The scripting language of TegraExplorer. (MIRROR)
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2020-04-14 23:56:17 +02:00
scripts Add 10.0.0 firmware ncas 2020-04-14 23:56:17 +02:00 Changes for TE v1.5.1 2020-04-12 22:30:47 +02:00


The scripting language of TegraExplorer


Function Args Description Output
printf(string arg1) arg1: Text to print to the screen writes text to the screen returns 0
printInt(int arg1) arg1: Int variable to print Displays an int variable to the screen in the format @var: (number) returns 0
setPrintPos(int arg1, int arg2) arg1: sets cursor position x, arg2: sets cursor position y sets cursor to a position on the screen. Max X is 42, max Y is 78 returns 0
clearscreen() - clears the screen returns 0
setColor(string arg1) arg1: color string. Valid args: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, VIOLET, WHITE Changes the color of the text printed returns 0
if(int arg1) arg1: checks if interger is true or false (not 0 or 0) Part of flow control. Runs code inside {} returns 0
goto(int location) location: interger aquired by getLocation() jumps to the character offset specified returns 0
getLocation() - Returns the current script location, for use with goto() returns > 0
math(int arg1, string arg2, int arg3) arg1 "operator arg2" arg3. Valid operators (arg2s): "+", "-", "*", "/" Does a math operation and returns the result returns the result of the math operation
check(int arg1, string arg2, int arg3) arg1 "operator arg2" arg3. Valid operators (arg2s): "==", "!=", ">=", "<=", ">", "<" Does a check and returns the result. result is either 0 or 1 returns 0 or 1
invert(int arg1) - makes non 0 integers a 0, and vise versa returns 0 or 1
setInt(int arg1) - returns arg1, for setting of variables returns arg1
setString(string in, $svar out) $svar is a string variable, written as $var copies in to out returns 0
setStringIndex(int in, $svar out) looks up earlier defined strings in order. User defined strings start at index 1. $svar is a string variable Copies string table index to out returns 0
combineStrings(string s1, string s2, $svar out) $svar is a string variable combines s1 and s2 (as s1s2) and copies it into out returns 0
compareStrings(string s1, string s2) - compares s1 to s2. If they are the same, the function returns 1, else 0 returns 0 or 1
pause() - pauses the script until it recieves user input. result will be copied into @BTN_POWER, @BTN_VOL+ and @BTN_VOL- returns >0
wait(int arg1) arg1: amount that it waits waits for the given amount of time, then continues running the script returns 0
exit() - exits the script -
fs_exists(string path) path: full path to file check if a file exists. 1 if it exists, 0 if it doesn't returns 0 or 1
fs_move(string src, string dst) src/dst: full path to file move file from src to dst returns >= 0
fs_mkdir(string path) path: full path to file creates a directory at the given path (note: returns 8 if the folder already exists returns >= 0
fs_del(string path) path: full path to file deletes a file (or empty directory) returns >= 0
fs_delRecursive(string path) path: full path to folder deletes a folder with all subitems returns >= 0
fs_copy(string src, string dst) src/dst: full path to file copies a file from src to dst returns >= 0
fs_copyRecursive(string src, string dst) src/dst: full path to file copies a folder with subitems from src to dst (note that dst is the parent folder, src will be copied to dst/src) returns >= 0
fs_openDir(string path) path: full path to folder opens a directory for use with fs_readDir() and sets @ISDIRVALID to 1 returns >= 0
fs_closeDir() - closes current open directory and sets @ISDIRVALID to 0 returns 0
fs_readDir() - reads entry out of dir. Atomatically calls fs_closeDir() if the end of the dir is reached. Saves result to $FILENAME and @ISDIR returns 0
fs_combinePath(string left, string right, $var out) - Will combine paths, like sd:/ and folder to sd:/folder, also sd:/folder and folder2 to sd:/folder/folder2 returns 0
fs_extractBisFile(string path, string outfolder) - take .bis and extract it into outfolder returns >= 0
mmc_connect(string mmctype) mmctype: either SYSMMC or EMUMMC connects SYSMMC or EMUMMC to the system. Specify partition with mmc_mount() returns 0
mmc_mount(string partition) partition: either SYSTEM or USER mounts partition in previously connected mmc returns >= 0
mmc_dumpPart(string type, string out) type: Either BOOT or a partition on the gpt. out: Out folder: for BOOT this needs to be a folder, otherwise a filepath Dumps a part from the e(mu)mmc. Determined by earlier mmc_connect's returns >= 0
mmc_restorePart(string path) path: Needs to be BOOT0, BOOT1 or a valid partition on the gpt. FS Partitions are not allowed Restores a file to the e(mu)mmc. Determined by earlier mmc_connect's returns >= 0


TegraScript has 2 kinds of variables, @ints, $strings.

  • You can define @ints by writing @variable = setInt(0); (or any function for that matter).
  • You can define $strings with the use of setString();, setStringIndex(); and combineStrings();.

You can use these variables in place of int or string inputs, so for example @b = setInt(@a) or setString($a, $b)

Note though that the int variables can't be assigned negative values

Built in variables

There are some built in variables:

  • @EMUMMC: 1 if an emummc was found, 0 if no emummc was found
  • @RESULT: result of the last ran function
  • @BTN_POWER, @BTN_VOL+, @BTN_VOL-: result of the pause() function, represents which button got pressed during the pause() function
  • $CURRENTPATH: Represents the current path

(if fs_readdir() got ran)

  • @ISDIRVALID: Is the open directory valid
  • $FILENAME: Represents the current filename
  • @ISDIR: 1 if the last read file is a DIR, otherwise 0

Flow control

You can use if(), goto() and math() functions to control the flow of your program. Example:

@i = setInt(0)
@LOOP = getLocation()
if (@i, <= , 10){
    @i = math(@i, + , 1)
    goto (@LOOP)


This will print numbers 0 to 10 as @i: x

Another example:

printf("Press a button")


if (@BTN_VOL+){
    printf("Vol+ has been pressed")
if (@BTN_VOL-){
    printf("Vol- has been pressed")
if (@BTN_POWER){
    printf("Power has been pressed")




With the release of TegraExplorer v1.5.1, there has been some breaking changes. ?LOOP and goto(?LOOP) is no longer valid syntax. Replace this with @LOOP = getLocation() and goto(@LOOP).

Other than this, @check = check(1, "==", 1) if (@check) {} can be simplified to if (1, == , 1) {}. For math() functions, you don't have to enclose operators in "" anymore (just like check/if), like @math = math(1, + , 1)