/* * main.c * * Copyright (c) 2020, DarkMatterCore . * * This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool). * * nxdumptool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * nxdumptool is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "utils.h" #include "gamecard.h" #include "title.h" #include "cnmt.h" #include "program_info.h" #include "nacp.h" #include "legal_info.h" #include "cert.h" #include "usb.h" #define BLOCK_SIZE 0x800000 static const char *dump_type_strings[] = { "dump base application", "dump update", "dump dlc" }; static const u32 dump_type_strings_count = MAX_ELEMENTS(dump_type_strings); typedef struct { char str[64]; bool val; } options_t; static options_t options[] = { { "set download distribution type", false }, { "remove console specific data", false }, { "remove titlekey crypto (implies previous option)", false }, { "change acid rsa key/sig", false } }; static const u32 options_count = MAX_ELEMENTS(options); static void consolePrint(const char *text, ...) { va_list v; va_start(v, text); vfprintf(stdout, text, v); va_end(v); consoleUpdate(NULL); } static void nspDump(TitleInfo *title_info) { if (!title_info || !title_info->content_count || !title_info->content_infos) return; consoleClear(); TitleApplicationMetadata *app_metadata = (title_info->app_metadata ? title_info->app_metadata : ((title_info->parent && title_info->parent->app_metadata) ? title_info->parent->app_metadata : NULL)); printf("%s info:\n\n", title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Application ? "base application" : \ (title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? "update" : "dlc")); printf("name: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.name); printf("publisher: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.author); printf("source storage: %s\n", title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? "gamecard" : (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInUser ? "emmc" : "sd card")); printf("title id: %016lX\n", title_info->meta_key.id); printf("version: %u (%u.%u.%u-%u.%u)\n", title_info->version.value, title_info->version.major, title_info->version.minor, title_info->version.micro, title_info->version.major_relstep, \ title_info->version.minor_relstep); printf("content count: %u\n", title_info->content_count); printf("size: %s\n", title_info->size_str); printf("______________________________\n\n"); printf("dump options:\n\n"); for(u32 i = 0; i < options_count; i++) printf("%s: %s\n", options[i].str, options[i].val ? "yes" : "no"); printf("______________________________\n\n"); bool set_download_type = options[0].val, remove_console_data = options[1].val, remove_titlekey_crypto = options[2].val, change_acid_rsa = options[3].val; u8 *buf = NULL; char *dump_name = NULL, *path = NULL; NcaContext *nca_ctx = NULL; NcaContext *meta_nca_ctx = NULL; ContentMetaContext cnmt_ctx = {0}; ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx = NULL; u32 program_idx = 0, program_count = titleGetContentCountByType(title_info, NcmContentType_Program); NacpContext *nacp_ctx = NULL; u32 control_idx = 0, control_count = titleGetContentCountByType(title_info, NcmContentType_Control); LegalInfoContext *legal_info_ctx = NULL; u32 legal_info_idx = 0, legal_info_count = titleGetContentCountByType(title_info, NcmContentType_LegalInformation); Ticket tik = {0}; TikCommonBlock *tik_common_block = NULL; u8 *raw_cert_chain = NULL; u64 raw_cert_chain_size = 0; PartitionFileSystemFileContext pfs_file_ctx = {0}; pfsInitializeFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx); char entry_name[64] = {0}; u64 nsp_header_size = 0, nsp_size = 0, nsp_offset = 0; char *tmp_name = NULL; Sha256Context sha256_ctx = {0}; u8 sha256_hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE] = {0}; /* Allocate memory for the dump process. */ if (!(buf = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE))) { consolePrint("buf alloc failed\n"); goto end; } /* Generate output path. */ if (!(dump_name = titleGenerateFileName(title_info, TitleFileNameConvention_Full, TitleFileNameIllegalCharReplaceType_IllegalFsChars))) { consolePrint("title generate file name failed\n"); goto end; } if (!