes = 11,
MenuId_Nca = 12,
MenuId_NcaFsSections = 13,
MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu = 14,
MenuId_SystemTitles = 15,
MenuId_Count = 16
} MenuId;
typedef struct
FILE *fp;
void *data;
size_t data_size;
size_t data_written;
size_t total_size;
bool read_error;
bool write_error;
bool transfer_cancelled;
} SharedThreadData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
u32 xci_crc, full_xci_crc;
} XciThreadData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx;
} HfsThreadData;
typedef struct {
void *data;
size_t data_written;
size_t total_size;
bool error;
bool transfer_cancelled;
} NspThreadData;
typedef struct {
TitleInfo *title_info;
u32 content_idx;
} NcaUserData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
NcaContext *nca_ctx;
} NcaThreadData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx;
bool use_layeredfs_dir;
} PfsThreadData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx;
bool use_layeredfs_dir;
} RomFsThreadData;
typedef struct {
bool highlight;
size_t size;
char size_str[0x10];
struct dirent dt;
} FsBrowserEntry;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
FILE *src;
} FsBrowserFileThreadData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
const char *dir_path;
const FsBrowserEntry *entries;
u32 entries_count;
const char *base_out_path;
} FsBrowserHighlightedEntriesThreadData;
/* Function prototypes. */
static void utilsScanPads(void);
static u64 utilsGetButtonsDown(void);
static u64 utilsGetButtonsHeld(void);
static u64 utilsWaitForButtonPress(u64 flag);
static void consolePrint(const char *text, ...);
static void consolePrintReversedColors(const char *text, ...);
static void consoleRefresh(void);
static u32 menuGetElementCount(const Menu *menu);
static void menuResetAttributes(Menu *cur_menu, u32 element_count);
void freeStorageList(void);
void updateStorageList(void);
void freeTitleList(Menu *menu);
void updateTitleList(Menu *menu, Menu *submenu, bool is_system);
static TitleInfo *getLatestTitleInfo(TitleInfo *title_info, u32 *out_idx, u32 *out_count);
void freeNcaList(void);
void updateNcaList(TitleInfo *title_info, u32 *element_count);
static void switchNcaListTitle(Menu **cur_menu, u32 *element_count, TitleInfo *title_info);
void freeNcaFsSectionsList(void);
void updateNcaFsSectionsList(NcaUserData *nca_user_data);
void freeNcaBasePatchList(void);
void updateNcaBasePatchList(TitleUserApplicationData *user_app_data, TitleInfo *title_info, NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx);
NX_INLINE bool useUsbHost(void);
static bool waitForGameCard(void);
static bool waitForUsb(void);
static char *generateOutputGameCardFileName(const char *subdir, const char *extension, bool use_nacp_name);
static char *generateOutputTitleFileName(TitleInfo *title_info, const char *subdir, const char *extension);
static char *generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(u64 title_id, const char *subdir, const char *extension);
static bool dumpGameCardSecurityInformation(GameCardSecurityInformation *out);
static bool resetSettings(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardImage(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardHeader(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardCardInfo(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardCertificate(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardInitialData(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardSpecificData(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardIdSet(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardUid(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardHfsPartition(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardRawHfsPartition(HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx);
static bool saveGameCardExtractedHfsPartition(HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx);
static bool browseGameCardHfsPartition(void *userdata);
static bool saveConsoleLafwBlob(void *userdata);
static bool saveNintendoSubmissionPackage(void *userdata);
static bool saveTicket(void *userdata);
static bool saveNintendoContentArchive(void *userdata);
static bool saveNintendoContentArchiveFsSection(void *userdata);
static bool browseNintendoContentArchiveFsSection(void *userdata);
static bool fsBrowser(const char *mount_name, const char *base_out_path);
static bool fsBrowserGetDirEntries(const char *dir_path, FsBrowserEntry **out_entries, u32 *out_entry_count);
static bool fsBrowserDumpFile(const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entry, const char *base_out_path);
static bool fsBrowserDumpHighlightedEntries(const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entries, u32 entries_count, const char *base_out_path);
static bool initializeNcaFsContext(void *userdata, u8 *out_section_type, bool *out_use_layeredfs_dir, NcaContext **out_base_patch_nca_ctx, void **out_fs_ctx);
static bool saveRawPartitionFsSection(PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir);
static bool saveExtractedPartitionFsSection(PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir);
static bool saveRawRomFsSection(RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir);
static bool saveExtractedRomFsSection(RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir);
static void xciReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void rawHfsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void extractedHfsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void ncaReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void rawPartitionFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void extractedPartitionFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void rawRomFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void extractedRomFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void fsBrowserFileReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static bool fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadLoop(SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data, const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entries, u32 entries_count, const char *base_out_path, void *buf1, void *buf2);
static void genericWriteThreadFunc(void *arg);
static bool spanDumpThreads(ThreadFunc read_func, ThreadFunc write_func, void *arg);
static void nspThreadFunc(void *arg);
static u32 getOutputStorageOption(void);
static void setOutputStorageOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption(void);
static void setGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getGameCardKeepCertificateOption(void);
static void setGameCardKeepCertificateOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getGameCardTrimDumpOption(void);
static void setGameCardTrimDumpOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getGameCardCalculateChecksumOption(void);
static void setGameCardCalculateChecksumOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption(void);
static void setGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspSetDownloadDistributionOption(void);
static void setNspSetDownloadDistributionOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspRemoveConsoleDataOption(void);
static void setNspRemoveConsoleDataOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption(void);
static void setNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption(void);
static void setNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspEnableScreenshotsOption(void);
static void setNspEnableScreenshotsOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspEnableVideoCaptureOption(void);
static void setNspEnableVideoCaptureOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspDisableHdcpOption(void);
static void setNspDisableHdcpOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption(void);
static void setNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption(void);
static void setTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption(void);
static void setNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption(void);
static void setNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption(u32 idx);
/* Global variables. */
bool g_borealisInitialized = false;
static PadState g_padState = {0};
static char *g_noYesStrings[] = { "no", "yes", NULL };
static bool g_appletStatus = true;
static UsbHsFsDevice *g_umsDevices = NULL;
static u32 g_umsDeviceCount = 0;
static char **g_storageOptions = NULL;
static MenuElementOption g_storageMenuElementOption = {
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getOutputStorageOption,
.setter_func = &setOutputStorageOption,
.options = NULL // Dynamically set
static MenuElement g_storageMenuElement = {
.str = "output storage",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &g_storageMenuElementOption,
.userdata = NULL
static MenuElement *g_xciMenuElements[] = {
.str = "start xci dump",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardImage,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "prepend key area",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption,
.setter_func = &setGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "keep certificate",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getGameCardKeepCertificateOption,
.setter_func = &setGameCardKeepCertificateOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "trim dump",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getGameCardTrimDumpOption,
.setter_func = &setGameCardTrimDumpOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "calculate checksum",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getGameCardCalculateChecksumOption,
.setter_func = &setGameCardCalculateChecksumOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
static u32 g_hfsRootPartition = HashFileSystemPartitionType_Root;
static u32 g_hfsUpdatePartition = HashFileSystemPartitionType_Update;
static u32 g_hfsLogoPartition = HashFileSystemPartitionType_Logo;
static u32 g_hfsNormalPartition = HashFileSystemPartitionType_Normal;
static u32 g_hfsSecurePartition = HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure;
static MenuElement *g_gameCardHfsDumpMenuElements[] = {
.str = "dump root hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsRootPartition
.str = "dump update hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsUpdatePartition
.str = "dump logo hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsLogoPartition
.str = "dump normal hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsNormalPartition
.str = "dump secure hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsSecurePartition
.str = "write raw hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption,
.setter_func = &setGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
static MenuElement *g_gameCardHfsBrowseMenuElements[] = {
.str = "browse root hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsRootPartition
.str = "browse update hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsUpdatePartition
.str = "browse logo hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsLogoPartition
.str = "browse normal hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsNormalPartition
.str = "browse secure hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsSecurePartition
static MenuElement *g_gameCardMenuElements[] = {
.str = "dump gamecard image (xci)",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_XCI,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_xciMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard initial data",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardInitialData,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard certificate",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardCertificate,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard id set",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardIdSet,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard uid",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardUid,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard header (optional)",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHeader,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard cardinfo (optional)",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardCardInfo,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard specific data (optional)",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardSpecificData,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump hfs partitions (optional)",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_DumpHFS,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_gameCardHfsDumpMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "browse hfs partitions (optional)",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_BrowseHFS,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_gameCardHfsBrowseMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump console lafw blob (optional)",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveConsoleLafwBlob,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
static MenuElement *g_nspMenuElements[] = {
.str = "start nsp dump",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveNintendoSubmissionPackage,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL // Dynamically set to the TitleInfo object from the title to dump
.str = "nca: set content distribution type to \"download\"",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspSetDownloadDistributionOption,
.setter_func = &setNspSetDownloadDistributionOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "tik: remove console specific data",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspRemoveConsoleDataOption,
.setter_func = &setNspRemoveConsoleDataOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nca/tik: remove titlekey crypto (overrides previous option)",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption,
.setter_func = &setNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nacp: disable linked account requirement",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption,
.setter_func = &setNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nacp: enable screenshots",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspEnableScreenshotsOption,
.setter_func = &setNspEnableScreenshotsOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nacp: enable video capture",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspEnableVideoCaptureOption,
.setter_func = &setNspEnableVideoCaptureOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nacp: disable hdcp",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspDisableHdcpOption,
.setter_func = &setNspDisableHdcpOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nsp: generate authoringtool data",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption,
.setter_func = &setNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
static Menu g_nspMenu = {
.id = MenuId_NSP,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_nspMenuElements
static MenuElement *g_ticketMenuElements[] = {
.str = "start ticket dump",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveTicket,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL // Dynamically set to the TitleInfo object from the title to dump
.str = "remove console specific data",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption,
.setter_func = &setTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
static Menu g_ticketMenu = {
.id = MenuId_Ticket,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_ticketMenuElements
static TitleInfo *g_ncaUserTitleInfo = NULL, *g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = NULL, *g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp = NULL;
static char **g_ncaBasePatchOptions = NULL;
static MenuElementOption g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption = {
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = NULL,
.setter_func = NULL,
.options = NULL // Dynamically set
static MenuElement *g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[] = {
.str = "start nca fs section dump",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveNintendoContentArchiveFsSection,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL // Dynamically set
.str = "browse nca fs section",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseNintendoContentArchiveFsSection,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL // Dynamically set
.str = "use base/patch title",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "write raw section",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption,
.setter_func = &setNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "use layeredfs dir",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption,
.setter_func = &setNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
static Menu g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenu = {
.id = MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements
static bool g_ncaMenuRawMode = false;
static NcaContext *g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx = NULL;
static MenuElement **g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements = NULL;
// Dynamically populated using g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements.
static Menu g_ncaFsSectionsMenu = {
.id = MenuId_NcaFsSections,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = NULL
static MenuElement **g_ncaMenuElements = NULL;
// Dynamically populated using g_ncaMenuElements.
static Menu g_ncaMenu = {
.id = MenuId_Nca,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = NULL
static u32 g_metaTypeApplication = NcmContentMetaType_Application;
static u32 g_metaTypePatch = NcmContentMetaType_Patch;
static u32 g_metaTypeAOC = NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent;
static u32 g_metaTypeAOCPatch = NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch;
static MenuElement *g_titleTypesMenuElements[] = {
.str = "dump base application",
.child_menu = NULL, // Dynamically set
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_metaTypeApplication
.str = "dump update",
.child_menu = NULL, // Dynamically set
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_metaTypePatch
.str = "dump dlc",
.child_menu = NULL, // Dynamically set
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_metaTypeAOC
.str = "dump dlc update",
.child_menu = NULL, // Dynamically set
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_metaTypeAOCPatch
static MenuElement *g_userTitlesSubMenuElements[] = {
.str = "nsp dump options",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_NSPTitleTypes,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_titleTypesMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "ticket dump options",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_TicketTitleTypes,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_titleTypesMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nca / nca fs dump options",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_NcaTitleTypes,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_titleTypesMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
// Dynamically set as child_menu for all g_userTitlesMenu entries.
static Menu g_userTitlesSubMenu = {
.id = MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_userTitlesSubMenuElements
// Dynamically populated.
static Menu g_userTitlesMenu = {
.id = MenuId_UserTitles,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = NULL
// Dynamically populated.
