# TegraRcmGUI A simple C++ GUI for [TegraRcmSmash](https://github.com/rajkosto/TegraRcmSmash) by [rajkosto](https://github.com/rajkosto). (payload loader for Nintendo Switch) ## Important notice This application is just a GUI for the command line program ["TegraRcmSmash"](https://github.com/rajkosto/TegraRcmSmash) (all credits goes to @rajkosto & @ktemkin). Please, *DO NOT* report issue on TegraRcmSmash GitHub if you're using this application => Report issue [here](https://github.com/eliboa/TegraRcmGUI/issues) *FIRST*. ## Features - Inject payloads, such as CFW loaders - Manage favorites ***!new v2.0!*** - Run Linux on your switch - Mount device as USB mass storage (hold power button down for 10sec to exit) - Auto inject option : automatically inject payload after selection or/and when the Switch is plugged in RCM mode (does not apply at startup) - Minimize app to tray & tray icon context menu ***!new v2.0!*** - Install APX device driver (if needed) ![Png](http://tegrarcmgui.gq/TegraRcmGUI_v2.0.png) ## Download [Latest release](https://github.com/eliboa/TegraRcmGUI/releases) (Windows) ## Credits - [Kate Temkin](https://github.com/ktemkin) / Fusée Launcher - [Rajkosto](https://github.com/rajkosto) / TegraRcmSmash (Fusée Launcher reimplementation for Windows), momeloader, SD tool - [fail0verflow](https://github.com/fail0verflow) / ShofEL2 (Boot stack for no-modification, universal code execution and Linux on the Nintendo Switch) [![Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-121074701-2/TegraRcmGUI/readme)](https://github.com/igrigorik/ga-beacon)