/* * Copyright (c) 2020 DarkMatterCore * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include "freetype_helper.h" //#include "lvgl_helper.h" #include "keys.h" #include "gamecard.h" #include "services.h" #include "utils.h" #include "nca.h" #include "usb.h" #include "fatfs/ff.h" /* Global variables. */ static bool g_resourcesInitialized = false; static Mutex g_resourcesMutex = 0; static FsFileSystem *g_sdCardFileSystem = NULL; static FsStorage g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage = {0}; static FATFS *g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj = NULL; static AppletType g_programAppletType = 0; static bool g_homeButtonBlocked = false; static Mutex g_homeButtonMutex = 0; static u8 g_customFirmwareType = UtilsCustomFirmwareType_Unknown; static AppletHookCookie g_systemOverclockCookie = {0}; static Mutex g_logfileMutex = 0; /* Function prototypes. */ static bool utilsMountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void); static void utilsUnmountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void); static void _utilsGetCustomFirmwareType(void); static void utilsOverclockSystemAppletHook(AppletHookType hook, void *param); bool utilsInitializeResources(void) { mutexLock(&g_resourcesMutex); bool ret = g_resourcesInitialized; if (ret) goto exit; /* Initialize needed services */ if (!servicesInitialize()) { LOGFILE("Failed to initialize needed services!"); goto exit; } /* Initialize USB interface */ if (!usbInitialize()) { LOGFILE("Failed to initialize USB interface!"); goto exit; } /* Load NCA keyset */ if (!keysLoadNcaKeyset()) { LOGFILE("Failed to load NCA keyset!"); goto exit; } /* Allocate NCA crypto buffer */ if (!ncaAllocateCryptoBuffer()) { LOGFILE("Unable to allocate memory for NCA crypto buffer!"); goto exit; } /* Initialize gamecard interface */ if (!gamecardInitialize()) { LOGFILE("Failed to initialize gamecard interface!"); goto exit; } /* Retrieve SD card FsFileSystem */ if (!(g_sdCardFileSystem = fsdevGetDeviceFileSystem("sdmc:"))) { LOGFILE("fsdevGetDeviceFileSystem failed!"); goto exit; } /* Mount eMMC BIS System partition */ if (!utilsMountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage()) goto exit; /* Get applet type */ g_programAppletType = appletGetAppletType(); /* Disable screen dimming and auto sleep */ appletSetMediaPlaybackState(true); /* Retrieve custom firmware type */ _utilsGetCustomFirmwareType(); /* Overclock system */ utilsOverclockSystem(true); /* Setup an applet hook to change the hardware clocks after a system mode change (docked <-> undocked) */ appletHook(&g_systemOverclockCookie, utilsOverclockSystemAppletHook, NULL); /* Initialize FreeType */ //if (!freeTypeHelperInitialize()) return false; /* Initialize LVGL */ //if (!lvglHelperInitialize()) return false; ret = g_resourcesInitialized = true; exit: mutexUnlock(&g_resourcesMutex); return ret; } void utilsCloseResources(void) { mutexLock(&g_resourcesMutex); /* Free LVGL resources */ //lvglHelperExit(); /* Free FreeType resouces */ //freeTypeHelperExit(); /* Unset our overclock applet hook */ appletUnhook(&g_systemOverclockCookie); /* Restore hardware clocks */ utilsOverclockSystem(false); /* Enable screen dimming and auto sleep */ appletSetMediaPlaybackState(false); /* Unblock HOME button presses */ utilsChangeHomeButtonBlockStatus(false); /* Unmount eMMC BIS System partition */ utilsUnmountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(); /* Deinitialize gamecard interface */ gamecardExit(); /* Free NCA crypto buffer */ ncaFreeCryptoBuffer(); /* Close USB interface */ usbExit(); /* Close initialized services */ servicesClose(); g_resourcesInitialized = false; mutexUnlock(&g_resourcesMutex); } u64 utilsHidKeysAllDown(void) { u8 controller; u64 keys_down = 0; for(controller = 0; controller < (u8)CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO; controller++) keys_down |= hidKeysDown((HidControllerID)controller); return keys_down; } u64 utilsHidKeysAllHeld(void) { u8 controller; u64 keys_held = 0; for(controller = 0; controller < (u8)CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO; controller++) keys_held |= hidKeysHeld((HidControllerID)controller); return keys_held; } void utilsWaitForButtonPress(void) { u64 flag, keys_down; /* Don't consider touch screen presses nor stick movement as button inputs */ flag = ~(KEY_TOUCH | KEY_LSTICK_LEFT | KEY_LSTICK_RIGHT | KEY_LSTICK_UP | KEY_LSTICK_DOWN | KEY_RSTICK_LEFT | KEY_RSTICK_RIGHT | KEY_RSTICK_UP | KEY_RSTICK_DOWN); while(appletMainLoop()) { hidScanInput(); keys_down = utilsHidKeysAllDown(); if (keys_down & flag) break; } } void utilsWriteLogMessage(const char *func_name, const char *fmt, ...) { mutexLock(&g_logfileMutex); va_list args; FILE *logfile = NULL; logfile = fopen(LOGFILE_PATH, "a+"); if (!logfile) goto out; time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm *ts = localtime(&now); fprintf(logfile, "%d/%d/%d %d:%02d:%02d -> %s: ", ts->tm_year + 1900, ts->tm_mon + 1, ts->tm_mday, ts->tm_hour, ts->tm_min, ts->tm_sec, func_name); va_start(args, fmt); vfprintf(logfile, fmt, args); va_end(args); fprintf(logfile, "\r\n"); fclose(logfile); out: mutexUnlock(&g_logfileMutex); } void removeIllegalCharacters(char *name) { if (!name || !strlen(name)) return; u32 i, len = strlen(name); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (memchr("?[]/\\=+<>:;\",*|^", name[i], sizeof("?[]/\\=+<>:;\",*|^") - 1) || name[i] < 0x20 || name[i] > 0x7E) name[i] = '_'; } } void utilsReplaceIllegalCharacters(char *str) { size_t strsize = 0; if (!str || !