static Menu g_systemTitlesMenu = {
.id = MenuId_SystemTitles,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = NULL
static MenuElement *g_rootMenuElements[] = {
.str = "gamecard menu",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_GameCard,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_gameCardMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "user titles menu",
.child_menu = &g_userTitlesMenu,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "system titles menu",
.child_menu = &g_systemTitlesMenu,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "reset settings",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &resetSettings,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
static Menu g_rootMenu = {
.id = MenuId_Root,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_rootMenuElements
static Mutex g_conMutex = 0, g_fileMutex = 0;
static CondVar g_readCondvar = 0, g_writeCondvar = 0;
static char path[FS_MAX_PATH * 2] = {0};
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (!utilsInitializeResources())
goto end;
/* Configure input. */
/* Up to 8 different, full controller inputs. */
/* Individual Joy-Cons not supported. */
padConfigureInput(8, HidNpadStyleSet_NpadFullCtrl);
padInitializeWithMask(&g_padState, 0x1000000FFUL);
updateTitleList(&g_userTitlesMenu, &g_userTitlesSubMenu, false);
updateTitleList(&g_systemTitlesMenu, &g_ncaMenu, true);
Menu *cur_menu = &g_rootMenu;
u32 element_count = menuGetElementCount(cur_menu), page_size = 20;
TitleApplicationMetadata *app_metadata = NULL;
TitleUserApplicationData user_app_data = {0};
TitleInfo *title_info = NULL;
u32 title_info_idx = 0, title_info_count = 0;
bool is_system = false;
MenuElement *selected_element = cur_menu->elements[cur_menu->selected];
MenuElementOption *selected_element_options = selected_element->element_options;
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu && selected_element->child_menu)
/* Set title types child menu pointer if we're currently at the user titles submenu. */
u32 child_id = selected_element->child_menu->id;
g_titleTypesMenuElements[0]->child_menu = g_titleTypesMenuElements[1]->child_menu = \
g_titleTypesMenuElements[2]->child_menu = g_titleTypesMenuElements[3]->child_menu = (child_id == MenuId_NSPTitleTypes ? &g_nspMenu : \
(child_id == MenuId_TicketTitleTypes ? &g_ticketMenu : \
(child_id == MenuId_NcaTitleTypes ? &g_ncaMenu : NULL)));
consolePrint(APP_TITLE " v" APP_VERSION " (" GIT_REV ").\nBuilt on " BUILD_TIMESTAMP ".\n");
if (cur_menu->parent) consolePrint("press b to go back\n");
if (g_umsDeviceCount) consolePrint("press x to safely remove all ums devices\n");
consolePrint("use the sticks to scroll faster\n");
consolePrint("press + to exit\n");
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitles || cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles)
app_metadata = (TitleApplicationMetadata*)selected_element->userdata;
consolePrint("title: %u / %u\n", cur_menu->selected + 1, element_count);
consolePrint("selected title: %016lX - %s\n", app_metadata->title_id, selected_element->str);
} else
if (cur_menu->id >= MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu && cur_menu->id < MenuId_SystemTitles)
if (!is_system)
consolePrint("title info:\n\n");
consolePrint("name: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.name);
consolePrint("publisher: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.author);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu || cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSPTitleTypes || cur_menu->id == MenuId_TicketTitleTypes || \
cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaTitleTypes) consolePrint("title id: %016lX\n", app_metadata->title_id);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSP || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca || \
cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSections || cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu)
if (cur_menu->id != MenuId_NcaFsSections && cur_menu->id != MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu && (title_info->previous || title_info->next))
consolePrintReversedColors("press l/zl/r/zr to change the selected title\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("title: %u / %u\n", title_info_idx + 1, title_info_count);
consolePrint("selected title info:\n\n");
if (is_system) consolePrint("name: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.name);
consolePrint("title id: %016lX\n", title_info->meta_key.id);
consolePrint("type: %s\n", titleGetNcmContentMetaTypeName(title_info->meta_key.type));
consolePrint("source storage: %s\n", titleGetNcmStorageIdName(title_info->storage_id));
consolePrint("version: %u (%u.%u.%u-%u.%u)\n", title_info->version.value, title_info->version.system_version.major, title_info->version.system_version.minor, \
title_info->version.system_version.micro, title_info->version.system_version.major_relstep, title_info->version.system_version.minor_relstep);
consolePrint("content count: %u\n", title_info->content_count);
consolePrint("size: %s\n", title_info->size_str);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSP) g_nspMenuElements[0]->userdata = title_info;
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket) g_ticketMenuElements[0]->userdata = title_info;
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca)
consolePrintReversedColors("current mode: %s\n", g_ncaMenuRawMode ? "raw nca" : "nca fs section");
consolePrintReversedColors("press y to switch to %s mode\n", g_ncaMenuRawMode ? "nca fs section" : "raw nca");
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSections || cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu)
consolePrint("selected nca info:\n\n");
consolePrint("content id: %s\n", g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx->content_id_str);
consolePrint("content type: %s\n", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx->content_type));
consolePrint("id offset: %u\n", g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx->id_offset);
consolePrint("size: %s\n", g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx->content_size_str);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu)
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = (NcaFsSectionContext*)g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[0]->userdata;
consolePrint("selected nca fs section info:\n");
consolePrint("section index: %u\n", nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
consolePrint("section type: %s\n", ncaGetFsSectionTypeName(nca_fs_ctx));
consolePrint("section size: %s\n", nca_fs_ctx->section_size_str);
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_GameCard) {
consolePrint("For a full gamecard image: dump XCI, initial data, certificate, id set and uid.\n");
for(u32 i = cur_menu->scroll; i < element_count; i++)
if (i >= (cur_menu->scroll + page_size)) break;
MenuElement *cur_element = cur_menu->elements[i];
MenuElementOption *cur_options = cur_element->element_options;
TitleApplicationMetadata *cur_app_metadata = ((cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitles || cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles) ? (TitleApplicationMetadata*)cur_element->userdata : NULL);
consolePrint("%s", i == cur_menu->selected ? " -> " : " ");
if (cur_app_metadata) consolePrint("%016lX - ", cur_app_metadata->title_id);
consolePrint("%s", cur_element->str);
if (cur_options)
if (cur_options->getter_func && !cur_options->retrieved)
cur_options->selected = cur_options->getter_func();
cur_options->retrieved = true;
consolePrint(": ");
if (cur_options->selected > 0) consolePrint("< ");
consolePrint("%s", cur_options->options[cur_options->selected]);
if (cur_options->options[cur_options->selected + 1]) consolePrint(" >");
if (!element_count) consolePrint("no elements available! press b to go back");
bool data_update = false;
u64 btn_down = 0, btn_held = 0;
while((g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop()))
btn_down = utilsGetButtonsDown();
btn_held = utilsGetButtonsHeld();
if (btn_down || btn_held) break;
if (umsIsDeviceInfoUpdated())
data_update = true;
if (titleIsGameCardInfoUpdated())
updateTitleList(&g_userTitlesMenu, &g_userTitlesSubMenu, false);
data_update = true;
if (!g_appletStatus) break;
if (data_update) continue;
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_A)
Menu *child_menu = selected_element->child_menu;
if (child_menu)
bool error = false;
/* Only change menus if a valid ID was set. */
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_Root || child_menu->id >= MenuId_Count || child_menu->id == cur_menu->id) continue;
/* Retrieve extra data based on the current menu ID. */
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu)
error = !titleGetUserApplicationData(app_metadata->title_id, &user_app_data);
if (error) consolePrint("\nfailed to get user application data for %016lX!\n", app_metadata->title_id);
} else
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_NSP || child_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket || child_menu->id == MenuId_Nca)
u32 title_type = (cur_menu->id != MenuId_SystemTitles ? *((u32*)selected_element->userdata) : NcmContentMetaType_Unknown);
case NcmContentMetaType_Application:
title_info = user_app_data.app_info;
case NcmContentMetaType_Patch:
title_info = user_app_data.patch_info;
case NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent:
title_info = user_app_data.aoc_info;
case NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch:
title_info = user_app_data.aoc_patch_info;
/* Get TitleInfo element on demand. */
title_info = titleGetInfoFromStorageByTitleId(NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem, app_metadata->title_id);
if (title_info)
title_info = getLatestTitleInfo(title_info, &title_info_idx, &title_info_count);
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_Nca)
updateNcaList(title_info, &element_count);
if (!g_ncaMenuElements || !g_ncaMenuElements[0])
consolePrint("failed to generate nca list\n");
error = true;
if (!error && cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles) is_system = true;
} else {
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles)
consolePrint("\nunable to retrieve data for system title %016lX\n", app_metadata->title_id);
} else {
consolePrint("\nthe selected title doesn't have available %s data\n", \
title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Application ? "base application" : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? "update" : (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent ? "dlc" : "dlc update")));
error = true;
} else
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSections)
if (!g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements || !g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[0])
consolePrint("failed to generate nca fs sections list\n");
error = true;
} else
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu)
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = selected_element->userdata;
if (nca_fs_ctx->enabled)
updateNcaBasePatchList(&user_app_data, title_info, nca_fs_ctx);
} else {
consolePrint("can't dump an invalid nca fs section!\n");
error = true;
if (!error)
child_menu->parent = cur_menu;
cur_menu = child_menu;
element_count = menuGetElementCount(cur_menu);
} else {
consolePrint("press any button to go back\n");
} else
if (selected_element->task_func)
bool show_button_prompt = true;
/* Wait for gamecard (if needed). */
if (((cur_menu->id >= MenuId_GameCard && cur_menu->id <= MenuId_BrowseHFS) || (title_info && title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard)) && !waitForGameCard())
if (g_appletStatus) continue;
if ((cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu && cur_menu->selected == 1) || cur_menu->id == MenuId_BrowseHFS)
show_button_prompt = false;
/* Ignore result. */
/* Update free space. */
if (!useUsbHost()) updateStorageList();
} else
if (cur_menu->id > MenuId_Root)
/* Wait for USB session (if needed). */
if (useUsbHost() && !waitForUsb())
if (g_appletStatus) continue;
/* Run task. */
if (selected_element->task_func(selected_element->userdata))
if (!useUsbHost()) updateStorageList(); // update free space
if (g_appletStatus && show_button_prompt)
/* Display prompt. */
consolePrint("press any button to continue");
} else
if (((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Down) || (btn_held & (HidNpadButton_StickLDown | HidNpadButton_StickRDown))) && element_count)
if (!cur_menu->elements[cur_menu->selected])
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Down)
cur_menu->selected = 0;
cur_menu->scroll = 0;
} else {
} else
if (cur_menu->selected >= (cur_menu->scroll + (page_size / 2)) && element_count > (cur_menu->scroll + page_size))
} else
if (((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Up) || (btn_held & (HidNpadButton_StickLUp | HidNpadButton_StickRUp))) && element_count)
if (cur_menu->selected == UINT32_MAX)
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Up)
cur_menu->selected = (element_count - 1);
cur_menu->scroll = (element_count >= page_size ? (element_count - page_size) : 0);
} else {
cur_menu->selected = 0;
} else
if (cur_menu->selected < (cur_menu->scroll + (page_size / 2)) && cur_menu->scroll > 0)
} else
if ((btn_down & (HidNpadButton_Right | HidNpadButton_StickLRight | HidNpadButton_StickRRight)) && selected_element_options)
/* Point to the next base/patch title. */
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu && cur_menu->selected == 2)
if (selected_element_options->selected == 0 && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp)
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp;
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp = NULL;
} else
if (selected_element_options->selected > 0 && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->next)
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->next;
if (!selected_element_options->options[selected_element_options->selected]) selected_element_options->selected--;
if (selected_element_options->setter_func) selected_element_options->setter_func(selected_element_options->selected);
} else
if ((btn_down & (HidNpadButton_Left | HidNpadButton_StickLLeft | HidNpadButton_StickRLeft)) && selected_element_options)
if (selected_element_options->selected == UINT32_MAX) selected_element_options->selected = 0;
if (selected_element_options->setter_func) selected_element_options->setter_func(selected_element_options->selected);
/* Point to the previous base/patch title. */
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu && cur_menu->selected == 2)
if (selected_element_options->selected == 0 && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo)
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo;
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = NULL;
} else
if (selected_element_options->selected > 0 && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->previous)
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->previous;
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_B) && cur_menu->parent)
menuResetAttributes(cur_menu, element_count);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitles || cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles)
app_metadata = NULL;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu)
g_titleTypesMenuElements[0]->child_menu = g_titleTypesMenuElements[1]->child_menu = \
g_titleTypesMenuElements[2]->child_menu = g_titleTypesMenuElements[3]->child_menu = NULL;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSPTitleTypes || cur_menu->id == MenuId_TicketTitleTypes || cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaTitleTypes)
title_info = NULL;
title_info_idx = title_info_count = 0;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSP)
g_nspMenuElements[0]->userdata = NULL;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket)
g_ticketMenuElements[0]->userdata = NULL;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca)
if (is_system)
is_system = false;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSections)
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu)
cur_menu = cur_menu->parent;
element_count = menuGetElementCount(cur_menu);
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_X) && g_umsDeviceCount)
for(u32 i = 0; i < g_umsDeviceCount; i++) umsUnmountDevice(&(g_umsDevices[i]));
} else
if (((btn_down & (HidNpadButton_L)) || (btn_held & HidNpadButton_ZL)) && (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSP || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca) && title_info->previous)
title_info = title_info->previous;
switchNcaListTitle(&cur_menu, &element_count, title_info);
} else
if (((btn_down & (HidNpadButton_R)) || (btn_held & HidNpadButton_ZR)) && (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSP || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca) && title_info->next)
title_info = title_info->next;
switchNcaListTitle(&cur_menu, &element_count, title_info);
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Y) && cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca)
/* Change NCA menu element properties. */
g_ncaMenuRawMode ^= 1;
for(u32 i = 0; g_ncaMenuElements[i]; i++)
g_ncaMenuElements[i]->child_menu = (g_ncaMenuRawMode ? NULL : &g_ncaFsSectionsMenu);
g_ncaMenuElements[i]->task_func = (g_ncaMenuRawMode ? &saveNintendoContentArchive : NULL);
} else
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Plus)
if (!g_appletStatus) break;
return ret;
static void utilsScanPads(void)
static u64 utilsGetButtonsDown(void)
return padGetButtonsDown(&g_padState);
static u64 utilsGetButtonsHeld(void)
return padGetButtons(&g_padState);
static u64 utilsWaitForButtonPress(u64 flag)
/* Don't consider stick movement as button inputs. */
if (!flag) flag = ~(HidNpadButton_StickLLeft | HidNpadButton_StickLRight | HidNpadButton_StickLUp | HidNpadButton_StickLDown | HidNpadButton_StickRLeft | HidNpadButton_StickRRight | \
HidNpadButton_StickRUp | HidNpadButton_StickRDown);
u64 btn_down = 0;
if ((btn_down = utilsGetButtonsDown()) & flag) break;
return btn_down;
static void consolePrint(const char *text, ...)
va_list v;
va_start(v, text);
vfprintf(stdout, text, v);
static void consolePrintReversedColors(const char *text, ...)
