#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <switch.h> #include <memory.h> #include "menu.h" #include "dumper.h" #include "ccolor.h" #include "filebrowser.h" FsDeviceOperator fsOperatorInstance; bool shouldExit = false; bool shouldWaitForAnyButton = false; void menuExit() { shouldExit = true; } void menuWaitForAnyButton() { printf(C_DIM "Press any button to return to menu\n"); shouldWaitForAnyButton = true; } void startOperation(const char* title) { consoleClear(); printf(C_DIM "%s\n\n" C_RESET, title); } void dumpPartitionZeroRaw(MenuItem* item) { startOperation("Raw Dump Partition 0 (SysUpdate)"); workaroundPartitionZeroAccess(&fsOperatorInstance); dumpPartitionRaw(&fsOperatorInstance, 0); menuWaitForAnyButton(); } void dumpPartitionZeroData(MenuItem* item) { startOperation("Dump Partition 0 (SysUpdate)"); workaroundPartitionZeroAccess(&fsOperatorInstance); FsFileSystem fs; if (openPartitionFs(&fs, &fsOperatorInstance, 0) && fsdevMountDevice("gamecard", fs) != -1) { printf("Copying to /dump_0\n"); if (copyDirectory("gamecard:/", "/dump_0")) { printf("Done!\n"); } } fsdevUnmountDevice("dump"); menuWaitForAnyButton(); } void viewPartitionZero() { startOperation("Mount Partition 0 (SysUpdate)"); workaroundPartitionZeroAccess(&fsOperatorInstance); FsFileSystem fs; if (!openPartitionFs(&fs, &fsOperatorInstance, 0)) { menuWaitForAnyButton(); return; } fsdevUnmountDevice("test"); // unmount it if it exists if (fsdevMountDevice("test", fs) == -1) { printf("fsdevMountDevice failed\n"); menuWaitForAnyButton(); return; } printFilesInDir("test:/"); } MenuItem mainMenu[] = { { .text = "Dump Partition 0 (SysUpdate)", .callback = dumpPartitionZeroData }, { .text = "Raw Dump Partition 0 (SysUpdate)", .callback = dumpPartitionZeroRaw }, { .text = "View files on Game Card (SysUpdate)", .callback = viewPartitionZero }, { .text = NULL } }; void openMainMenu() { menuSetCurrent(mainMenu, menuExit); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { gfxInitDefault(); consoleInit(NULL); if (R_FAILED(fsOpenDeviceOperator(&fsOperatorInstance))) { printf("Failed to open device operator\n"); return -1; } openMainMenu(); while(appletMainLoop()) { bool btnWait = shouldWaitForAnyButton; hidScanInput(); if (!btnWait) menuUpdate(&fsOperatorInstance); u64 kDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); if (kDown & KEY_PLUS) break; if (btnWait && kDown) { shouldWaitForAnyButton = false; menuPrint(); } if (shouldExit) break; gfxFlushBuffers(); gfxSwapBuffers(); gfxWaitForVsync(); } fsDeviceOperatorClose(&fsOperatorInstance); gfxExit(); return 0; }