(path = utilsGeneratePath(NULL, dump_name, ".nsp"))) { consolePrint("generate path failed\n"); goto end; } if (!(nca_ctx = calloc(title_info->content_count, sizeof(NcaContext)))) { consolePrint("nca ctx calloc failed\n"); goto end; } if (program_count && !(program_info_ctx = calloc(program_count, sizeof(ProgramInfoContext)))) { consolePrint("program info ctx calloc failed\n"); goto end; } if (control_count && !(nacp_ctx = calloc(control_count, sizeof(NacpContext)))) { consolePrint("nacp ctx calloc failed\n"); goto end; } if (legal_info_count && !(legal_info_ctx = calloc(legal_info_count, sizeof(LegalInfoContext)))) { consolePrint("legal info ctx calloc failed\n"); goto end; } // set meta nca as the last nca meta_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[title_info->content_count - 1]); if (!ncaInitializeContext(meta_nca_ctx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \ titleGetContentInfoByTypeAndIdOffset(title_info, NcmContentType_Meta, 0), &tik)) { consolePrint("Meta nca initialize ctx failed\n"); goto end; } consolePrint("Meta nca initialize ctx succeeded\n"); if (!cnmtInitializeContext(&cnmt_ctx, meta_nca_ctx)) { consolePrint("cnmt initialize ctx failed\n"); goto end; } consolePrint("cnmt initialize ctx succeeded (%s)\n", meta_nca_ctx->content_id_str); // initialize nca context // initialize content type context // generate nca patches (if needed) // generate content type xml for(u32 i = 0, j = 0; i < title_info->content_count; i++) { // skip meta nca since we already initialized it NcmContentInfo *content_info = &(title_info->content_infos[i]); if (content_info->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta) continue; NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[j]); if (!ncaInitializeContext(cur_nca_ctx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), content_info, &tik)) { consolePrint("%s #%u initialize nca ctx failed\n", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(content_info->content_type), content_info->id_offset); goto end; } consolePrint("%s #%u initialize nca ctx succeeded\n", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(content_info->content_type), content_info->id_offset); // don't go any further with this nca if we can't access its fs data because it's pointless // to do: add preload warning if (cur_nca_ctx->rights_id_available && !cur_nca_ctx->titlekey_retrieved) { j++; continue; } // set download distribution type // has no effect if this nca uses NcaDistributionType_Download if (set_download_type) ncaSetDownloadDistributionType(cur_nca_ctx); // remove titlekey crypto // has no effect if this nca doesn't use titlekey crypto if (remove_titlekey_crypto && !ncaRemoveTitlekeyCrypto(cur_nca_ctx)) { consolePrint("nca remove titlekey crypto failed\n"); goto end; } switch(content_info->content_type) { case NcmContentType_Program: { ProgramInfoContext *cur_program_info_ctx = &(program_info_ctx[program_idx]); if (!programInfoInitializeContext(cur_program_info_ctx, cur_nca_ctx)) { consolePrint("initialize program info ctx failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); goto end; } if (change_acid_rsa && !programInfoGenerateNcaPatch(cur_program_info_ctx)) { consolePrint("program info nca patch failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); goto end; } if (!programInfoGenerateAuthoringToolXml(cur_program_info_ctx)) { consolePrint("program info xml failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); goto end; } program_idx++; consolePrint("initialize program info ctx succeeded (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); break; } case NcmContentType_Control: { NacpContext *cur_nacp_ctx = &(nacp_ctx[control_idx]); if (!nacpInitializeContext(cur_nacp_ctx, cur_nca_ctx)) { consolePrint("initialize nacp ctx failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); goto end; } // add nacp mods here if (!nacpGenerateAuthoringToolXml(cur_nacp_ctx, title_info->version.value, cnmtGetRequiredTitleVersion(&cnmt_ctx))) { consolePrint("nacp xml failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); goto end; } control_idx++; consolePrint("initialize nacp ctx succeeded (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); break; } case NcmContentType_LegalInformation: { LegalInfoContext *cur_legal_info_ctx = &(legal_info_ctx[legal_info_idx]); if (!legalInfoInitializeContext(cur_legal_info_ctx, cur_nca_ctx)) { consolePrint("initialize legal info ctx failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); goto end; } legal_info_idx++; consolePrint("initialize legal info ctx succeeded (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); break; } default: break; } if (!ncaEncryptHeader(cur_nca_ctx)) { consolePrint("%s #%u encrypt nca header failed\n", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(content_info->content_type), content_info->id_offset); goto end; } j++; } // generate cnmt xml right away even though we don't yet have all the data we need // This is because we need its size to calculate the full nsp size if (!cnmtGenerateAuthoringToolXml(&cnmt_ctx, nca_ctx, title_info->content_count)) { consolePrint("cnmt xml #1 failed\n"); goto end; } bool retrieve_tik_cert = (!remove_titlekey_crypto && tik.size > 0); if (retrieve_tik_cert) { if (!(tik_common_block = tikGetCommonBlock(tik.data))) { consolePrint("tik common block failed"); goto end; } if (remove_console_data && tik_common_block->titlekey_type == TikTitleKeyType_Personalized) { if (!tikConvertPersonalizedTicketToCommonTicket(&tik, &raw_cert_chain, &raw_cert_chain_size)) { consolePrint("tik convert failed\n"); goto end; } } else { raw_cert_chain = (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? certRetrieveRawCertificateChainFromGameCardByRightsId(&(tik_common_block->rights_id), &raw_cert_chain_size) : \ certGenerateRawCertificateChainBySignatureIssuer(tik_common_block->issuer, &raw_cert_chain_size)); if (!raw_cert_chain) { consolePrint("cert failed\n"); goto end; } } } // add nca info for(u32 i = 0; i < title_info->content_count; i++) { NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]); sprintf(entry_name, "%s.%s", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str, cur_nca_ctx->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta ? "cnmt.nca" : "nca"); if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, entry_name, cur_nca_ctx->content_size, NULL)) { consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name); goto end; } } // add cnmt xml info sprintf(entry_name, "%s.cnmt.xml", meta_nca_ctx->content_id_str); if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, entry_name, cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size, &(meta_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx))) { consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name); goto end; } // add content type ctx data info for(u32 i = 0; i < (title_info->content_count - 1); i++) { bool ret = false; NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]); if (!cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx) continue; switch(cur_nca_ctx->content_type) { case NcmContentType_Program: { ProgramInfoContext *cur_program_info_ctx = (ProgramInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx; sprintf(entry_name, "%s.programinfo.xml", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); ret = pfsAddEntryInformationToFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, entry_name, cur_program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size, &(cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx)); break; } case NcmContentType_Control: { NacpContext *cur_nacp_ctx = (NacpContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx; for(u8 j = 0; j < cur_nacp_ctx->icon_count; j++) { NacpIconContext *icon_ctx = &(cur_nacp_ctx->icon_ctx[j]); sprintf(entry_name, "%s.nx.