va_list v;
va_start(v, text);
vfprintf(stdout, text, v);
static void consoleRefresh(void)
static u32 menuGetElementCount(const Menu *menu)
if (!menu || !menu->elements || !menu->elements[0]) return 0;
u32 cnt;
for(cnt = 0; menu->elements[cnt]; cnt++);
return cnt;
static void menuResetAttributes(Menu *cur_menu, u32 element_count)
if (!cur_menu) return;
cur_menu->selected = 0;
cur_menu->scroll = 0;
for(u32 i = 0; i < element_count; i++)
MenuElement *cur_element = cur_menu->elements[i];
MenuElementOption *cur_options = cur_element->element_options;
if (cur_options && cur_options != &g_storageMenuElementOption) cur_options->retrieved = false;
void freeStorageList(void)
u32 elem_count = (2 + g_umsDeviceCount); // sd card, usb host, ums devices
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
if (g_storageOptions)
for(u32 i = 0; i < elem_count && g_storageOptions[i]; i++)
g_storageOptions[i] = NULL;
g_storageOptions = NULL;
if (g_umsDevices)
g_umsDevices = NULL;
g_umsDeviceCount = 0;
g_storageMenuElementOption.options = NULL;
void updateStorageList(void)
u32 elem_count = 0, idx = 0;
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
/* Get UMS devices. */
g_umsDevices = umsGetDevices(&g_umsDeviceCount);
elem_count = (2 + g_umsDeviceCount); // sd card, usb host, ums devices
/* Allocate buffer. */
g_storageOptions = calloc(elem_count + 1, sizeof(char*)); // NULL terminator
/* Generate UMS device strings. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < elem_count; i++)
u64 total = 0, free = 0;
char total_str[36] = {0}, free_str[32] = {0};
if (!g_storageOptions[idx])
g_storageOptions[idx] = calloc(sizeof(char), 0x300);
if (!g_storageOptions[idx]) continue;
if (i == 1)
sprintf(g_storageOptions[idx], "usb host (pc)");
} else {
UsbHsFsDevice *ums_device = (i >= 2 ? &(g_umsDevices[i - 2]) : NULL);
sprintf(total_str, "%s/", i == 0 ? DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE : ums_device->name);
utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(total_str, &total, &free);
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString(total, total_str, sizeof(total_str));
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString(free, free_str, sizeof(free_str));
if (i == 0)
sprintf(g_storageOptions[idx], DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE " (%s / %s)", free_str, total_str);
} else {
if (ums_device->product_name[0])
sprintf(g_storageOptions[idx], "%s (%s, LUN %u, FS #%u, %s)", ums_device->name, ums_device->product_name, ums_device->lun, ums_device->fs_idx, LIBUSBHSFS_FS_TYPE_STR(ums_device->fs_type));
} else {
sprintf(g_storageOptions[idx], "%s (LUN %u, FS #%u, %s)", ums_device->name, ums_device->lun, ums_device->fs_idx, LIBUSBHSFS_FS_TYPE_STR(ums_device->fs_type));
sprintf(g_storageOptions[idx] + strlen(g_storageOptions[idx]), " (%s / %s)", free_str, total_str);
/* Update storage menu element options. */
if (g_storageMenuElementOption.selected >= elem_count)
g_storageMenuElementOption.selected = 0;
g_storageMenuElementOption.options = g_storageOptions;
void freeTitleList(Menu *menu)
if (!menu) return;
MenuElement **elements = menu->elements;
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
if (elements)
for(u32 i = 0; elements[i]; i++) free(elements[i]);
menu->scroll = 0;
menu->selected = 0;
menu->elements = NULL;
void updateTitleList(Menu *menu, Menu *submenu, bool is_system)
if (!menu || !submenu) return;
u32 app_count = 0, idx = 0;
TitleApplicationMetadata **app_metadata = NULL;
MenuElement **elements = NULL;
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
/* Get application metadata entries. */
app_metadata = titleGetApplicationMetadataEntries(is_system, &app_count);
if (!app_metadata || !app_count) goto end;
/* Allocate buffer. */
elements = calloc(app_count + 1, sizeof(MenuElement*)); // NULL terminator
/* Generate menu elements. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < app_count; i++)
TitleApplicationMetadata *cur_app_metadata = app_metadata[i];
if (!elements[idx])
elements[idx] = calloc(1, sizeof(MenuElement));
if (!elements[idx]) continue;
elements[idx]->str = cur_app_metadata->lang_entry.name;
elements[idx]->child_menu = submenu;
elements[idx]->userdata = cur_app_metadata;
menu->elements = elements;
if (app_metadata) free(app_metadata);
static TitleInfo *getLatestTitleInfo(TitleInfo *title_info, u32 *out_idx, u32 *out_count)
if (!title_info || !out_idx || !out_count || (title_info->meta_key.type != NcmContentMetaType_Patch && title_info->meta_key.type != NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch))
if (out_idx) *out_idx = 0;
if (out_count) *out_count = titleGetCountFromInfoBlock(title_info);
return title_info;
u32 idx = 0, count = 1;
TitleInfo *cur_info = title_info->previous, *out = title_info;
if (cur_info->version.value > out->version.value)
out = cur_info;
idx = count;
cur_info = cur_info->previous;
idx = (out != title_info ? (count - idx) : (count - 1));
cur_info = title_info->next;
if (cur_info->version.value > out->version.value)
out = cur_info;
idx = (count - 1);
cur_info = cur_info->next;
*out_idx = idx;
*out_count = count;
return out;
void freeNcaList(void)
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
if (g_ncaMenuElements)
u32 count = 0;
for(count = 0; g_ncaMenuElements[count]; count++);
for(u32 i = 0; count > 0 && i < (count - 1); i++) // Don't free output storage element
if (g_ncaMenuElements[i]->str) free(g_ncaMenuElements[i]->str);
if (g_ncaMenuElements[i]->userdata) free(g_ncaMenuElements[i]->userdata);
g_ncaMenuElements = NULL;
g_ncaMenu.scroll = 0;
g_ncaMenu.selected = 0;
g_ncaMenu.elements = NULL;
void updateNcaList(TitleInfo *title_info, u32 *element_count)
u32 content_count = title_info->content_count, idx = 0;
NcmContentInfo *content_infos = title_info->content_infos;
char nca_id_str[0x21] = {0};
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
/* Allocate buffer. */
g_ncaMenuElements = calloc(content_count + 2, sizeof(MenuElement*)); // Output storage, NULL terminator
if (!g_ncaMenuElements) return;
/* Generate menu elements. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < content_count; i++)
NcmContentInfo *cur_content_info = &(content_infos[i]);
char *nca_info_str = NULL, nca_size_str[16] = {0};
u64 nca_size = 0;
NcaUserData *nca_user_data = NULL;
if (!g_ncaMenuElements[idx])
g_ncaMenuElements[idx] = calloc(1, sizeof(MenuElement));
if (!g_ncaMenuElements[idx]) continue;
nca_info_str = calloc(128, sizeof(char));
nca_user_data = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaUserData));
if (!nca_info_str || !nca_user_data)
if (nca_info_str) free(nca_info_str);
if (nca_user_data) free(nca_user_data);
utilsGenerateHexString(nca_id_str, sizeof(nca_id_str), cur_content_info->content_id.c, sizeof(cur_content_info->content_id.c), false);
ncmContentInfoSizeToU64(cur_content_info, &nca_size);
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)nca_size, nca_size_str, sizeof(nca_size_str));
sprintf(nca_info_str, "%s #%u: %s (%s)", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(cur_content_info->content_type), cur_content_info->id_offset, nca_id_str, nca_size_str);
nca_user_data->title_info = title_info;
nca_user_data->content_idx = i;
g_ncaMenuElements[idx]->str = nca_info_str;
g_ncaMenuElements[idx]->child_menu = (g_ncaMenuRawMode ? NULL : &g_ncaFsSectionsMenu);
g_ncaMenuElements[idx]->task_func = (g_ncaMenuRawMode ? &saveNintendoContentArchive : NULL);
g_ncaMenuElements[idx]->userdata = nca_user_data;
if (idx > 0)
g_ncaMenuElements[idx] = &g_storageMenuElement;
g_ncaMenu.elements = g_ncaMenuElements;
if (element_count) *element_count = (idx + 1);
static void switchNcaListTitle(Menu **cur_menu, u32 *element_count, TitleInfo *title_info)
if (!cur_menu || !*cur_menu || (*cur_menu)->id != MenuId_Nca || !element_count || !title_info) return;
updateNcaList(title_info, element_count);
if (!g_ncaMenuElements || !g_ncaMenuElements[0])
consolePrint("\nfailed to generate nca list for newly selected title\npress any button to go back\n");
(*cur_menu)->selected = 0;
(*cur_menu)->scroll = 0;
*cur_menu = (*cur_menu)->parent;
*element_count = menuGetElementCount(*cur_menu);
void freeNcaFsSectionsList(void)
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
if (g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx)
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx = NULL;
if (g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements)
for(u32 i = 0; g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[i] != NULL; i++)
if (g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[i]->str) free(g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[i]->str);
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements = NULL;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenu.scroll = 0;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenu.selected = 0;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenu.elements = NULL;
void updateNcaFsSectionsList(NcaUserData *nca_user_data)
TitleInfo *title_info = nca_user_data->title_info;
NcmContentInfo *content_info = &(title_info->content_infos[nca_user_data->content_idx]);
u32 idx = 0;
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
/* Allocate buffer. */
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements = calloc(NCA_FS_HEADER_COUNT + 1, sizeof(MenuElement*)); // NULL terminator
/* Initialize NCA context. */
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaContext));
if (!ncaInitializeContext(g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(title_info->meta_key), content_info, NULL)) return;
/* Generate menu elements. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < NCA_FS_HEADER_COUNT; i++)
NcaFsSectionContext *cur_nca_fs_ctx = &(g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx->fs_ctx[i]);
char *nca_fs_info_str = NULL;
if (!g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx])
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx] = calloc(1, sizeof(MenuElement));
if (!g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx]) continue;
nca_fs_info_str = calloc(128, sizeof(char));
if (!nca_fs_info_str) continue;
if (cur_nca_fs_ctx->enabled)
sprintf(nca_fs_info_str, "FS section #%u: %s (%s)", i + 1, ncaGetFsSectionTypeName(cur_nca_fs_ctx), cur_nca_fs_ctx->section_size_str);
} else {
sprintf(nca_fs_info_str, "FS section #%u: %s", i + 1, ncaGetFsSectionTypeName(cur_nca_fs_ctx));
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx]->str = nca_fs_info_str;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx]->child_menu = &g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenu;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx]->userdata = cur_nca_fs_ctx;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenu.elements = g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements;
void freeNcaBasePatchList(void)
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
if (g_ncaBasePatchOptions)
/* Skip the first option. */
for(u32 i = 1; g_ncaBasePatchOptions[i]; i++)
g_ncaBasePatchOptions[i] = NULL;
g_ncaBasePatchOptions = NULL;
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption.selected = 0;
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption.options = NULL;
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[0]->userdata = g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[1]->userdata = NULL;
if (g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo && (g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent || g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch))
g_ncaUserTitleInfo = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp = NULL;
void updateNcaBasePatchList(TitleUserApplicationData *user_app_data, TitleInfo *title_info, NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx)
u32 elem_count = 1, idx = 1; // "no" option
TitleInfo *cur_title_info = NULL;
u8 title_type = title_info->meta_key.type;
u8 content_type = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx->content_type;
u8 section_type = nca_fs_ctx->section_type;
bool unsupported = false;
u32 selected_version = 0;
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
/* Only enable base/patch list if we're dealing with supported content types and/or FS section types. */
if ((content_type == NcmContentType_Program || content_type == NcmContentType_Data || content_type == NcmContentType_HtmlDocument) && section_type < NcaFsSectionType_Nca0RomFs)
/* Retrieve corresponding TitleInfo linked list for the current title type. */
case NcmContentMetaType_Application:
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = user_app_data->patch_info;
case NcmContentMetaType_Patch:
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = user_app_data->app_info;
case NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent:
case NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch:
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = titleGetAddOnContentBaseOrPatchList(title_info);
unsupported = true;
} else {
unsupported = true;
/* Calculate element count. */
elem_count += titleGetCountFromInfoBlock(g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
/* Allocate buffer. */
g_ncaBasePatchOptions = calloc(elem_count + 1, sizeof(char*)); // NULL terminator
/* Set first option. */
g_ncaBasePatchOptions[0] = (unsupported ? "unsupported by this content/section type combo" : (elem_count < 2 ? "none available" : "no"));
/* Generate base/patch strings. */
cur_title_info = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo;
if (!g_ncaBasePatchOptions[idx])
g_ncaBasePatchOptions[idx] = calloc(sizeof(char), 0x40);
if (!g_ncaBasePatchOptions[idx])
cur_title_info = cur_title_info->next;
snprintf(g_ncaBasePatchOptions[idx], 0x40, "%s v%u (v%u.%u) (%s)", titleGetNcmContentMetaTypeName(cur_title_info->meta_key.type), \
cur_title_info->version.value, cur_title_info->version.application_version.release_ver, cur_title_info->version.application_version.private_ver, \
/* Make sure the highest available base/patch title is automatically selected. */
if (cur_title_info->version.value >= selected_version && \
(((title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Application || title_type == NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent) && (!nca_fs_ctx->has_sparse_layer || cur_title_info->version.value >= title_info->version.value)) || \
((title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch || title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch) && cur_title_info->version.value <= title_info->version.value)))
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption.selected = idx;
selected_version = cur_title_info->version.value;
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = cur_title_info;
cur_title_info = cur_title_info->next;
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption.options = g_ncaBasePatchOptions;
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[0]->userdata = g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[1]->userdata = nca_fs_ctx;
g_ncaUserTitleInfo = title_info;
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp = (g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption.selected > 0 ? g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo : NULL);
NX_INLINE bool useUsbHost(void)
return (g_storageMenuElementOption.selected == 1);
static bool waitForGameCard(void)
consolePrint("waiting for gamecard... ");
time_t start = time(NULL);
u8 status = GameCardStatus_NotInserted;
while((g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop()))
if ((status = gamecardGetStatus()) > GameCardStatus_Processing) break;
time_t now = time(NULL);
time_t diff = (now - start);
if (diff >= WAIT_TIME_LIMIT) break;
consolePrint("%lu ", diff);
if (!g_appletStatus || status == GameCardStatus_NotInserted) return false;
case GameCardStatus_NoGameCardPatchEnabled:
consolePrint("\"nogc\" patch enabled, please disable it and reboot your console\n");
case GameCardStatus_LotusAsicFirmwareUpdateRequired:
consolePrint("gamecard controller firmware update required, please update your console\n");
case GameCardStatus_InsertedAndInfoNotLoaded:
consolePrint("unexpected I/O error occurred, please check the logfile\n");
if (status != GameCardStatus_InsertedAndInfoLoaded)
consolePrint("press any button to go back\n");
return false;
return true;
static bool waitForUsb(void)
consolePrint("waiting for usb session... ");
time_t start = time(NULL);
u8 usb_host_speed = UsbHostSpeed_None;
while((g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop()))
if ((usb_host_speed = usbIsReady()) != UsbHostSpeed_None) break;
time_t now = time(NULL);
time_t diff = (now - start);
if (diff >= WAIT_TIME_LIMIT) break;
consolePrint("%lu ", diff);
if (usb_host_speed != UsbHostSpeed_None) consolePrint("usb speed: %u.0\n", usb_host_speed);
return (g_appletStatus && usb_host_speed != UsbHostSpeed_None);
static bool saveFileData(const char *filepath, void *data, size_t data_size)
if (!filepath || !*filepath || !data || !data_size)
consolePrint("invalid parameters to save file data!\n");
return false;
if (useUsbHost())
if (!usbSendFileProperties(data_size, filepath))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filepath);
return false;
if (!usbSendFileData(data, data_size))
consolePrint("failed to send file data for \"%s\"!\n", filepath);
return false;
} else {
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filepath, false);
FILE *fp = fopen(filepath, "wb");
if (!fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filepath);
return false;
ftruncate(fileno(fp), (off_t)data_size);
size_t ret = fwrite(data, 1, data_size, fp);
if (g_storageMenuElementOption.selected == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
if (ret != data_size)
consolePrint("failed to write 0x%lX byte(s) to \"%s\"! (%d)\n", data_size, filepath, errno);
return true;
static char *generateOutputGameCardFileName(const char *subdir, const char *extension, bool use_nacp_name)
char *filename = NULL, *prefix = NULL, *output = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
if ((subdir && !*subdir) || !extension || !*extension || (use_nacp_name && !(filename = titleGenerateGameCardFileName(TitleNamingConvention_Full, dev_idx > 0 ? TitleFileNameIllegalCharReplaceType_IllegalFsChars : TitleFileNameIllegalCharReplaceType_KeepAsciiCharsOnly))))
consolePrint("failed to generate gamecard filename!\n");
goto end;
prefix = calloc(sizeof(char), FS_MAX_PATH);
if (!prefix)
consolePrint("failed to generate prefix!\n");
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1) sprintf(prefix, "%s/" OUTDIR, dev_idx == 0 ? DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE : g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].name);
if (subdir)
if (subdir[0] != '/') strcat(prefix, "/");
strcat(prefix, subdir);
output = (use_nacp_name ? utilsGeneratePath(prefix, filename, extension) : utilsGeneratePath(prefix, extension, NULL));
if (!output) consolePrint("failed to generate output filename!\n");
if (prefix) free(prefix);
if (filename) free(filename);
return output;
static char *generateOutputTitleFileName(TitleInfo *title_info, const char *subdir, const char *extension)
char *filename = NULL, *prefix = NULL, *output = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
if (!title_info || (subdir && !*subdir) || !extension || !*extension || !(filename = titleGenerateFileName(title_info, TitleNamingConvention_Full, dev_idx > 0 ? TitleFileNameIllegalCharReplaceType_IllegalFsChars : TitleFileNameIllegalCharReplaceType_KeepAsciiCharsOnly)))
consolePrint("failed to generate title filename!\n");
goto end;
prefix = calloc(sizeof(char), FS_MAX_PATH);
if (!prefix)
consolePrint("failed to generate prefix!\n");
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1) sprintf(prefix, "%s/" OUTDIR, dev_idx == 0 ? DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE : g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].name);
if (subdir)
if (subdir[0] != '/') strcat(prefix, "/");
strcat(prefix, subdir);
output = utilsGeneratePath(prefix, filename, extension);
if (!output) consolePrint("failed to generate output filename!\n");
if (prefix) free(prefix);
if (filename) free(filename);
return output;
static char *generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(u64 title_id, const char *subdir, const char *extension)
char *prefix = NULL, *output = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
if ((subdir && !*subdir) || !extension || !*extension)
consolePrint("failed to generate title filename!\n");
goto end;
prefix = calloc(sizeof(char), FS_MAX_PATH);
if (!prefix)
consolePrint("failed to generate prefix!\n");
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1) sprintf(prefix, "%s", dev_idx == 0 ? DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE : g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].name);