(strsize = strlen(str))) return; for(size_t i = 0; i < strsize; i++) { if (memchr("?[]/\\=+<>:;\",*|^", str[i], sizeof("?[]/\\=+<>:;\",*|^") - 1) || str[i] < 0x20 || str[i] > 0x7E) str[i] = '_'; } } void utilsTrimString(char *str) { size_t strsize = 0; char *start = NULL, *end = NULL; if (!str || !(strsize = strlen(str))) return; start = str; end = (start + strsize); while(--end >= start) { if (!isspace((unsigned char)*end)) break; } *(++end) = '\0'; while(isspace((unsigned char)*start)) start++; if (start != str) memmove(str, start, end - start + 1); } void utilsGenerateHexStringFromData(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const void *src, size_t src_size) { if (!src || !src_size || !dst || dst_size < ((src_size * 2) + 1)) return; size_t i, j; const u8 *src_u8 = (const u8*)src; for(i = 0, j = 0; i < src_size; i++) { char h_nib = ((src_u8[i] >> 4) & 0xF); char l_nib = (src_u8[i] & 0xF); dst[j++] = (h_nib + (h_nib < 0xA ? 0x30 : 0x57)); dst[j++] = (l_nib + (l_nib < 0xA ? 0x30 : 0x57)); } dst[j] = '\0'; } bool utilsGetFreeSdCardSpace(u64 *out) { return utilsGetFreeFileSystemSpace(g_sdCardFileSystem, out); } bool utilsGetFreeFileSystemSpace(FsFileSystem *fs, u64 *out) { if (!fs || !out) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } Result rc = fsFsGetFreeSpace(fs, "/", (s64*)out); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { LOGFILE("fsFsGetFreeSpace failed! (0x%08X)", rc); return false; } return true; } bool utilsCheckIfFileExists(const char *path) { if (!path || !strlen(path)) return false; FILE *chkfile = fopen(path, "rb"); if (chkfile) { fclose(chkfile); return true; } return false; } bool utilsCreateConcatenationFile(const char *path) { Result rc = 0; if (!path || !strlen(path)) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } /* Safety check: remove any existant file/directory at the destination path */ remove(path); fsdevDeleteDirectoryRecursively(path); /* Create ConcatenationFile */ /* If the call succeeds, the caller function will be able to operate on this file using stdio calls */ rc = fsdevCreateFile(path, 0, FsCreateOption_BigFile); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { LOGFILE("fsdevCreateFile failed for \"%s\"! (0x%08X)", path, rc); return false; } return true; } bool utilsAppletModeCheck(void) { return (g_programAppletType != AppletType_Application && g_programAppletType != AppletType_SystemApplication); } void utilsChangeHomeButtonBlockStatus(bool block) { mutexLock(&g_homeButtonMutex); /* Only change HOME button blocking status if we're running as a regular application or a system application, and if it's current blocking status is different than the requested one */ if (!utilsAppletModeCheck() && block != g_homeButtonBlocked) { if (block) { appletBeginBlockingHomeButtonShortAndLongPressed(0); } else { appletEndBlockingHomeButtonShortAndLongPressed(); } g_homeButtonBlocked = block; } mutexUnlock(&g_homeButtonMutex); } u8 utilsGetCustomFirmwareType(void) { return g_customFirmwareType; } FsStorage *utilsGetEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void) { return &g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage; } void utilsOverclockSystem(bool overclock) { u32 cpuClkRate = ((overclock ? CPU_CLKRT_OVERCLOCKED : CPU_CLKRT_NORMAL) * 1000000); u32 memClkRate = ((overclock ? MEM_CLKRT_OVERCLOCKED : MEM_CLKRT_NORMAL) * 1000000); servicesChangeHardwareClockRates(cpuClkRate, memClkRate); } static bool utilsMountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void) { Result rc = 0; FRESULT fr = FR_OK; rc = fsOpenBisStorage(&g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage, FsBisPartitionId_System); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { LOGFILE("Failed to open eMMC BIS System partition storage! (0x%08X)", rc); return false; } g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj = calloc(1, sizeof(FATFS)); if (!g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj) { LOGFILE("Unable to allocate memory for FatFs object!"); return false; } fr = f_mount(g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj, BIS_SYSTEM_PARTITION_MOUNT_NAME, 1); if (fr != FR_OK) { LOGFILE("Failed to mount eMMC BIS System partition! (%u)", fr); return false; } return true; } static void utilsUnmountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void) { if (g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj) { f_unmount(BIS_SYSTEM_PARTITION_MOUNT_NAME); free(g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj); g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj = NULL; } if (serviceIsActive(&(g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage.s))) { fsStorageClose(&g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage); memset(&g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage, 0, sizeof(FsStorage)); } } static void _utilsGetCustomFirmwareType(void) { bool tx_srv = servicesCheckRunningServiceByName("tx"); bool rnx_srv = servicesCheckRunningServiceByName("rnx"); g_customFirmwareType = (rnx_srv ? UtilsCustomFirmwareType_ReiNX : (tx_srv ? UtilsCustomFirmwareType_SXOS : UtilsCustomFirmwareType_Atmosphere)); } static void utilsOverclockSystemAppletHook(AppletHookType hook, void *param) { (void)param; if (hook != AppletHookType_OnOperationMode && hook != AppletHookType_OnPerformanceMode) return; /* To do: read config here to actually know the value to use with utilsOverclockSystem */ utilsOverclockSystem(false); }