%s.jpg", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str, nacpGetLanguageString(icon_ctx->language)); if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, entry_name, icon_ctx->icon_size, j == 0 ? &(cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx) : NULL)) { consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name); goto end; } } sprintf(entry_name, "%s.nacp.xml", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); ret = pfsAddEntryInformationToFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, entry_name, cur_nacp_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size, NULL); break; } case NcmContentType_LegalInformation: { LegalInfoContext *cur_legal_info_ctx = (LegalInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx; sprintf(entry_name, "%s.legalinfo.xml", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); ret = pfsAddEntryInformationToFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, entry_name, cur_legal_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size, &(cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx)); break; } default: break; } if (!ret) { consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name); goto end; } } // add ticket and cert info if (retrieve_tik_cert) { sprintf(entry_name, "%s.tik", tik.rights_id_str); if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, entry_name, tik.size, NULL)) { consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name); goto end; } sprintf(entry_name, "%s.cert", tik.rights_id_str); if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, entry_name, raw_cert_chain_size, NULL)) { consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name); goto end; } } // write buffer to memory buffer if (!pfsWriteFileContextHeaderToMemoryBuffer(&pfs_file_ctx, buf, BLOCK_SIZE, &nsp_header_size)) { consolePrint("pfs write header to mem #1 failed\n"); goto end; } nsp_size = (nsp_header_size + pfs_file_ctx.fs_size); consolePrint("nsp header size: 0x%lX | nsp size: 0x%lX\n", nsp_header_size, nsp_size); consolePrint("waiting for usb connection... "); time_t start = time(NULL); bool usb_conn = false; while(true) { time_t now = time(NULL); if ((now - start) >= 10) break; consolePrint("%lu ", now - start); if ((usb_conn = usbIsReady())) break; utilsSleep(1); } consolePrint("\n"); if (!usb_conn) { consolePrint("usb connection failed\n"); goto end; } consolePrint("dump process started. please wait...\n"); start = time(NULL); if (!usbSendFileProperties(nsp_size, path, (u32)nsp_header_size)) { consolePrint("usb send file properties (header) failed\n"); goto end; } nsp_offset += nsp_header_size; // write ncas for(u32 i = 0; i < title_info->content_count; i++) { NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]); u64 blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; memset(&sha256_ctx, 0, sizeof(Sha256Context)); sha256ContextCreate(&sha256_ctx); if (cur_nca_ctx->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta && (!cnmtGenerateNcaPatch(&cnmt_ctx) || !ncaEncryptHeader(cur_nca_ctx))) { consolePrint("cnmt generate patch failed\n"); goto end; } bool dirty_header = ncaIsHeaderDirty(cur_nca_ctx); tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, i); if (!usbSendFilePropertiesCommon(cur_nca_ctx->content_size, tmp_name)) { consolePrint("usb send file properties \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name); goto end; } for(u64 offset = 0; offset < cur_nca_ctx->content_size; offset += blksize, nsp_offset += blksize) { if ((cur_nca_ctx->content_size - offset) < blksize) blksize = (cur_nca_ctx->content_size - offset); // read nca chunk if (!ncaReadContentFile(cur_nca_ctx, buf, blksize, offset)) { consolePrint("nca read failed at 0x%lX for \"%s\"\n", offset, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); goto end; } if (dirty_header) { // write re-encrypted headers if (!cur_nca_ctx->header_written) ncaWriteEncryptedHeaderDataToMemoryBuffer(cur_nca_ctx, buf, blksize, offset); if (cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_patch) { // write content type context patch switch(cur_nca_ctx->content_type) { case NcmContentType_Meta: { cnmtWriteNcaPatch(&cnmt_ctx, buf, blksize, offset); break; } case NcmContentType_Program: { ProgramInfoContext *cur_program_info_ctx = (ProgramInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx; programInfoWriteNcaPatch(cur_program_info_ctx, buf, blksize, offset); break; } case NcmContentType_Control: // write nacp patches here break; default: break; } } // update flag to avoid entering this code block if it's not needed anymore dirty_header = (!cur_nca_ctx->header_written || cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_patch); } // update