sprintf(prefix + strlen(prefix), "/atmosphere/contents/%016lX", title_id);
if (subdir)
if (subdir[0] != '/') strcat(prefix, "/");
strcat(prefix, subdir);
output = utilsGeneratePath(prefix, extension, NULL);
if (!output) consolePrint("failed to generate output filename!\n");
if (prefix) free(prefix);
return output;
static bool dumpGameCardSecurityInformation(GameCardSecurityInformation *out)
if (!out)
consolePrint("invalid parameters to dump gamecard security information!\n");
return false;
if (!gamecardGetSecurityInformation(out))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard security information\n");
return false;
consolePrint("get gamecard security information ok\n");
return true;
static bool resetSettings(void *userdata)
consolePrint("are you sure you want to reset all settings to their default values?\n");
consolePrint("press a to proceed, or b to cancel\n\n");
u64 btn_down = utilsWaitForButtonPress(HidNpadButton_A | HidNpadButton_B);
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_A)
consolePrint("settings successfully reset\n");
return false;
static bool saveGameCardImage(void *userdata)
u64 gc_size = 0, free_space = 0;
u32 key_area_crc = 0;
GameCardKeyArea gc_key_area = {0};
GameCardSecurityInformation gc_security_information = {0};
XciThreadData xci_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(xci_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
char *filename = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool prepend_key_area = (bool)getGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption();
bool keep_certificate = (bool)getGameCardKeepCertificateOption();
bool trim_dump = (bool)getGameCardTrimDumpOption();
bool calculate_checksum = (bool)getGameCardCalculateChecksumOption();
bool success = false;
consolePrint("gamecard image dump\nprepend key area: %s | keep certificate: %s | trim dump: %s | calculate checksum: %s\n\n", prepend_key_area ? "yes" : "no", keep_certificate ? "yes" : "no", trim_dump ? "yes" : "no", calculate_checksum ? "yes" : "no");
if ((!trim_dump && !gamecardGetTotalSize(&gc_size)) || (trim_dump && !gamecardGetTrimmedSize(&gc_size)) || !gc_size)
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard size!\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->total_size = gc_size;
consolePrint("gamecard size: 0x%lX\n", gc_size);
if (prepend_key_area)
gc_size += sizeof(GameCardKeyArea);
if (!dumpGameCardSecurityInformation(&gc_security_information)) goto end;
memcpy(&(gc_key_area.initial_data), &(gc_security_information.initial_data), sizeof(GameCardInitialData));
if (calculate_checksum)
key_area_crc = crc32Calculate(&gc_key_area, sizeof(GameCardKeyArea));
xci_thread_data.full_xci_crc = key_area_crc;
consolePrint("gamecard size (with key area): 0x%lX\n", gc_size);
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " [%s][%s][%s].xci", prepend_key_area ? "KA" : "NKA", keep_certificate ? "C" : "NC", trim_dump ? "T" : "NT");
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileProperties(gc_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
if (prepend_key_area && !usbSendFileData(&gc_key_area, sizeof(GameCardKeyArea)))
consolePrint("failed to send gamecard key area data!\n");
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (gc_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (gc_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && gc_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filename);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
if (prepend_key_area && fwrite(&gc_key_area, 1, sizeof(GameCardKeyArea), shared_thread_data->fp) != sizeof(GameCardKeyArea))
consolePrint("failed to write gamecard key area data!\n");
goto end;
success = spanDumpThreads(xciReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &xci_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved xci as \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (calculate_checksum)
if (prepend_key_area) consolePrint("key area crc: %08X | ", key_area_crc);
consolePrint("xci crc: %08X", xci_thread_data.xci_crc);
if (prepend_key_area) consolePrint(" | xci crc (with key area): %08X", xci_thread_data.full_xci_crc);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardHeader(void *userdata)
GameCardHeader gc_header = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetHeader(&gc_header))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard header\n");
goto end;
consolePrint("get gamecard header ok\n");
crc = crc32Calculate(&gc_header, sizeof(GameCardHeader));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Header) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &gc_header, sizeof(GameCardHeader))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved header as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardCardInfo(void *userdata)
GameCardInfo gc_cardinfo = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetPlaintextCardInfoArea(&gc_cardinfo))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard cardinfo\n");
goto end;
consolePrint("get gamecard cardinfo ok\n");
crc = crc32Calculate(&gc_cardinfo, sizeof(GameCardInfo));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (CardInfo) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &gc_cardinfo, sizeof(GameCardInfo))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved cardinfo dump as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardCertificate(void *userdata)
FsGameCardCertificate gc_cert = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetCertificate(&gc_cert))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard certificate\n");
goto end;
consolePrint("get gamecard certificate ok\n");
crc = crc32Calculate(&gc_cert, sizeof(FsGameCardCertificate));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Certificate) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &gc_cert, sizeof(FsGameCardCertificate))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved certificate as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardInitialData(void *userdata)
GameCardSecurityInformation gc_security_information = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!dumpGameCardSecurityInformation(&gc_security_information)) goto end;
crc = crc32Calculate(&(gc_security_information.initial_data), sizeof(GameCardInitialData));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Initial Data) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &(gc_security_information.initial_data), sizeof(GameCardInitialData))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved initial data as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
/* This will save the Gamecard Specific Data. Its format is specific and internal to the current LAFW firmware version and session of the GCBRG ASIC. */
/* Depending on which Switch system version the gamecard was dumped from, this data can change. */
/* Even re-inserting the gamecard will change parts of this data. */
/* For this reason the gamecard specific data is mostly uninteresting for gamecard preservation. */
/* Instead, take a look at saveGameCardIdSet and saveGameCardUid which is a more standardised format of the Gamecard ID data. */
static bool saveGameCardSpecificData(void *userdata)
GameCardSecurityInformation gc_security_information = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!dumpGameCardSecurityInformation(&gc_security_information)) goto end;
crc = crc32Calculate(&(gc_security_information.specific_data), sizeof(GameCardSpecificData));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Specific Data) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &(gc_security_information.specific_data), sizeof(GameCardSpecificData))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved specific data as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardIdSet(void *userdata)
FsGameCardIdSet id_set = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetCardIdSet(&id_set))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard id set\n");
goto end;
crc = crc32Calculate(&id_set, sizeof(FsGameCardIdSet));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Card ID Set) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &id_set, sizeof(FsGameCardIdSet))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved gamecard id set as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardUid(void *userdata)
GameCardSecurityInformation gc_security_information = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetSecurityInformation(&gc_security_information))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard security information\n");
goto end;
crc = crc32Calculate(gc_security_information.specific_data.card_uid, sizeof(gc_security_information.specific_data.card_uid));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Card UID) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, gc_security_information.specific_data.card_uid, sizeof(gc_security_information.specific_data.card_uid))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved gamecard uid as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardHfsPartition(void *userdata)
u32 hfs_partition_type = (userdata ? *((u32*)userdata) : HashFileSystemPartitionType_None);
bool write_raw_hfs_partition = (bool)getGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption();
HashFileSystemContext hfs_ctx = {0};
bool success = false;
if (hfs_partition_type < HashFileSystemPartitionType_Root || hfs_partition_type > HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure)
consolePrint("invalid hfs partition type! (%u)\n", hfs_partition_type);
goto end;
if (!gamecardGetHashFileSystemContext(hfs_partition_type, &hfs_ctx))
consolePrint("get hfs ctx failed! this partition type may not exist within the inserted gamecard\n");
goto end;
success = (write_raw_hfs_partition ? saveGameCardRawHfsPartition(&hfs_ctx) : saveGameCardExtractedHfsPartition(&hfs_ctx));
return success;
static bool saveGameCardRawHfsPartition(HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx)
u64 free_space = 0;
HfsThreadData hfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(hfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
char *filename = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool success = false;
hfs_thread_data.hfs_ctx = hfs_ctx;
shared_thread_data->total_size = hfs_ctx->size;
consolePrint("raw %s hfs partition size: 0x%lX\n", hfs_ctx->name, hfs_ctx->size);
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "/%s.hfs0", hfs_ctx->name);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("HFS/Raw", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileProperties(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filename);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(rawHfsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &hfs_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved raw hfs partition as \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardExtractedHfsPartition(HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx)
u64 data_size = 0;
HfsThreadData hfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(hfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
bool success = false;
if (!hfsGetTotalDataSize(hfs_ctx, &data_size))
consolePrint("failed to calculate extracted %s hfs partition size!\n", hfs_ctx->name);
goto end;
if (!data_size)
consolePrint("%s hfs partition is empty!\n", hfs_ctx->name);
goto end;
hfs_thread_data.hfs_ctx = hfs_ctx;
shared_thread_data->total_size = data_size;
consolePrint("extracted %s hfs partition size: 0x%lX\n", hfs_ctx->name, data_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(extractedHfsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &hfs_thread_data);
return success;
static bool browseGameCardHfsPartition(void *userdata)
u32 hfs_partition_type = (userdata ? *((u32*)userdata) : HashFileSystemPartitionType_None);
HashFileSystemContext hfs_ctx = {0};
char mount_name[DEVOPTAB_MOUNT_NAME_LENGTH] = {0}, subdir[0x20] = {0}, *base_out_path = NULL;
bool success = false;
if (hfs_partition_type < HashFileSystemPartitionType_Root || hfs_partition_type > HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure)
consolePrint("invalid hfs partition type! (%u)\n", hfs_partition_type);
goto end;
if (!gamecardGetHashFileSystemContext(hfs_partition_type, &hfs_ctx))
consolePrint("get hfs ctx failed! this partition type may not exist within the inserted gamecard\n");
goto end;
/* Mount devoptab device. */
snprintf(mount_name, MAX_ELEMENTS(mount_name), "hfs%s", hfs_ctx.name);
if (!devoptabMountHashFileSystemDevice(&hfs_ctx, mount_name))
consolePrint("hfs ctx devoptab mount failed!\n");
goto end;
/* Generate output base path. */
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "/%s", hfs_ctx.name);
base_out_path = generateOutputGameCardFileName("HFS/Extracted", subdir, true);
if (!base_out_path) goto end;
/* Display file browser. */
success = fsBrowser(mount_name, base_out_path);
/* Unmount devoptab device. */
/* Free data. */
if (base_out_path) free(base_out_path);
if (!success && g_appletStatus)
consolePrint("press any button to continue\n");
return success;
static bool saveConsoleLafwBlob(void *userdata)
u64 lafw_version = 0;
LotusAsicFirmwareBlob lafw_blob = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
const char *fw_type_str = NULL, *dev_type_str = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetLotusAsicFirmwareBlob(&lafw_blob, &lafw_version))
consolePrint("failed to get console lafw blob\n");
goto end;
fw_type_str = gamecardGetLafwTypeString(lafw_blob.fw_type);
if (!fw_type_str) fw_type_str = "Unknown";
dev_type_str = gamecardGetLafwDeviceTypeString(lafw_blob.device_type);
if (!dev_type_str) dev_type_str = "Unknown";
consolePrint("get console lafw blob ok\n");
crc = crc32Calculate(&lafw_blob, sizeof(LotusAsicFirmwareBlob));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "LAFW (%s) (%s) (v%lu) (%08X).bin", fw_type_str, dev_type_str, lafw_version, crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName(NULL, path, false);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &lafw_blob, sizeof(LotusAsicFirmwareBlob))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved lafw blob as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveNintendoSubmissionPackage(void *userdata)
if (!userdata) return false;
TitleInfo *title_info = (TitleInfo*)userdata;
TitleApplicationMetadata *app_metadata = title_info->app_metadata;
NspThreadData nsp_thread_data = {0};
Thread dump_thread = {0};
time_t start = 0, btn_cancel_start_tmr = 0, btn_cancel_end_tmr = 0;
bool btn_cancel_cur_state = false, btn_cancel_prev_state = false, success = false;
u64 prev_size = 0;
u8 prev_time = 0, percent = 0;
consolePrint("%s info:\n\n", title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Application ? "base application" : \
(title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? "update" : \
(title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent ? "dlc" : "dlc update")));
if (app_metadata)
consolePrint("name: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.name);
consolePrint("publisher: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.author);
consolePrint("source storage: %s\n", titleGetNcmStorageIdName(title_info->storage_id));
consolePrint("title id: %016lX\n", title_info->meta_key.id);
consolePrint("version: %u (%u.%u.%u-%u.%u)\n", title_info->version.value, title_info->version.system_version.major, title_info->version.system_version.minor, \
title_info->version.system_version.micro, title_info->version.system_version.major_relstep, \
consolePrint("content count: %u\n", title_info->content_count);
consolePrint("size: %s\n", title_info->size_str);
/* Create dump thread. */
nsp_thread_data.data = title_info;
utilsCreateThread(&dump_thread, nspThreadFunc, &nsp_thread_data, 2);
/* Wait until the background thread calculates the NSP size. */
while(!nsp_thread_data.total_size && !nsp_thread_data.error) utilsAppletLoopDelay();
if (nsp_thread_data.error)
return false;
/* Start dump. */
start = time(NULL);
while(nsp_thread_data.data_written < nsp_thread_data.total_size)
g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop();
if (!g_appletStatus)
nsp_thread_data.transfer_cancelled = true;
if (nsp_thread_data.error || nsp_thread_data.transfer_cancelled) break;
struct tm ts = {0};
time_t now = time(NULL);
localtime_r(&now, &ts);
size_t size = nsp_thread_data.data_written;
btn_cancel_cur_state = (utilsGetButtonsHeld() & HidNpadButton_B);
if (btn_cancel_cur_state && btn_cancel_cur_state != btn_cancel_prev_state)
btn_cancel_start_tmr = now;
} else
if (btn_cancel_cur_state && btn_cancel_cur_state == btn_cancel_prev_state)
btn_cancel_end_tmr = now;
if ((btn_cancel_end_tmr - btn_cancel_start_tmr) >= 3)
nsp_thread_data.transfer_cancelled = true;
} else {
btn_cancel_start_tmr = btn_cancel_end_tmr = 0;
btn_cancel_prev_state = btn_cancel_cur_state;
if (prev_time == ts.tm_sec || prev_size == size) continue;
percent = (u8)((size * 100) / nsp_thread_data.total_size);
prev_time = ts.tm_sec;
prev_size = size;
consolePrint("%lu / %lu (%u%%) | Time elapsed: %lu\n", size, nsp_thread_data.total_size, percent, (now - start));
consolePrint("\nwaiting for thread to join\n");
consolePrint("dump_thread done: %lu\n", time(NULL));
if (nsp_thread_data.error)
consolePrint("i/o error\n");
} else
if (nsp_thread_data.transfer_cancelled)
consolePrint("process cancelled\n");
} else {
start = (time(NULL) - start);
consolePrint("process completed in %lu seconds\n", start);
success = true;
return success;
static bool saveTicket(void *userdata)
TitleInfo *title_info = (TitleInfo*)userdata;
u8 content_type = 0;
NcmContentInfo *content_info = NULL;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = NULL;
Ticket tik = {0};
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
bool remove_console_data = (bool)getTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption();
bool success = false;
if (!title_info || title_info->meta_key.type < NcmContentMetaType_Application || title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Delta || \
title_info->meta_key.type > NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch)
consolePrint("invalid title info object\n");
return false;
/* Get a NcmContentInfo entry for a potential NCA with a rights ID. */
content_type = ((title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Application || title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch) ? NcmContentType_Program : NcmContentType_Data);
content_info = titleGetContentInfoByTypeAndIdOffset(title_info, content_type, 0);
if (!content_info)
consolePrint("content info entry with type 0x%X unavailable\n", content_type);
return false;
/* Allocate buffer for NCA context. */
if (!(nca_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaContext))))
consolePrint("nca ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
/* Initialize NCA context. */
if (!ncaInitializeContext(nca_ctx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(title_info->meta_key), content_info, &tik))
consolePrint("nca initialize ctx failed\n");
goto end;
/* Check if a ticket was retrieved. */
if (!nca_ctx->rights_id_available)
consolePrint("rights id unavailable in target title -- this title doesn't use titlekey crypto\nthere's no ticket to be retrieved\n");
goto end;
if (!nca_ctx->titlekey_retrieved)
consolePrint("failed to retrieve ticket (unavailable?)\ntry launching nxdumptool while overriding the title you wish to dump a ticket from\n");
goto end;
/* Remove console-specific data, if needed. */
if (remove_console_data && tikIsPersonalizedTicket(&tik) && !tikConvertPersonalizedTicketToCommonTicket(&tik, NULL, NULL))
consolePrint("failed to convert personalized ticket to common ticket\n");
goto end;
/* Save ticket. */
crc = crc32Calculate(tik.data, tik.size);
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (%08X).tik", crc);
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, "Ticket", path);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, tik.data, tik.size)) goto end;
consolePrint("rights id: %s\n", tik.rights_id_str);
consolePrint("encrypted titlekey: %s\n", tik.enc_titlekey_str);
consolePrint("decrypted titlekey: %s\n\n", tik.dec_titlekey_str);
consolePrint("successfully saved ticket as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
if (nca_ctx) free(nca_ctx);
return success;
static bool saveNintendoContentArchive(void *userdata)
if (!userdata) return false;
NcaUserData *nca_user_data = (NcaUserData*)userdata;
TitleInfo *title_info = nca_user_data->title_info;
NcmContentInfo *content_info = &(title_info->content_infos[nca_user_data->content_idx]);
