The scripting language of TegraExplorer. (MIRROR)
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The scripting language of TegraExplorer


Function Args Description Output
printf(...) ...: can be any count of args. Stuff like ("This ", "Is", $Pretty, @Neat) works writes text to the screen returns 0
printInt(int arg1) arg1: Int variable to print Displays an int variable to the screen in the format @var: (number) returns 0
setPrintPos(int arg1, int arg2) arg1: sets cursor position x, arg2: sets cursor position y sets cursor to a position on the screen. Max X is 42, max Y is 78 returns 0
clearscreen() - clears the screen returns 0
setColor(string arg1) arg1: color string. Valid args: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, VIOLET, WHITE Changes the color of the text printed returns 0
if(int arg1) arg1: checks if interger is true or false (not 0 or 0) Part of flow control. Runs code inside {} returns 0
if(int arg1, string arg2, int arg3) (overload) See check() and the first if() Part of flow control. Runs code inside {}. Accepts statements like if (1, == , 1) {} returns 0
goto(int location) location: interger aquired by getLocation() jumps to the character offset specified returns 0
getLocation() - Returns the current script location, for use with goto() returns > 0
math(int arg1, string arg2, int arg3) arg1 "operator arg2" arg3. Valid operators (arg2s): "+", "-", "*", "/" Does a math operation and returns the result returns the result of the math operation
check(int arg1, string arg2, int arg3) arg1 "operator arg2" arg3. Valid operators (arg2s): "==", "!=", ">=", "<=", ">", "<" Does a check and returns the result. result is either 0 or 1 returns 0 or 1
invert(int arg1) - makes non 0 integers a 0, and vise versa returns 0 or 1
setInt(int arg1) - returns arg1, for setting of variables returns arg1
setString(string in, $svar out) $svar is a string variable, written as $var copies in to out returns 0
setStringIndex(int in, $svar out) looks up earlier defined strings in order. User defined strings start at index 1. $svar is a string variable Copies string table index to out returns 0
combineStrings(string s1, string s2, $svar out) $svar is a string variable combines s1 and s2 (as s1s2) and copies it into out returns 0
compareStrings(string s1, string s2) - compares s1 to s2. If they are the same, the function returns 1, else 0 returns 0 or 1
pause() - pauses the script until it recieves user input. result will be copied into @BTN_POWER, @BTN_VOL+, @BTN_VOL-, @BTN_A, @BTN_B, @BTN_X, @BTN_Y, @BTN_UP, @BTN_DOWN, @BTN_LEFT and @BTN_RIGHT returns >0
wait(int arg1) arg1: amount that it waits waits for the given amount of time, then continues running the script returns 0
exit() - exits the script -
fs_exists(string path) path: full path to file check if a file exists. 1 if it exists, 0 if it doesn't returns 0 or 1
fs_move(string src, string dst) src/dst: full path to file move file from src to dst returns >= 0
fs_mkdir(string path) path: full path to file creates a directory at the given path (note: returns 8 if the folder already exists returns >= 0
fs_del(string path) path: full path to file deletes a file (or empty directory) returns >= 0
fs_delRecursive(string path) path: full path to folder deletes a folder with all subitems returns >= 0
fs_copy(string src, string dst) src/dst: full path to file copies a file from src to dst returns >= 0
fs_copyRecursive(string src, string dst) src/dst: full path to file copies a folder with subitems from src to dst (note that dst is the parent folder, src will be copied to dst/src) returns >= 0
fs_openDir(string path) path: full path to folder opens a directory for use with fs_readDir() and sets @ISDIRVALID to 1 returns >= 0
fs_closeDir() - closes current open directory and sets @ISDIRVALID to 0 returns 0
fs_readDir() - reads entry out of dir. Atomatically calls fs_closeDir() if the end of the dir is reached. Saves result to $FILENAME and @ISDIR returns 0
fs_combinePath(string left, string right, $var out) - Will combine paths, like sd:/ and folder to sd:/folder, also sd:/folder and folder2 to sd:/folder/folder2 returns 0
fs_extractBisFile(string path, string outfolder) - take .bis and extract it into outfolder returns >= 0
mmc_connect(string mmctype) mmctype: either SYSMMC or EMUMMC connects SYSMMC or EMUMMC to the system. Specify partition with mmc_mount() returns 0
mmc_mount(string partition) partition: either SYSTEM or USER mounts partition in previously connected mmc returns >= 0
mmc_dumpPart(string type, string out) type: Either BOOT or a partition on the gpt. out: Out folder: for BOOT this needs to be a folder, otherwise a filepath Dumps a part from the e(mu)mmc. Determined by earlier mmc_connect's returns >= 0
mmc_restorePart(string path) path: Needs to be BOOT0, BOOT1 or a valid partition on the gpt. FS Partitions are not allowed Restores a file to the e(mu)mmc. Determined by earlier mmc_connect's returns >= 0


TegraScript has 2 kinds of variables, @ints, $strings.

  • You can define @ints by writing @variable = setInt(0); (or any function for that matter).
  • You can define $strings with the use of setString();, setStringIndex(); and combineStrings();.

You can use these variables in place of int or string inputs, so for example @b = setInt(@a) or setString($a, $b)

Note though that the int variables can't be assigned negative values

Built in variables

There are some built in variables:

  • @EMUMMC: 1 if an emummc was found, 0 if no emummc was found
  • @RESULT: result of the last ran function
  • $CURRENTPATH: Represents the current path

(if fs_readdir() got ran)

  • @ISDIRVALID: Is the open directory valid
  • $FILENAME: Represents the current filename
  • @ISDIR: 1 if the last read file is a DIR, otherwise 0

(if pause() got ran)

  • @BTN_POWER, @BTN_VOL+, @BTN_VOL-, @BTN_A, @BTN_B, @BTN_X, @BTN_Y, @BTN_UP, @BTN_DOWN, @BTN_LEFT: result of the pause() function, represents which button got pressed during the pause() function

Flow control

You can use if(), goto() and math() functions to control the flow of your program. Example:

@i = setInt(0)
@LOOP = getLocation()
if (@i, <= , 10){
    @i = math(@i, + , 1)
    goto (@LOOP)


This will print numbers 0 to 10 as @i: x

Another example:

printf("Press a button")


if (@BTN_VOL+){
    printf("Vol+ has been pressed")
if (@BTN_VOL-){
    printf("Vol- has been pressed")
if (@BTN_POWER){
    printf("Power has been pressed")




God fucking dammit it's 2am again

With the release of TegraExplorer v2.0.0, the pause() function changed. It adds some buttons from controllers if they are connected. See the pause() section above to see what buttons are mapped. Note that if no joycons are connected, power = a, up = vol+, down = vol-. Also note that the screen dimentions have changed, so your text might not fit anymore.


With the release of TegraExplorer v1.5.2, there has been 1 new feature implemented.

printf() now can print multiple variables. printf("This ", "Is", $Pretty, @Neat) is valid syntax now


With the release of TegraExplorer v1.5.1, there has been some breaking changes. ?LOOP and goto(?LOOP) is no longer valid syntax. Replace this with @LOOP = getLocation() and goto(@LOOP).

Other than this, @check = check(1, "==", 1) if (@check) {} can be simplified to if (1, == , 1) {}. For math() functions, you don't have to enclose operators in "" anymore (just like check/if), like @math = math(1, + , 1)