hash calculation sha256ContextUpdate(&sha256_ctx, buf, blksize); // write nca chunk if (!usbSendFileData(buf, blksize)) { consolePrint("send file data failed\n"); goto end; } } // get hash sha256ContextGetHash(&sha256_ctx, sha256_hash); // update content id and hash ncaUpdateContentIdAndHash(cur_nca_ctx, sha256_hash); // update cnmt if (!cnmtUpdateContentInfo(&cnmt_ctx, cur_nca_ctx)) { consolePrint("cnmt update content info failed\n"); goto end; } // update pfs entry name if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, i, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str)) { consolePrint("pfs update entry name failed for nca \"%s\"\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); goto end; } } // regenerate cnmt xml if (!cnmtGenerateAuthoringToolXml(&cnmt_ctx, nca_ctx, title_info->content_count)) { consolePrint("cnmt xml #2 failed\n"); goto end; } // write cnmt xml tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, meta_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx); if (!usbSendFilePropertiesCommon(cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml, cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size)) { consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name); goto end; } nsp_offset += cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size; // update cnmt xml pfs entry name if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, meta_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx, meta_nca_ctx->content_id_str)) { consolePrint("pfs update entry name cnmt xml failed\n"); goto end; } // write content type ctx data for(u32 i = 0; i < (title_info->content_count - 1); i++) { NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]); if (!cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx) continue; char *authoring_tool_xml = NULL; u64 authoring_tool_xml_size = 0; u32 data_idx = cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx; switch(cur_nca_ctx->content_type) { case NcmContentType_Program: { ProgramInfoContext *cur_program_info_ctx = (ProgramInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx; authoring_tool_xml = cur_program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml; authoring_tool_xml_size = cur_program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size; break; } case NcmContentType_Control: { NacpContext *cur_nacp_ctx = (NacpContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx; authoring_tool_xml = cur_nacp_ctx->authoring_tool_xml; authoring_tool_xml_size = cur_nacp_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size; // loop through available icons for(u8 j = 0; j < cur_nacp_ctx->icon_count; j++) { NacpIconContext *icon_ctx = &(cur_nacp_ctx->icon_ctx[j]); // write icon tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, data_idx); if (!usbSendFilePropertiesCommon(icon_ctx->icon_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(icon_ctx->icon_data, icon_ctx->icon_size)) { consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name); goto end; } nsp_offset += icon_ctx->icon_size; // update pfs entry name if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, data_idx++, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str)) { consolePrint("pfs update entry name failed for icon \"%s\" (%u)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str, icon_ctx->language); goto end; } } break; } case NcmContentType_LegalInformation: { LegalInfoContext *cur_legal_info_ctx = (LegalInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx; authoring_tool_xml = cur_legal_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml; authoring_tool_xml_size = cur_legal_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size; break; } default: break; } // write xml tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, data_idx); if (!usbSendFilePropertiesCommon(authoring_tool_xml_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(authoring_tool_xml, authoring_tool_xml_size)) { consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name); goto end; } nsp_offset += authoring_tool_xml_size; // update pfs entry name