NcaThreadData nca_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(nca_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
u64 free_space = 0;
char *filename = NULL, subdir[0x20] = {0};
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool success = false;
/* Allocate buffer for NCA context. */
if (!(nca_thread_data.nca_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaContext))))
consolePrint("nca ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
/* Initialize NCA context. */
if (!ncaInitializeContext(nca_thread_data.nca_ctx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(title_info->meta_key), content_info, NULL))
consolePrint("nca initialize ctx failed\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->total_size = nca_thread_data.nca_ctx->content_size;
consolePrint("nca size: 0x%lX\n", shared_thread_data->total_size);
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA/%s", nca_thread_data.nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "/%s.%s", nca_thread_data.nca_ctx->content_id_str, content_info->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta ? "cnmt.nca" : "nca");
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, path);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileProperties(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filename);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(ncaReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &nca_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved nca as \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (filename) free(filename);
if (nca_thread_data.nca_ctx) free(nca_thread_data.nca_ctx);
return success;
static bool saveNintendoContentArchiveFsSection(void *userdata)
u8 section_type = 0;
bool use_layeredfs_dir = false;
NcaContext *base_patch_nca_ctx = NULL;
void *fs_ctx = NULL;
bool write_raw_section = (bool)getNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption();
bool success = false;
/* Initialize NCA FS section context. */
if (!initializeNcaFsContext(userdata, §ion_type, &use_layeredfs_dir, &base_patch_nca_ctx, &fs_ctx)) return false;
/* Perform requested operation. */
if (section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PartitionFs)
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx = (PartitionFileSystemContext*)fs_ctx;
success = (write_raw_section ? saveRawPartitionFsSection(pfs_ctx, use_layeredfs_dir) : saveExtractedPartitionFsSection(pfs_ctx, use_layeredfs_dir));
} else {
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx = (RomFileSystemContext*)fs_ctx;
success = (write_raw_section ? saveRawRomFsSection(romfs_ctx, use_layeredfs_dir) : saveExtractedRomFsSection(romfs_ctx, use_layeredfs_dir));
/* Free data. */
return success;
static bool browseNintendoContentArchiveFsSection(void *userdata)
u8 section_type = 0;
bool use_layeredfs_dir = false;
NcaContext *base_patch_nca_ctx = NULL;
void *fs_ctx = NULL;
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx = NULL;
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx = NULL;
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = NULL;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = NULL;
u64 title_id = 0;
u8 title_type = 0;
char mount_name[DEVOPTAB_MOUNT_NAME_LENGTH] = {0}, subdir[0x20] = {0}, extension[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
char *base_out_path = NULL;
bool success = false;
/* Initialize NCA FS section context. */
if (!initializeNcaFsContext(userdata, §ion_type, &use_layeredfs_dir, &base_patch_nca_ctx, &fs_ctx)) goto end;
/* Mount devoptab device. */
if (section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PartitionFs)
pfs_ctx = (PartitionFileSystemContext*)fs_ctx;
nca_fs_ctx = pfs_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
snprintf(mount_name, MAX_ELEMENTS(mount_name), "%s", pfs_ctx->is_exefs ? "ncaexefs" : "ncapfs");
if (!devoptabMountPartitionFileSystemDevice(pfs_ctx, mount_name))
consolePrint("pfs ctx devoptab mount failed!\n");
goto end;
} else {
romfs_ctx = (RomFileSystemContext*)fs_ctx;
nca_fs_ctx = romfs_ctx->default_storage_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
snprintf(mount_name, MAX_ELEMENTS(mount_name), "ncaromfs");
if (!devoptabMountRomFileSystemDevice(romfs_ctx, mount_name))
consolePrint("romfs ctx devoptab mount failed!\n");
goto end;
/* Generate output base path. */
nca_ctx = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx;
title_id = nca_ctx->title_id;
title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
if (use_layeredfs_dir)
/* Only use base title IDs if we're dealing with patches. */
title_id = (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? titleGetApplicationIdByPatchId(title_id) : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch ? titleGetAddOnContentIdByDataPatchId(title_id) : title_id));
base_out_path = generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(title_id + nca_ctx->id_offset, NULL, section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PartitionFs ? "exefs" : "romfs");
} else {
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA FS/%s/Extracted", nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(extension, MAX_ELEMENTS(extension), "/%s #%u/%u", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), nca_ctx->id_offset, nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
TitleInfo *title_info = (title_id == g_ncaUserTitleInfo->meta_key.id ? g_ncaUserTitleInfo : g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
base_out_path = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, extension);
if (!base_out_path) goto end;
/* Display file browser. */
success = fsBrowser(mount_name, base_out_path);
/* Unmount devoptab device. */
/* Free data. */
if (base_out_path) free(base_out_path);
if (pfs_ctx) pfsFreeContext(pfs_ctx);
if (romfs_ctx) romfsFreeContext(romfs_ctx);
if (fs_ctx) free(fs_ctx);
if (base_patch_nca_ctx) free(base_patch_nca_ctx);
if (!success && g_appletStatus)
consolePrint("press any button to continue\n");
return success;
static bool fsBrowser(const char *mount_name, const char *base_out_path)
char dir_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
size_t dir_path_len = 0;
FsBrowserEntry *entries = NULL;
u32 entries_count = 0, depth = 0;
u32 scroll = 0, selected = 0, highlighted = 0, page_size = 20;
bool success = true;
/* Get root directory entries. */
snprintf(dir_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(dir_path), "%s:/", mount_name);
dir_path_len = strlen(dir_path);
if (!(success = fsBrowserGetDirEntries(dir_path, &entries, &entries_count))) goto end;
while((g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop()))
consolePrint("press a to enter a directory / dump a file\n");
consolePrint("press b to %s\n", depth > 0 ? "move back to the parent dir" : "exit the fs browser");
consolePrint("press r to (un)highlight the selected entry\n");
consolePrint("press l to invert the current selection\n");
consolePrint("press zr to highlight all entries\n");
consolePrint("press zl to unhighlight all entries\n");
consolePrint("press y to dump the highlighted entries\n");
consolePrint("use the sticks to scroll faster\n");
consolePrint("press + to exit\n");
consolePrint("entry: %u / %u\n", selected + 1, entries_count);
consolePrint("highlighted: %u / %u\n", highlighted, entries_count);
consolePrint("current path: %s\n", dir_path);
for(u32 i = scroll; i < entries_count; i++)
if (i >= (scroll + page_size)) break;
FsBrowserEntry *cur_entry = &(entries[i]);
consolePrint("%s", i == selected ? " -> " : " ");
if (cur_entry->highlight)
consolePrintReversedColors("[%c] %s", cur_entry->dt.d_type == DT_DIR ? 'D' : 'F', cur_entry->dt.d_name);
if (cur_entry->dt.d_type == DT_REG) consolePrintReversedColors(" (%s)", cur_entry->size_str);
} else {
consolePrint("[%c] %s", cur_entry->dt.d_type == DT_DIR ? 'D' : 'F', cur_entry->dt.d_name);
if (cur_entry->dt.d_type == DT_REG) consolePrint(" (%s)", cur_entry->size_str);
if (!entries_count) consolePrint("no elements available!");
u64 btn_down = 0, btn_held = 0;
while((g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop()))
btn_down = utilsGetButtonsDown();
btn_held = utilsGetButtonsHeld();
if (btn_down || btn_held) break;
if (!g_appletStatus) break;
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_A) && entries_count)
FsBrowserEntry *selected_entry = &(entries[selected]);
if (selected_entry->dt.d_type == DT_DIR)
/* Change directory. */
snprintf(dir_path + dir_path_len, MAX_ELEMENTS(dir_path) - dir_path_len, "%s%s", depth > 0 ? "/" : "", selected_entry->dt.d_name);
if (!(success = fsBrowserGetDirEntries(dir_path, &entries, &entries_count))) break;
/* Update variables. */
dir_path_len = strlen(dir_path);
scroll = selected = highlighted = 0;
} else {
/* Dump file. */
fsBrowserDumpFile(dir_path, selected_entry, base_out_path);
} else
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_B)
if (depth > 0)
/* Go back to the parent directory. */
char *ptr = strrchr(dir_path, '/');
if (depth > 1)
*ptr = '\0';
} else {
*(++ptr) = '\0';
if (!(success = fsBrowserGetDirEntries(dir_path, &entries, &entries_count))) break;
/* Update variables. */
dir_path_len = strlen(dir_path);
scroll = selected = highlighted = 0;
} else {
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_R) && entries_count)
/* (Un)highlight the selected entry. */
FsBrowserEntry *selected_entry = &(entries[selected]);
selected_entry->highlight ^= 1;
highlighted += (selected_entry->highlight ? 1 : -1);
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_L) && entries_count)
/* Invert current selection. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++)
FsBrowserEntry *cur_entry = &(entries[i]);
cur_entry->highlight ^= 1;
highlighted += (cur_entry->highlight ? 1 : -1);
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_ZR) && entries_count)
/* Highlight all entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++) entries[i].highlight = true;
/* Update counter. */
highlighted = entries_count;
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_ZL) && entries_count)
/* Unhighlight all entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++) entries[i].highlight = false;
/* Reset counter. */
highlighted = 0;
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Y) && entries_count && highlighted)
/* Dump highlighted entries. */
fsBrowserDumpHighlightedEntries(dir_path, entries, entries_count, base_out_path);
/* Unhighlight all entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++) entries[i].highlight = false;
/* Reset counter. */
highlighted = 0;
} else
if (((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Down) || (btn_held & (HidNpadButton_StickLDown | HidNpadButton_StickRDown))) && entries_count)
if (selected >= entries_count)
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Down)
scroll = 0;
selected = 0;
} else {
} else
if (selected >= (scroll + (page_size / 2)) && entries_count > (scroll + page_size))
} else
if (((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Up) || (btn_held & (HidNpadButton_StickLUp | HidNpadButton_StickRUp))) && entries_count)
if (selected == UINT32_MAX)
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Up)
selected = (entries_count - 1);
scroll = (entries_count >= page_size ? (entries_count - page_size) : 0);
} else {
selected = 0;
} else
if (selected < (scroll + (page_size / 2)) && scroll > 0)
} else
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Plus)
g_appletStatus = false;
if (entries) free(entries);
return success;
static bool fsBrowserGetDirEntries(const char *dir_path, FsBrowserEntry **out_entries, u32 *out_entry_count)
DIR *dp = NULL;
struct dirent *dt = NULL;
struct stat st = {0};
FsBrowserEntry *entries = NULL, *entries_tmp = NULL;
char tmp_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
u32 count = 0;
bool append_path_sep = (dir_path[strlen(dir_path) - 1] != '/');
bool success = false;
/* Free input pointer, if needed. */
if (*out_entries)
*out_entries = NULL;
/* Open directory. */
dp = opendir(dir_path);
if (!dp)
consolePrint("failed to open dir \"%s\"\n", dir_path);
goto end;
/* Get entry count. */
while((dt = readdir(dp)))
/* Skip "." and ".." entries. */
if (!strcmp(dt->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dt->d_name, "..")) continue;
/* Reallocate directory entries buffer. */
if (!(entries_tmp = realloc(entries, (count + 1) * sizeof(FsBrowserEntry))))
consolePrint("failed to allocate memory for dir entries in \"%s\"\n", dir_path);
goto end;
entries = entries_tmp;
entries_tmp = NULL;
/* Store entry data. */
FsBrowserEntry *cur_entry = &(entries[count++]);
memset(cur_entry, 0, sizeof(FsBrowserEntry));
if (dt->d_type == DT_REG)
/* Get file size. */
snprintf(tmp_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(tmp_path), "%s%s%s", dir_path, append_path_sep ? "/" : "", dt->d_name);
stat(tmp_path, &st);
cur_entry->size = st.st_size;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)st.st_size, cur_entry->size_str, sizeof(cur_entry->size_str));
memcpy(&(cur_entry->dt), dt, sizeof(struct dirent));
/* Short-circuit: handle empty directories. */
if (!entries)
*out_entry_count = 0;
success = true;
goto end;
/* Update output pointers. */
*out_entries = entries;
*out_entry_count = count;
/* Update return value. */
success = true;
if (dp) closedir(dp);
if (!success && entries) free(entries);
return success;
static bool fsBrowserDumpFile(const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entry, const char *base_out_path)
u64 free_space = 0;
FsBrowserFileThreadData fs_browser_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(fs_browser_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool success = false;
shared_thread_data->total_size = entry->size;
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "%s%s%s", dir_path, dir_path[strlen(dir_path) - 1] != '/' ? "/" : "", entry->dt.d_name);
consolePrint("file path: %s\n", path);
consolePrint("file size: 0x%lX\n\n", entry->size);
/* Open input file. */
fs_browser_thread_data.src = fopen(path, "rb");
if (!fs_browser_thread_data.src)
consolePrint("failed to open input file!\n");
goto end;
setvbuf(fs_browser_thread_data.src, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
const char *dir_path_start = (strchr(dir_path, '/') + 1);
if (*dir_path_start)
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "%s/%s/%s", base_out_path, dir_path_start, entry->dt.d_name);
} else {
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "%s/%s", base_out_path, entry->dt.d_name);
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!waitForUsb()) goto end;
if (!usbSendFileProperties(shared_thread_data->total_size, path))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", path);
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(path, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(path, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(path))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", path);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(path, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", path);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(fsBrowserFileReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &fs_browser_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved file to \"%s\"\n", path);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (fs_browser_thread_data.src) fclose(fs_browser_thread_data.src);
consolePrint("press any button to continue\n");
return success;
static bool fsBrowserDumpHighlightedEntries(const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entries, u32 entries_count, const char *base_out_path)
bool append_path_sep = (dir_path[strlen(dir_path) - 1] != '/');
u64 data_size = 0;
FsBrowserHighlightedEntriesThreadData fs_browser_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(fs_browser_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
bool success = false;
consolePrint("calculating dump size...\n");
/* Calculate dump size. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++)
const FsBrowserEntry *cur_entry = &(entries[i]);
if (!cur_entry->highlight) continue;
if (cur_entry->dt.d_type == DT_DIR)
/* Get directory size. */
u64 dir_size = 0;
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "%s%s%s", dir_path, append_path_sep ? "/" : "", cur_entry->dt.d_name);
if (!utilsGetDirectorySize(path, &dir_size))
consolePrint("failed to calculate size for dir \"%s\"\n", path);
goto end;
/* Update dump size. */
data_size += dir_size;
} else {
/* Update dump size. */
data_size += cur_entry->size;
fs_browser_thread_data.dir_path = dir_path;
fs_browser_thread_data.entries = entries;
fs_browser_thread_data.entries_count = entries_count;
fs_browser_thread_data.base_out_path = base_out_path;
shared_thread_data->total_size = data_size;
consolePrint("dump size: 0x%lX\n", data_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &fs_browser_thread_data);
consolePrint("press any button to continue\n");
return success;
static bool initializeNcaFsContext(void *userdata, u8 *out_section_type, bool *out_use_layeredfs_dir, NcaContext **out_base_patch_nca_ctx, void **out_fs_ctx)
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = (NcaFsSectionContext*)userdata;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = (nca_fs_ctx ? nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx : NULL);
/* Sanity checks. */
if (!g_ncaUserTitleInfo || !nca_fs_ctx || !nca_ctx || !nca_fs_ctx->enabled || nca_fs_ctx->section_type > NcaFsSectionType_Nca0RomFs || \
(nca_fs_ctx->section_type == NcaFsSectionType_Nca0RomFs && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo))
consolePrint("invalid nca fs parameters!\n");
return false;
if (nca_fs_ctx->has_sparse_layer)
if (!g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo)
consolePrint("the selected nca fs section holds a sparse storage\na matching patch of at least v%u must be selected\n", nca_ctx->title_version.value);
return false;
} else
if (g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->version.value < nca_ctx->title_version.value)
consolePrint("the selected patch doesn't meet the sparse storage version requirement!\nv%u < v%u\n", g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->version.value, nca_ctx->title_version.value);
return false;
if (nca_fs_ctx->section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PatchRomFs && !g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo)
consolePrint("patch romfs section selected but no base app provided\n");
return false;
u8 title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
u8 content_type = nca_ctx->content_type;
u8 section_type = nca_fs_ctx->section_type;
NcmContentInfo *base_patch_content_info = (g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo ? titleGetContentInfoByTypeAndIdOffset(g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo, content_type, nca_ctx->id_offset) : NULL);
NcaContext *base_patch_nca_ctx = NULL;
NcaFsSectionContext *base_patch_nca_fs_ctx = NULL;
bool use_layeredfs_dir = (bool)getNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption();
bool success = false;
/* Override LayeredFS flag, if needed. */
if (use_layeredfs_dir && \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Unknown || (title_type > NcmContentMetaType_SystemData && title_type < NcmContentMetaType_Application) || \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_SystemProgram && (content_type != NcmContentType_Program || nca_fs_ctx->section_idx != 0)) || \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_SystemData && (content_type != NcmContentType_Data || nca_fs_ctx->section_idx != 0)) || \
((title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Application || title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch) && (content_type != NcmContentType_Program || nca_fs_ctx->section_idx > 1)) || \
((title_type == NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent || title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch) && (content_type != NcmContentType_Data || nca_fs_ctx->section_idx != 0))))
consolePrint("layeredfs setting disabled (unsupported by current content/section type combo)\n");
use_layeredfs_dir = false;
/* Initialize base/patch NCA context, if needed. */
if (base_patch_content_info)
base_patch_nca_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaContext));
if (!base_patch_nca_ctx)
consolePrint("failed to allocate memory for base/patch nca ctx!\n");
goto end;
if (!ncaInitializeContext(base_patch_nca_ctx, g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->storage_id, (g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->meta_key), base_patch_content_info, NULL))
consolePrint("failed to initialize base/patch nca ctx!\n");
goto end;
/* Use a matching NCA FS section entry. */
base_patch_nca_fs_ctx = &(base_patch_nca_ctx->fs_ctx[nca_fs_ctx->section_idx]);
if (section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PartitionFs)
/* Select the right NCA FS section context, depending on the sparse layer flag. */
NcaFsSectionContext *pfs_nca_fs_ctx = ((title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Application && base_patch_nca_fs_ctx && base_patch_nca_fs_ctx->enabled) ? base_patch_nca_fs_ctx : nca_fs_ctx);
/* Initialize PartitionFS context. */
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(PartitionFileSystemContext));
if (!pfs_ctx)
consolePrint("pfs ctx alloc failed!\n");
goto end;
if (!pfsInitializeContext(pfs_ctx, pfs_nca_fs_ctx))
consolePrint("pfs initialize ctx failed!\n");
goto end;
*out_fs_ctx = pfs_ctx;
} else {
/* Select the right base/patch NCA FS section contexts. */
NcaFsSectionContext *base_nca_fs_ctx = (section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PatchRomFs ? base_patch_nca_fs_ctx : nca_fs_ctx);
NcaFsSectionContext *patch_nca_fs_ctx = (section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PatchRomFs ? nca_fs_ctx : base_patch_nca_fs_ctx);
/* Initialize RomFS context. */
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(RomFileSystemContext));
if (!romfs_ctx)
consolePrint("romfs ctx alloc failed!\n");
goto end;
if (!romfsInitializeContext(romfs_ctx, base_nca_fs_ctx, patch_nca_fs_ctx))
consolePrint("romfs initialize ctx failed!\n");
goto end;
*out_fs_ctx = romfs_ctx;
/* Update output pointers. */
*out_section_type = section_type;
*out_use_layeredfs_dir = use_layeredfs_dir;
*out_base_patch_nca_ctx = base_patch_nca_ctx;
success = true;
if (!success && base_patch_nca_ctx) free(base_patch_nca_ctx);
return success;
static bool saveRawPartitionFsSection(PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir)
u64 free_space = 0;
PfsThreadData pfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(pfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = pfs_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx;
u64 title_id = nca_ctx->title_id;
u8 title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
char subdir[0x20] = {0}, *filename = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool success = false;
pfs_thread_data.pfs_ctx = pfs_ctx;
pfs_thread_data.use_layeredfs_dir = use_layeredfs_dir;
shared_thread_data->total_size = pfs_ctx->size;
consolePrint("raw partitionfs section size: 0x%lX\n", pfs_ctx->size);
if (use_layeredfs_dir)
/* Only use base title IDs if we're dealing with patches. */
title_id = (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? titleGetApplicationIdByPatchId(title_id) : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch ? titleGetAddOnContentIdByDataPatchId(title_id) : title_id));
filename = generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(title_id + nca_ctx->id_offset, NULL, "exefs.nsp");
} else {
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA FS/%s/Raw", nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "/%s #%u/%u.nsp", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), nca_ctx->id_offset, nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
TitleInfo *title_info = (title_id == g_ncaUserTitleInfo->meta_key.id ? g_ncaUserTitleInfo : g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, path);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileProperties(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filename);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(rawPartitionFsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &pfs_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved raw partitionfs section as \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveExtractedPartitionFsSection(PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir)
u64 data_size = 0;
PfsThreadData pfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(pfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
bool success = false;
if (!pfsGetTotalDataSize(pfs_ctx, &data_size))
consolePrint("failed to calculate extracted partitionfs section size!\n");
goto end;
if (!data_size)
consolePrint("partitionfs section is empty!\n");
goto end;
pfs_thread_data.pfs_ctx = pfs_ctx;
pfs_thread_data.use_layeredfs_dir = use_layeredfs_dir;
shared_thread_data->total_size = data_size;
consolePrint("extracted partitionfs section size: 0x%lX\n", data_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(extractedPartitionFsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &pfs_thread_data);
return success;
static bool saveRawRomFsSection(RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir)
u64 free_space = 0;
RomFsThreadData romfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(romfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = romfs_ctx->default_storage_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx;
u64 title_id = nca_ctx->title_id;
u8 title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
char subdir[0x20] = {0}, *filename = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool success = false;
romfs_thread_data.romfs_ctx = romfs_ctx;
romfs_thread_data.use_layeredfs_dir = use_layeredfs_dir;
shared_thread_data->total_size = romfs_ctx->size;
consolePrint("raw romfs section size: 0x%lX\n", romfs_ctx->size);
if (use_layeredfs_dir)
/* Only use base title IDs if we're dealing with patches. */
title_id = (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? titleGetApplicationIdByPatchId(title_id) : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch ? titleGetAddOnContentIdByDataPatchId(title_id) : title_id));
filename = generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(title_id + nca_ctx->id_offset, NULL, "romfs.bin");
} else {
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA FS/%s/Raw", nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "/%s #%u/%u.bin", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), nca_ctx->id_offset, nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
TitleInfo *title_info = (title_id == g_ncaUserTitleInfo->meta_key.id ? g_ncaUserTitleInfo : g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, path);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileProperties(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filename);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(rawRomFsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &romfs_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved raw romfs section as \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveExtractedRomFsSection(RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir)
u64 data_size = 0;
RomFsThreadData romfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(romfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
bool success = false;
if (!romfsGetTotalDataSize(romfs_ctx, false, &data_size))
consolePrint("failed to calculate extracted romfs section size!\n");
goto end;
if (!data_size)
consolePrint("romfs section is empty!\n");
goto end;
romfs_thread_data.romfs_ctx = romfs_ctx;
romfs_thread_data.use_layeredfs_dir = use_layeredfs_dir;
shared_thread_data->total_size = data_size;
consolePrint("extracted romfs section size: 0x%lX\n", data_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(extractedRomFsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &romfs_thread_data);
return success;
static void xciReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
XciThreadData *xci_thread_data = (XciThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(xci_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
bool prepend_key_area = (bool)getGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption();
bool keep_certificate = (bool)getGameCardKeepCertificateOption();
bool calculate_checksum = (bool)getGameCardCalculateChecksumOption();
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !gamecardReadStorage(buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Remove certificate */
if (!keep_certificate && offset == 0) memset((u8*)buf1 + GAMECARD_CERT_OFFSET, 0xFF, sizeof(FsGameCardCertificate));
/* Update checksum */
if (calculate_checksum)
xci_thread_data->xci_crc = crc32CalculateWithSeed(xci_thread_data->xci_crc, buf1, blksize);
if (prepend_key_area) xci_thread_data->full_xci_crc = crc32CalculateWithSeed(xci_thread_data->full_xci_crc, buf1, blksize);
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void rawHfsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
HfsThreadData *hfs_thread_data = (HfsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(hfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx = hfs_thread_data->hfs_ctx;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !hfs_ctx || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !hfsReadPartitionData(hfs_ctx, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void extractedHfsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
HfsThreadData *hfs_thread_data = (HfsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(hfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx = hfs_thread_data->hfs_ctx;
u32 hfs_entry_count = hfsGetEntryCount(hfs_ctx);
char hfs_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}, *filename = NULL;
size_t filename_len = 0;
HashFileSystemEntry *hfs_entry = NULL;
char *hfs_entry_name = NULL;
u64 free_space = 0;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
snprintf(hfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(hfs_path), "/%s", hfs_ctx->name);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("HFS/Extracted", hfs_path, true);
filename_len = (filename ? strlen(filename) : 0);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !hfs_entry_count || !buf1 || !buf2 || !filename)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1)
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
if (!usbStartExtractedFsDump(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send extracted fs info to host\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
goto end;
/* Loop through all file entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < hfs_entry_count; i++)
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
if (dev_idx != 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Close file. */
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
/* Retrieve Hash FS file entry information. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((hfs_entry = hfsGetEntryByIndex(hfs_ctx, i)) == NULL || (hfs_entry_name = hfsGetEntryName(hfs_ctx, hfs_entry)) == NULL);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Generate output path. */
snprintf(hfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(hfs_path), "%s/%s", filename, hfs_entry_name);
utilsReplaceIllegalCharacters(hfs_path + filename_len + 1, dev_idx == 0);
if (dev_idx == 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Send current file properties */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !usbSendFileProperties(hfs_entry->size, hfs_path);
} else {
/* Create directory tree. */
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(hfs_path, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
/* Create ConcatenationFile if we're dealing with a big file + SD card as the output storage. */
if (hfs_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(hfs_path))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", hfs_path);
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
/* Don't handle file chunks on FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 formatted UMS devices. */
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && hfs_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Open output file. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(hfs_path, "wb")) == NULL);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Set file size. */
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)hfs_entry->size);
} else {
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", hfs_path);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < hfs_entry->size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (hfs_entry->size - offset)) blksize = (hfs_entry->size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current file data chunk. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !hfsReadEntryData(hfs_ctx, hfs_entry, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) break;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && !shared_thread_data->write_error && !shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (dev_idx == 1) usbEndExtractedFsDump();
consolePrint("successfully saved extracted hfs partition data to \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
if (filename) free(filename);
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void ncaReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
NcaThreadData *nca_thread_data = (NcaThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(nca_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
NcaContext *nca_ctx = nca_thread_data->nca_ctx;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !nca_ctx || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !ncaReadContentFile(nca_ctx, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void rawPartitionFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
PfsThreadData *pfs_thread_data = (PfsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(pfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx = pfs_thread_data->pfs_ctx;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !pfs_ctx || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !pfsReadPartitionData(pfs_ctx, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void extractedPartitionFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
PfsThreadData *pfs_thread_data = (PfsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(pfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx = pfs_thread_data->pfs_ctx;
u32 pfs_entry_count = pfsGetEntryCount(pfs_ctx);
char pfs_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}, subdir[0x20] = {0}, *filename = NULL;
size_t filename_len = 0;
PartitionFileSystemEntry *pfs_entry = NULL;
char *pfs_entry_name = NULL;
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = pfs_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx;
u64 title_id = nca_ctx->title_id;
u8 title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
u64 free_space = 0;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (pfs_thread_data->use_layeredfs_dir)
/* Only use base title IDs if we're dealing with patches. */
title_id = (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? titleGetApplicationIdByPatchId(title_id) : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch ? titleGetAddOnContentIdByDataPatchId(title_id) : title_id));
filename = generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(title_id + nca_ctx->id_offset, NULL, "exefs");
} else {
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA FS/%s/Extracted", nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(pfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(pfs_path), "/%s #%u/%u", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), nca_ctx->id_offset, nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
TitleInfo *title_info = (title_id == g_ncaUserTitleInfo->meta_key.id ? g_ncaUserTitleInfo : g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, pfs_path);
filename_len = (filename ? strlen(filename) : 0);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !pfs_entry_count || !buf1 || !buf2 || !filename)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1)
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
if (!usbStartExtractedFsDump(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send extracted fs info to host\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
goto end;
/* Loop through all file entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < pfs_entry_count; i++)
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
if (dev_idx != 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Close file. */
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
/* Retrieve Partition FS file entry information. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((pfs_entry = pfsGetEntryByIndex(pfs_ctx, i)) == NULL || (pfs_entry_name = pfsGetEntryName(pfs_ctx, pfs_entry)) == NULL);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Generate output path. */
snprintf(pfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(pfs_path), "%s/%s", filename, pfs_entry_name);
utilsReplaceIllegalCharacters(pfs_path + filename_len + 1, dev_idx == 0);
if (dev_idx == 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Send current file properties */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !usbSendFileProperties(pfs_entry->size, pfs_path);
} else {
/* Create directory tree. */
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(pfs_path, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
/* Create ConcatenationFile if we're dealing with a big file + SD card as the output storage. */
if (pfs_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(pfs_path))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", pfs_path);
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
/* Don't handle file chunks on FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 formatted UMS devices. */
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && pfs_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Open output file. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(pfs_path, "wb")) == NULL);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Set file size. */
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)pfs_entry->size);
} else {
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", pfs_path);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < pfs_entry->size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (pfs_entry->size - offset)) blksize = (pfs_entry->size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current file data chunk. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !pfsReadEntryData(pfs_ctx, pfs_entry, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) break;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && !shared_thread_data->write_error && !shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (dev_idx == 1) usbEndExtractedFsDump();
consolePrint("successfully saved extracted partitionfs section data to \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
if (filename) free(filename);
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void rawRomFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
RomFsThreadData *romfs_thread_data = (RomFsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(romfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx = romfs_thread_data->romfs_ctx;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !romfs_ctx || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !romfsReadFileSystemData(romfs_ctx, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void extractedRomFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
RomFsThreadData *romfs_thread_data = (RomFsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(romfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx = romfs_thread_data->romfs_ctx;
RomFileSystemFileEntry *romfs_file_entry = NULL;
u64 cur_entry_offset = 0;
char romfs_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}, subdir[0x20] = {0}, *filename = NULL;
size_t filename_len = 0;
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = romfs_ctx->default_storage_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx;
u64 title_id = nca_ctx->title_id;
u8 title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
u64 free_space = 0;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
u8 romfs_illegal_char_replace_type = (dev_idx != 0 ? RomFileSystemPathIllegalCharReplaceType_IllegalFsChars : RomFileSystemPathIllegalCharReplaceType_KeepAsciiCharsOnly);
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (romfs_thread_data->use_layeredfs_dir)
/* Only use base title IDs if we're dealing with patches. */
title_id = (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? titleGetApplicationIdByPatchId(title_id) : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch ? titleGetAddOnContentIdByDataPatchId(title_id) : title_id));
filename = generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(title_id + nca_ctx->id_offset, NULL, "romfs");
} else {
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA FS/%s/Extracted", nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(romfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(romfs_path), "/%s #%u/%u", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), nca_ctx->id_offset, nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