if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, data_idx, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str)) { consolePrint("pfs update entry name failed for xml \"%s\"\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str); goto end; } } if (retrieve_tik_cert) { // write ticket tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, pfs_file_ctx.header.entry_count - 2); if (!usbSendFilePropertiesCommon(tik.size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(tik.data, tik.size)) { consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name); goto end; } nsp_offset += tik.size; // write cert tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx, pfs_file_ctx.header.entry_count - 1); if (!usbSendFilePropertiesCommon(raw_cert_chain_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(raw_cert_chain, raw_cert_chain_size)) { consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name); goto end; } nsp_offset += raw_cert_chain_size; } // write new pfs0 header if (!pfsWriteFileContextHeaderToMemoryBuffer(&pfs_file_ctx, buf, BLOCK_SIZE, &nsp_header_size)) { consolePrint("pfs write header to mem #2 failed\n"); goto end; } if (!usbSendNspHeader(buf, (u32)nsp_header_size)) { consolePrint("send nsp header failed\n"); goto end; } start = (time(NULL) - start); consolePrint("process successfully completed in %lu seconds!\n", start); end: pfsFreeFileContext(&pfs_file_ctx); if (raw_cert_chain) free(raw_cert_chain); if (legal_info_ctx) { for(u32 i = 0; i < legal_info_count; i++) legalInfoFreeContext(&(legal_info_ctx[i])); free(legal_info_ctx); } if (nacp_ctx) { for(u32 i = 0; i < control_count; i++) nacpFreeContext(&(nacp_ctx[i])); free(nacp_ctx); } if (program_info_ctx) { for(u32 i = 0; i < program_count; i++) programInfoFreeContext(&(program_info_ctx[i])); free(program_info_ctx); } cnmtFreeContext(&cnmt_ctx); if (nca_ctx) free(nca_ctx); if (path) free(path); if (dump_name) free(dump_name); if (buf) free(buf); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; int ret = 0; consoleInit(NULL); consolePrint("initializing...\n"); if (!utilsInitializeResources()) { ret = -1; goto out; } u32 app_count = 0; TitleApplicationMetadata **app_metadata = NULL; TitleUserApplicationData user_app_data = {0}; TitleInfo *title_info = NULL; u32 menu = 0, selected_idx = 0, scroll = 0, page_size = 30; u32 title_idx = 0, title_scroll = 0; u32 type_idx = 0, type_scroll = 0; u32 list_count = 0, list_idx = 0; app_metadata = titleGetApplicationMetadataEntries(false, &app_count); if (!app_metadata || !app_count) { consolePrint("app metadata failed\n"); goto out2; } consolePrint("app metadata succeeded\n"); utilsSleep(1); while(true) { consoleClear(); printf("press b to %s.\n", menu == 0 ? "exit" : "go back"); printf("______________________________\n\n"); if (menu == 0) { printf("title: %u / %u\n", selected_idx + 1, app_count); printf("selected title: %016lX - %s\n", app_metadata[selected_idx]->title_id, app_metadata[selected_idx]->lang_entry.name); } else { printf("title info:\n\n"); printf("name: %s\n", app_metadata[title_idx]->lang_entry.name); printf("publisher: %s\n", app_metadata[title_idx]->lang_entry.author); printf("title id: %016lX\n", app_metadata[title_idx]->title_id); if (menu == 2) { printf("______________________________\n\n"); if (title_info->previous || title_info->next) { printf("press zl/l and/or zr/r to change the selected title\n"); printf("title: %u / %u\n", list_idx, list_count); printf("______________________________\n\n"); } printf("selected %s info:\n\n", title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Application ? "base application" : \ (title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? "update" : "dlc")); printf("source storage: %s\n", title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? "gamecard" : (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInUser ? "emmc" : "sd card")); if (title_info->meta_key.type != NcmContentMetaType_Application) printf("title id: %016lX\n", title_info->meta_key.id); printf("version: %u (%u.%u.%u-%u.