TitleInfo *title_info = (title_id == g_ncaUserTitleInfo->meta_key.id ? g_ncaUserTitleInfo : g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, romfs_path);
filename_len = (filename ? strlen(filename) : 0);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !buf1 || !buf2 || !filename)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
snprintf(romfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(romfs_path), "%s", filename);
if (dev_idx != 1)
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
if (!usbStartExtractedFsDump(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send extracted fs info to host\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
goto end;
/* Loop through all file entries. */
while(shared_thread_data->data_written < shared_thread_data->total_size && cur_entry_offset < romfs_ctx->file_table_size)
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
if (dev_idx != 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Close file. */
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
/* Retrieve RomFS file entry information and generate output path. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = (!(romfs_file_entry = romfsGetFileEntryByOffset(romfs_ctx, cur_entry_offset)) || \
!romfsGeneratePathFromFileEntry(romfs_ctx, romfs_file_entry, romfs_path + filename_len, sizeof(romfs_path) - filename_len, romfs_illegal_char_replace_type));
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
if (dev_idx == 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Send current file properties */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !usbSendFileProperties(romfs_file_entry->size, romfs_path);
} else {
/* Create directory tree. */
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(romfs_path, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
/* Create ConcatenationFile if we're dealing with a big file + SD card as the output storage. */
if (romfs_file_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(romfs_path))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", romfs_path);
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
/* Don't handle file chunks on FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 formatted UMS devices. */
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && romfs_file_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Open output file. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(romfs_path, "wb")) == NULL);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Set file size. */
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)romfs_file_entry->size);
} else {
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", romfs_path);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < romfs_file_entry->size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (romfs_file_entry->size - offset)) blksize = (romfs_file_entry->size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current file data chunk. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !romfsReadFileEntryData(romfs_ctx, romfs_file_entry, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) break;
/* Get the offset for the next file entry. */
cur_entry_offset += ALIGN_UP(sizeof(RomFileSystemFileEntry) + romfs_file_entry->name_length, ROMFS_TABLE_ENTRY_ALIGNMENT);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && !shared_thread_data->write_error && !shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (dev_idx == 1) usbEndExtractedFsDump();
consolePrint("successfully saved extracted romfs section data to \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
if (filename) free(filename);
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void fsBrowserFileReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
FsBrowserFileThreadData *fs_browser_thread_data = (FsBrowserFileThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(fs_browser_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
FILE *src = fs_browser_thread_data->src;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !src || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = (fread(buf1, 1, blksize, src) != blksize);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
FsBrowserHighlightedEntriesThreadData *fs_browser_thread_data = (FsBrowserHighlightedEntriesThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(fs_browser_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
const char *dir_path = fs_browser_thread_data->dir_path;
const FsBrowserEntry *entries = fs_browser_thread_data->entries;
u32 entries_count = fs_browser_thread_data->entries_count;
const char *base_out_path = fs_browser_thread_data->base_out_path;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !dir_path || !*dir_path || !entries || !entries_count || !base_out_path || !*base_out_path || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1)
u64 free_space = 0;
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(base_out_path, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
if (!usbStartExtractedFsDump(shared_thread_data->total_size, base_out_path))
consolePrint("failed to send extracted fs info to host\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Dump highlighted entries. */
fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadLoop(shared_thread_data, dir_path, entries, entries_count, base_out_path, buf1, buf2);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && !shared_thread_data->write_error && !shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
if (dev_idx == 1) usbEndExtractedFsDump();
consolePrint("successfully saved dumped data to \"%s\"\n", base_out_path);
} else {
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static bool fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadLoop(SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data, const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entries, u32 entries_count, const char *base_out_path, void *buf1, void *buf2)
bool append_path_sep = (dir_path[strlen(dir_path) - 1] != '/');
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool is_topmost = (entries && entries_count); /* If entry data is provided, it means we're dealing with the topmost directory. */
const char *dir_path_start = (strchr(dir_path, '/') + 1);
char *tmp_path = NULL;
FILE *src = NULL;
/* Allocate memory for our temporary path. */
tmp_path = calloc(sizeof(char), FS_MAX_PATH);
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error = (tmp_path == NULL)))
consolePrint("failed to allocate memory for path!\n");
goto end;
/* Get directory entries, if needed. */
if (!is_topmost && (shared_thread_data->read_error = !fsBrowserGetDirEntries(dir_path, (FsBrowserEntry**)&entries, &entries_count)))
goto end;
/* Loop through all highlighted entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++)
/* Get current entry. */
const FsBrowserEntry *entry = &(entries[i]);
if (is_topmost && !entry->highlight) continue;
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
if (dev_idx != 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Close file. */
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
/* Generate input path. */
snprintf(tmp_path, FS_MAX_PATH, "%s%s%s", dir_path, append_path_sep ? "/" : "", entry->dt.d_name);
if (entry->dt.d_type == DT_DIR)
/* Dump directory. */
if (!fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadLoop(shared_thread_data, tmp_path, NULL, 0, base_out_path, buf1, buf2)) break;
/* Open input file. */
src = fopen(tmp_path, "rb");
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error = (src == NULL)))
consolePrint("failed to open file \"%s\" for reading!\n", tmp_path);
setvbuf(src, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
/* Generate output path. */
if (*dir_path_start)
snprintf(tmp_path, FS_MAX_PATH, "%s/%s/%s", base_out_path, dir_path_start, entry->dt.d_name);
} else {
snprintf(tmp_path, FS_MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", base_out_path, entry->dt.d_name);
if (dev_idx == 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Send current file properties */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !usbSendFileProperties(entry->size, tmp_path);
} else {
/* Create directory tree. */
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(tmp_path, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
/* Create ConcatenationFile if we're dealing with a big file + SD card as the output storage. */
if (entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(tmp_path))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", tmp_path);
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
/* Don't handle file chunks on FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 formatted UMS devices. */
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Open output file. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(tmp_path, "wb")) == NULL);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Set file size. */
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)entry->size);
} else {
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", tmp_path);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Dump file. */
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < entry->size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (entry->size - offset)) blksize = (entry->size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current file data chunk. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = (fread(buf1, 1, blksize, src) != blksize);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
/* Close input file. */
src = NULL;
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) break;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && !shared_thread_data->write_error && !shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
if (src) fclose(src);
if (!is_topmost && entries) free((FsBrowserEntry*)entries);
if (tmp_path) free(tmp_path);
return !shared_thread_data->read_error;
static void genericWriteThreadFunc(void *arg)
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = (SharedThreadData*)arg; // UB but we don't care
while(shared_thread_data->data_written < shared_thread_data->total_size)
/* Wait until the current file data chunk has been read */
if (!shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->read_error) condvarWait(&g_writeCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled || (!useUsbHost() && !shared_thread_data->fp))
if (useUsbHost() && shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) usbCancelFileTransfer();
/* Write current file data chunk */
if (useUsbHost())
shared_thread_data->write_error = !usbSendFileData(shared_thread_data->data, shared_thread_data->data_size);
} else {
shared_thread_data->write_error = (fwrite(shared_thread_data->data, 1, shared_thread_data->data_size, shared_thread_data->fp) != shared_thread_data->data_size);
if (!shared_thread_data->write_error)
shared_thread_data->data_written += shared_thread_data->data_size;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
/* Wake up the read thread to continue reading data */
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
static bool spanDumpThreads(ThreadFunc read_func, ThreadFunc write_func, void *arg)
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = (SharedThreadData*)arg; // UB but we don't care
Thread read_thread = {0}, write_thread = {0};
time_t start = 0, btn_cancel_start_tmr = 0, btn_cancel_end_tmr = 0;
bool btn_cancel_cur_state = false, btn_cancel_prev_state = false, success = false;
u64 prev_size = 0;
u8 prev_time = 0, percent = 0;
consolePrint("creating threads\n");
utilsCreateThread(&read_thread, read_func, arg, 2);
utilsCreateThread(&write_thread, write_func, arg, 2);
consolePrint("hold b to cancel\n\n");
start = time(NULL);
while(shared_thread_data->data_written < shared_thread_data->total_size)
g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop();
if (!g_appletStatus)
shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled = true;
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) break;
struct tm ts = {0};
time_t now = time(NULL);
localtime_r(&now, &ts);
size_t size = shared_thread_data->data_written;
btn_cancel_cur_state = (utilsGetButtonsHeld() & HidNpadButton_B);
if (btn_cancel_cur_state && btn_cancel_cur_state != btn_cancel_prev_state)
btn_cancel_start_tmr = now;
} else
if (btn_cancel_cur_state && btn_cancel_cur_state == btn_cancel_prev_state)
btn_cancel_end_tmr = now;
if ((btn_cancel_end_tmr - btn_cancel_start_tmr) >= 3)
shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled = true;
} else {
btn_cancel_start_tmr = btn_cancel_end_tmr = 0;
btn_cancel_prev_state = btn_cancel_cur_state;
if (prev_time == ts.tm_sec || prev_size == size) continue;
percent = (u8)((size * 100) / shared_thread_data->total_size);
prev_time = ts.tm_sec;
prev_size = size;
consolePrint("%lu / %lu (%u%%) | Time elapsed: %lu\n", size, shared_thread_data->total_size, percent, (now - start));
consolePrint("\nwaiting for threads to join\n");
consolePrint("read_thread done: %lu\n", time(NULL));
consolePrint("write_thread done: %lu\n", time(NULL));
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error)
consolePrint("i/o error\n");
} else
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
consolePrint("process cancelled\n");
} else {
start = (time(NULL) - start);
consolePrint("process completed in %lu seconds\n", start);
success = true;
return success;
static void nspThreadFunc(void *arg)
NspThreadData *nsp_thread_data = (NspThreadData*)arg;
TitleInfo *title_info = NULL;
bool set_download_type = (bool)getNspSetDownloadDistributionOption();
bool remove_console_data = (bool)getNspRemoveConsoleDataOption();
bool remove_titlekey_crypto = (bool)getNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption();
bool patch_sua = (bool)getNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption();
bool patch_screenshot = (bool)getNspEnableScreenshotsOption();
bool patch_video_capture = (bool)getNspEnableVideoCaptureOption();
bool patch_hdcp = (bool)getNspDisableHdcpOption();
bool generate_authoringtool_data = (bool)getNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption();
bool success = false, no_titlekey_confirmation = false;
u64 free_space = 0;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
u8 *buf = NULL;
char *filename = NULL;
FILE *fp = NULL;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = NULL;
NcaContext *meta_nca_ctx = NULL;
ContentMetaContext cnmt_ctx = {0};
ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx = NULL;
u32 program_idx = 0, program_count = 0;
NacpContext *nacp_ctx = NULL;
u32 control_idx = 0, control_count = 0;
LegalInfoContext *legal_info_ctx = NULL;
u32 legal_info_idx = 0, legal_info_count = 0;
Ticket tik = {0};
TikCommonBlock *tik_common_block = NULL;
u8 *raw_cert_chain = NULL;
u64 raw_cert_chain_size = 0;
PartitionFileSystemImageContext pfs_img_ctx = {0};
char entry_name[64] = {0};
u64 nsp_header_size = 0, nsp_size = 0, nsp_offset = 0;
char *tmp_name = NULL;
Sha256Context clean_sha256_ctx = {0}, dirty_sha256_ctx = {0};
u8 clean_sha256_hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE] = {0}, dirty_sha256_hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE] = {0};
if (!nsp_thread_data || !(title_info = (TitleInfo*)nsp_thread_data->data) || !title_info->content_count || !title_info->content_infos) goto end;
/* Allocate memory for the dump process. */
if (!(buf = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE)))
consolePrint("buf alloc failed\n");
goto end;
/* Generate output path. */
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, "NSP", ".nsp");
if (!filename) goto end;
/* Get free space on output storage. */
if (dev_idx != 1 && !utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (!(nca_ctx = calloc(title_info->content_count, sizeof(NcaContext))))
consolePrint("nca ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
// determine if we should initialize programinfo ctx
if (generate_authoringtool_data)
program_count = titleGetContentCountByType(title_info, NcmContentType_Program);
if (program_count && !(program_info_ctx = calloc(program_count, sizeof(ProgramInfoContext))))
consolePrint("program info ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
// determine if we should initialize nacp ctx
if (patch_sua || patch_screenshot || patch_video_capture || patch_hdcp || generate_authoringtool_data)
control_count = titleGetContentCountByType(title_info, NcmContentType_Control);
if (control_count && !(nacp_ctx = calloc(control_count, sizeof(NacpContext))))
consolePrint("nacp ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
// determine if we should initialize legalinfo ctx
if (generate_authoringtool_data)
legal_info_count = titleGetContentCountByType(title_info, NcmContentType_LegalInformation);
if (legal_info_count && !(legal_info_ctx = calloc(legal_info_count, sizeof(LegalInfoContext))))
consolePrint("legal info ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
// set meta nca as the last nca
meta_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[title_info->content_count - 1]);
if (!ncaInitializeContext(meta_nca_ctx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(title_info->meta_key), titleGetContentInfoByTypeAndIdOffset(title_info, NcmContentType_Meta, 0), &tik))
consolePrint("meta nca initialize ctx failed\n");
goto end;
consolePrint("meta nca initialize ctx succeeded\n");
if (!cnmtInitializeContext(&cnmt_ctx, meta_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("cnmt initialize ctx failed\n");
goto end;
consolePrint("cnmt initialize ctx succeeded (%s)\n", meta_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
// initialize nca context
// initialize content type context
// generate nca patches (if needed)
// generate content type xml
for(u32 i = 0, j = 0; i < title_info->content_count; i++)
// skip meta nca since we already initialized it
NcmContentInfo *content_info = &(title_info->content_infos[i]);
if (content_info->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta) continue;
NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[j]);
if (!ncaInitializeContext(cur_nca_ctx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(title_info->meta_key), content_info, &tik))
consolePrint("%s #%u initialize nca ctx failed\n", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(content_info->content_type), content_info->id_offset);
goto end;
consolePrint("%s #%u initialize nca ctx succeeded\n", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(cur_nca_ctx->content_type), cur_nca_ctx->id_offset);
// don't go any further with this nca if we can't access its fs data because it's pointless
if (cur_nca_ctx->rights_id_available && !cur_nca_ctx->titlekey_retrieved && !no_titlekey_confirmation)
consolePrintReversedColors("\nunable to retrieve titlekey for the selected title");
consolePrintReversedColors("\nif you proceed, nca modifications will be disabled, and content decryption");
consolePrintReversedColors("\nwill not be possible for external tools (e.g. emulators, etc.)\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("\nthis may occur because of different reasons:\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("\n1. you haven't launched this game/dlc at least once since you downloaded it");
consolePrintReversedColors("\n2. this is a shared game/dlc across different switch consoles using the");
consolePrintReversedColors("\n same nintendo account and you're using the secondary console");
consolePrintReversedColors("\n3. you downloaded this game/dlc onto your sd card using your sysmmc, then");
consolePrintReversedColors("\n copied the 'nintendo' folder data into the 'emummc' folder (or viceversa)\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("\ncases 1 and 2 can be fixed by exiting nxdumptool, launching the game");
consolePrintReversedColors("\nand then running nxdumptool once again\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("\ncase 3 can be fixed by running nxdumptool directly under the emmc that was");
consolePrintReversedColors("\nused to download the game/dlc\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("\npress a to proceed anyway, or b to cancel\n\n");
u64 btn_down = utilsWaitForButtonPress(HidNpadButton_A | HidNpadButton_B);
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_A)
no_titlekey_confirmation = true;
goto end;
// set download distribution type
// has no effect if this nca uses NcaDistributionType_Download
if (set_download_type) ncaSetDownloadDistributionType(cur_nca_ctx);
// remove titlekey crypto
// has no effect if this nca doesn't use titlekey crypto
if (remove_titlekey_crypto && !ncaRemoveTitleKeyCrypto(cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("nca remove titlekey crypto failed\n");
goto end;
if (!cur_nca_ctx->fs_ctx[0].has_sparse_layer)
case NcmContentType_Program:
// don't proceed if we didn't allocate programinfo ctx
if (!program_count || !program_info_ctx) break;
ProgramInfoContext *cur_program_info_ctx = &(program_info_ctx[program_idx]);
if (!programInfoInitializeContext(cur_program_info_ctx, cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("initialize program info ctx failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (!programInfoGenerateAuthoringToolXml(cur_program_info_ctx))
consolePrint("program info xml failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
consolePrint("initialize program info ctx succeeded (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
case NcmContentType_Control:
// don't proceed if we didn't allocate nacp ctx
if (!control_count || !nacp_ctx) break;
NacpContext *cur_nacp_ctx = &(nacp_ctx[control_idx]);
if (!nacpInitializeContext(cur_nacp_ctx, cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("initialize nacp ctx failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (!nacpGenerateNcaPatch(cur_nacp_ctx, patch_sua, patch_screenshot, patch_video_capture, patch_hdcp))
consolePrint("nacp nca patch failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (generate_authoringtool_data && !nacpGenerateAuthoringToolXml(cur_nacp_ctx, title_info->version.value, cnmtGetRequiredTitleVersion(&cnmt_ctx)))
consolePrint("nacp xml failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
consolePrint("initialize nacp ctx succeeded (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
case NcmContentType_LegalInformation:
// don't proceed if we didn't allocate legalinfo ctx
if (!legal_info_count || !legal_info_ctx) break;
LegalInfoContext *cur_legal_info_ctx = &(legal_info_ctx[legal_info_idx]);
if (!legalInfoInitializeContext(cur_legal_info_ctx, cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("initialize legal info ctx failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
consolePrint("initialize legal info ctx succeeded (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
if (!ncaEncryptHeader(cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("%s #%u encrypt nca header failed\n", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(content_info->content_type), content_info->id_offset);
goto end;
// generate cnmt xml right away even though we don't yet have all the data we need
// This is because we need its size to calculate the full nsp size
if (generate_authoringtool_data && !cnmtGenerateAuthoringToolXml(&cnmt_ctx, nca_ctx, title_info->content_count))
consolePrint("cnmt xml #1 failed\n");
goto end;
bool retrieve_tik_cert = (!remove_titlekey_crypto && tikIsValidTicket(&tik));
if (retrieve_tik_cert)
if (!(tik_common_block = tikGetCommonBlockFromTicket(&tik)))
consolePrint("tik common block failed");
goto end;
if (remove_console_data && tik_common_block->titlekey_type == TikTitleKeyType_Personalized)
if (!tikConvertPersonalizedTicketToCommonTicket(&tik, &raw_cert_chain, &raw_cert_chain_size))
consolePrint("tik convert failed\n");
goto end;
} else {
raw_cert_chain = (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? certRetrieveRawCertificateChainFromGameCardByRightsId(&(tik_common_block->rights_id), &raw_cert_chain_size) : \
certGenerateRawCertificateChainBySignatureIssuer(tik_common_block->issuer, &raw_cert_chain_size));
if (!raw_cert_chain)
consolePrint("cert failed\n");
goto end;
// add nca info
for(u32 i = 0; i < title_info->content_count; i++)
NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]);
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.%s", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str, cur_nca_ctx->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta ? "cnmt.nca" : "nca");
if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, cur_nca_ctx->content_size, NULL))
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
// add cnmt xml info
if (generate_authoringtool_data)
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.cnmt.xml", meta_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size, &(meta_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx)))
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
// add content type ctx data info
u32 limit = generate_authoringtool_data ? (title_info->content_count - 1) : 0;
for(u32 i = 0; i < limit; i++)
bool ret = false;
NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]);
if (!cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx) continue;
case NcmContentType_Program:
ProgramInfoContext *cur_program_info_ctx = (ProgramInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.programinfo.xml", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
ret = pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, cur_program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size, &(cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx));
case NcmContentType_Control:
NacpContext *cur_nacp_ctx = (NacpContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
for(u8 j = 0; j < cur_nacp_ctx->icon_count; j++)
NacpIconContext *icon_ctx = &(cur_nacp_ctx->icon_ctx[j]);
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.nx.%s.jpg", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str, nacpGetLanguageString(icon_ctx->language));
if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, icon_ctx->icon_size, j == 0 ? &(cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx) : NULL))
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.nacp.xml", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
ret = pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, cur_nacp_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size, !cur_nacp_ctx->icon_count ? &(cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx) : NULL);
case NcmContentType_LegalInformation:
LegalInfoContext *cur_legal_info_ctx = (LegalInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.legalinfo.xml", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
ret = pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, cur_legal_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size, &(cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx));
if (!ret)
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
// add ticket and cert info
if (retrieve_tik_cert)
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.tik", tik.rights_id_str);
if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, tik.size, NULL))
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.cert", tik.rights_id_str);
if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, raw_cert_chain_size, NULL))
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
// write pfs header to memory buffer
if (!pfsWriteImageContextHeaderToMemoryBuffer(&pfs_img_ctx, buf, BLOCK_SIZE, &nsp_header_size))
consolePrint("pfs write header to mem #1 failed\n");
goto end;
nsp_size = (nsp_header_size + pfs_img_ctx.fs_size);
consolePrint("nsp header size: 0x%lX | nsp size: 0x%lX\n", nsp_header_size, nsp_size);
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendNspProperties(nsp_size, filename, (u32)nsp_header_size))
consolePrint("usb send nsp properties failed\n");
goto end;
} else {
if (nsp_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("nsp size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (nsp_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && nsp_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
if (!(fp = fopen(filename, "wb")))
consolePrint("fopen failed\n");
goto end;
// set file size
setvbuf(fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(fp), (off_t)nsp_size);
// write placeholder header
memset(buf, 0, nsp_header_size);
fwrite(buf, 1, nsp_header_size, fp);
consolePrint("dump process started, please wait. hold b to cancel.\n");
nsp_offset += nsp_header_size;
// set nsp size
nsp_thread_data->total_size = nsp_size;
// write ncas
for(u32 i = 0; i < title_info->content_count; i++)
NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]);
u64 blksize = BLOCK_SIZE;
if (cur_nca_ctx->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta && (!cnmtGenerateNcaPatch(&cnmt_ctx) || !ncaEncryptHeader(cur_nca_ctx)))
consolePrint("cnmt generate patch failed\n");
goto end;
bool dirty_header = ncaIsHeaderDirty(cur_nca_ctx);
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, i);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(cur_nca_ctx->content_size, tmp_name))
consolePrint("usb send file properties \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
for(u64 offset = 0; offset < cur_nca_ctx->content_size; offset += blksize, nsp_offset += blksize, nsp_thread_data->data_written += blksize)
bool cancelled = nsp_thread_data->transfer_cancelled;
if (cancelled) goto end;
if ((cur_nca_ctx->content_size - offset) < blksize) blksize = (cur_nca_ctx->content_size - offset);
// read nca chunk
if (!ncaReadContentFile(cur_nca_ctx, buf, blksize, offset))
consolePrint("nca read failed at 0x%lX for \"%s\"\n", offset, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
// update clean hash calculation
sha256ContextUpdate(&clean_sha256_ctx, buf, blksize);
if ((offset + blksize) >= cur_nca_ctx->content_size)
// get clean hash
sha256ContextGetHash(&clean_sha256_ctx, clean_sha256_hash);
// validate clean hash
if (!cnmtVerifyContentHash(&cnmt_ctx, cur_nca_ctx, clean_sha256_hash))
consolePrint("sha256 checksum mismatch for nca \"%s\"\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (dirty_header)
// write re-encrypted headers
if (!cur_nca_ctx->header_written) ncaWriteEncryptedHeaderDataToMemoryBuffer(cur_nca_ctx, buf, blksize, offset);
if (cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_patch)
// write content type context patch
case NcmContentType_Meta:
cnmtWriteNcaPatch(&cnmt_ctx, buf, blksize, offset);
case NcmContentType_Control:
nacpWriteNcaPatch((NacpContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx, buf, blksize, offset);
// update flag to avoid entering this code block if it's not needed anymore
dirty_header = (!cur_nca_ctx->header_written || cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_patch);
// update dirty hash calculation
sha256ContextUpdate(&dirty_sha256_ctx, buf, blksize);
// write nca chunk
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileData(buf, blksize))
consolePrint("send file data failed\n");
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(buf, 1, blksize, fp);
// get dirty hash
sha256ContextGetHash(&dirty_sha256_ctx, dirty_sha256_hash);
if (memcmp(clean_sha256_hash, dirty_sha256_hash, SHA256_HASH_SIZE) != 0)
// update content id and hash
ncaUpdateContentIdAndHash(cur_nca_ctx, dirty_sha256_hash);
// update cnmt
if (!cnmtUpdateContentInfo(&cnmt_ctx, cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("cnmt update content info failed\n");
goto end;
// update pfs entry name
if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, i, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str))
consolePrint("pfs update entry name failed for nca \"%s\"\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (generate_authoringtool_data)
// regenerate cnmt xml
if (!cnmtGenerateAuthoringToolXml(&cnmt_ctx, nca_ctx, title_info->content_count))
consolePrint("cnmt xml #2 failed\n");
goto end;
// write cnmt xml
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, meta_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml, cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size))
consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml, 1, cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size, fp);
nsp_offset += cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size;
nsp_thread_data->data_written += cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size;
// update cnmt xml pfs entry name
if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, meta_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx, meta_nca_ctx->content_id_str))
consolePrint("pfs update entry name cnmt xml failed\n");
goto end;
// write content type ctx data
for(u32 i = 0; i < limit; i++)
NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]);
if (!cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx) continue;
char *authoring_tool_xml = NULL;
u64 authoring_tool_xml_size = 0;
u32 data_idx = cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx;
case NcmContentType_Program:
ProgramInfoContext *cur_program_info_ctx = (ProgramInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
authoring_tool_xml = cur_program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml;
authoring_tool_xml_size = cur_program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size;
case NcmContentType_Control:
NacpContext *cur_nacp_ctx = (NacpContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
authoring_tool_xml = cur_nacp_ctx->authoring_tool_xml;
authoring_tool_xml_size = cur_nacp_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size;
// loop through available icons
for(u8 j = 0; j < cur_nacp_ctx->icon_count; j++)
NacpIconContext *icon_ctx = &(cur_nacp_ctx->icon_ctx[j]);
// write icon
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, data_idx);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(icon_ctx->icon_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(icon_ctx->icon_data, icon_ctx->icon_size))
consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(icon_ctx->icon_data, 1, icon_ctx->icon_size, fp);
nsp_offset += icon_ctx->icon_size;
nsp_thread_data->data_written += icon_ctx->icon_size;
// update pfs entry name
if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, data_idx++, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str))
consolePrint("pfs update entry name failed for icon \"%s\" (%u)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str, icon_ctx->language);
goto end;
case NcmContentType_LegalInformation:
LegalInfoContext *cur_legal_info_ctx = (LegalInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
authoring_tool_xml = cur_legal_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml;
authoring_tool_xml_size = cur_legal_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size;
// write xml
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, data_idx);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(authoring_tool_xml_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(authoring_tool_xml, authoring_tool_xml_size))
consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(authoring_tool_xml, 1, authoring_tool_xml_size, fp);
nsp_offset += authoring_tool_xml_size;
nsp_thread_data->data_written += authoring_tool_xml_size;
// update pfs entry name
if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, data_idx, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str))
consolePrint("pfs update entry name failed for xml \"%s\"\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (retrieve_tik_cert)
// write ticket
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, pfs_img_ctx.header.entry_count - 2);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(tik.size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(tik.data, tik.size))
consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(tik.data, 1, tik.size, fp);
nsp_offset += tik.size;
nsp_thread_data->data_written += tik.size;
// write cert
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, pfs_img_ctx.header.entry_count - 1);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(raw_cert_chain_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(raw_cert_chain, raw_cert_chain_size))
consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(raw_cert_chain, 1, raw_cert_chain_size, fp);
nsp_offset += raw_cert_chain_size;
nsp_thread_data->data_written += raw_cert_chain_size;
// write new pfs0 header
if (!pfsWriteImageContextHeaderToMemoryBuffer(&pfs_img_ctx, buf, BLOCK_SIZE, &nsp_header_size))
consolePrint("pfs write header to mem #2 failed\n");
goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendNspHeader(buf, (u32)nsp_header_size))
consolePrint("send nsp header failed\n");
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(buf, 1, nsp_header_size, fp);
nsp_thread_data->data_written += nsp_header_size;
success = true;
if (!success && !nsp_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) nsp_thread_data->error = true;
if (fp)
if (!success)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (!success && dev_idx == 1) usbCancelFileTransfer();
if (raw_cert_chain) free(raw_cert_chain);
if (legal_info_ctx)
for(u32 i = 0; i < legal_info_count; i++) legalInfoFreeContext(&(legal_info_ctx[i]));
if (nacp_ctx)
for(u32 i = 0; i < control_count; i++) nacpFreeContext(&(nacp_ctx[i]));
if (program_info_ctx)
for(u32 i = 0; i < program_count; i++) programInfoFreeContext(&(program_info_ctx[i]));
if (nca_ctx) free(nca_ctx);
if (filename) free(filename);
if (buf) free(buf);
static u32 getOutputStorageOption(void)
return (u32)configGetInteger("output_storage");
static void setOutputStorageOption(u32 idx)
if (idx < ConfigOutputStorage_Count) configSetInteger("output_storage", (int)idx);
static u32 getGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("gamecard/prepend_key_area");
static void setGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("gamecard/prepend_key_area", (bool)idx);
static u32 getGameCardKeepCertificateOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("gamecard/keep_certificate");
static void setGameCardKeepCertificateOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("gamecard/keep_certificate", (bool)idx);
static u32 getGameCardTrimDumpOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("gamecard/trim_dump");
static void setGameCardTrimDumpOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("gamecard/trim_dump", (bool)idx);
static u32 getGameCardCalculateChecksumOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("gamecard/calculate_checksum");
static void setGameCardCalculateChecksumOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("gamecard/calculate_checksum", (bool)idx);
static u32 getGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("gamecard/write_raw_hfs_partition");
static void setGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("gamecard/write_raw_hfs_partition", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspSetDownloadDistributionOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/set_download_distribution");
static void setNspSetDownloadDistributionOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/set_download_distribution", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspRemoveConsoleDataOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/remove_console_data");
static void setNspRemoveConsoleDataOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/remove_console_data", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/remove_titlekey_crypto");
static void setNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/remove_titlekey_crypto", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/disable_linked_account_requirement");
static void setNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/disable_linked_account_requirement", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspEnableScreenshotsOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/enable_screenshots");
static void setNspEnableScreenshotsOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/enable_screenshots", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspEnableVideoCaptureOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/enable_video_capture");
static void setNspEnableVideoCaptureOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/enable_video_capture", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspDisableHdcpOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/disable_hdcp");
static void setNspDisableHdcpOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/disable_hdcp", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/generate_authoringtool_data");
static void setNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/generate_authoringtool_data", (bool)idx);
static u32 getTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("ticket/remove_console_data");
static void setTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("ticket/remove_console_data", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nca_fs/write_raw_section");
static void setNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nca_fs/write_raw_section", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nca_fs/use_layeredfs_dir");
static void setNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nca_fs/use_layeredfs_dir", (bool)idx);