%u)\n", title_info->version.value, title_info->version.major, title_info->version.minor, title_info->version.micro, title_info->version.major_relstep, \ title_info->version.minor_relstep); printf("content count: %u\n", title_info->content_count); printf("size: %s\n", title_info->size_str); } } printf("______________________________\n\n"); u32 max_val = (menu == 0 ? app_count : (menu == 1 ? dump_type_strings_count : (1 + options_count))); for(u32 i = scroll; i < max_val; i++) { if (i >= (scroll + page_size)) break; printf("%s", i == selected_idx ? " -> " : " "); if (menu == 0) { printf("%016lX - %s\n", app_metadata[i]->title_id, app_metadata[i]->lang_entry.name); } else if (menu == 1) { printf("%s\n", dump_type_strings[i]); } else if (menu == 2) { if (i == 0) { printf("start nsp dump\n"); } else { printf("%s: < %s >\n", options[i - 1].str, options[i - 1].val ? "yes" : "no"); } } } printf("\n"); consoleUpdate(NULL); bool gc_update = false; u64 btn_down = 0, btn_held = 0; while(true) { hidScanInput(); btn_down = utilsHidKeysAllDown(); btn_held = utilsHidKeysAllHeld(); if (btn_down || btn_held) break; if (titleIsGameCardInfoUpdated()) { free(app_metadata); app_metadata = titleGetApplicationMetadataEntries(false, &app_count); if (!app_metadata) { consolePrint("\napp metadata failed\n"); goto out2; } menu = selected_idx = scroll = 0; title_idx = title_scroll = 0; type_idx = type_scroll = 0; list_count = list_idx = 0; gc_update = true; break; } } if (gc_update) continue; if (btn_down & KEY_A) { bool error = false; if (menu == 0) { title_idx = selected_idx; title_scroll = scroll; } else if (menu == 1) { type_idx = selected_idx; type_scroll = scroll; } menu++; if (menu == 3 && selected_idx != 0) { menu--; continue; } if (menu == 1) { if (!titleGetUserApplicationData(app_metadata[title_idx]->title_id, &user_app_data)) { consolePrint("\nget user application data failed!\n"); error = true; } } else if (menu == 2) { if ((type_idx == 0 && !user_app_data.app_info) || (type_idx == 1 && !user_app_data.patch_info) || (type_idx == 2 && !user_app_data.aoc_info)) { consolePrint("\nthe selected title doesn't have available %s data\n", type_idx == 0 ? "base application" : (type_idx == 1 ? "update" : "dlc")); error = true; } else { title_info = (type_idx == 0 ? user_app_data.app_info : (type_idx == 1 ? user_app_data.patch_info : user_app_data.aoc_info)); list_count = titleGetCountFromInfoBlock(title_info); list_idx = 1; } } else if (menu == 3) { consoleClear(); utilsChangeHomeButtonBlockStatus(true); nspDump(title_info); utilsChangeHomeButtonBlockStatus(false); } if (error || menu >= 3) { consolePrint("press any button to continue\n"); utilsWaitForButtonPress(KEY_ANY); menu--; } else { selected_idx = scroll = 0; } } else if ((btn_down & KEY_DDOWN) || (btn_held & (KEY_LSTICK_DOWN | KEY_RSTICK_DOWN))) { selected_idx++; if (selected_idx >= max_val) { if (btn_down & KEY_DDOWN) { selected_idx = scroll = 0; } else { selected_idx = (max_val - 1); } } else if (selected_idx >= (scroll + (page_size / 2)) && max_val > (scroll + page_size)) { scroll++; } } else if ((btn_down & KEY_DUP) || (btn_held & (KEY_LSTICK_UP | KEY_RSTICK_UP))) { selected_idx--; if (selected_idx == UINT32_MAX) { if (btn_down & KEY_DUP) { selected_idx = (max_val - 1); scroll = (max_val >= page_size ? (max_val - page_size) : 0); } else { selected_idx = 0; } } else if (selected_idx < (scroll + (page_size / 2)) && scroll > 0) { scroll--; } } else if (btn_down & KEY_B) { menu--; if (menu == UINT32_MAX) { break; } else { selected_idx = (menu == 0 ? title_idx : type_idx); scroll = (menu == 0 ? title_scroll : type_scroll); } } else if (((btn_down & KEY_DLEFT) || (btn_down & KEY_DRIGHT)) && menu == 2 && selected_idx != 0) { options[selected_idx - 1].val ^= 1; } else if (((btn_down & KEY_L) || (btn_down & KEY_ZL)) && menu == 2 && title_info->previous) { title_info = title_info->previous; list_idx--; } else if (((btn_down & KEY_R) || (btn_down & KEY_ZR)) && menu == 2 && title_info->next) { title_info = title_info->next; list_idx++; } if (btn_held & (KEY_LSTICK_DOWN | KEY_RSTICK_DOWN | KEY_LSTICK_UP | KEY_RSTICK_UP)) svcSleepThread(50000000); // 50 ms } out2: if (menu != UINT32_MAX) { consolePrint("press any button to exit\n"); utilsWaitForButtonPress(KEY_ANY); } if (app_metadata) free(app_metadata); out: utilsCloseResources(); consoleExit(NULL); return ret; }