#include "tools.h" #include "../gfx/gfx.h" #include "../gfx/gfxutils.h" #include "../gfx/menu.h" #include "../hid/hid.h" #include #include "../keys/keys.h" #include "../keys/nca.h" #include #include "../fs/fsutils.h" #include #include "../storage/mountmanager.h" #include "../err.h" #include #include #include "../tegraexplorer/tconf.h" #include "../fs/readers/folderReader.h" #include #include "../fs/fscopy.h" #include "../utils/utils.h" void DumpSysFw(){ char sysPath[25 + 36 + 3 + 1]; // 24 for "bis:/Contents/registered", 36 for ncaName.nca, 3 for /00, and 1 to make sure :) char *baseSdPath; u32 timer = get_tmr_s(); if (!sd_mount()) return; if (connectMMC(MMC_CONN_EMMC)) return; if (!TConf.keysDumped) return; ErrCode_t err = mountMMCPart("SYSTEM"); if (err.err){ DrawError(err); return; } baseSdPath = malloc(36 + 16); sprintf(baseSdPath, "sd:/tegraexplorer/Firmware/%d (%s)", TConf.pkg1ver, TConf.pkg1ID); int baseSdPathLen = strlen(baseSdPath); f_mkdir("sd:/tegraexplorer"); f_mkdir("sd:/tegraexplorer/Firmware"); gfx_clearscreen(); gfx_printf("Pkg1 id: '%s', kb %d\n", TConf.pkg1ID, TConf.pkg1ver); if (FileExists(baseSdPath)){ SETCOLOR(COLOR_ORANGE, COLOR_DEFAULT); gfx_printf("Destination already exists. Replace? "); if (!MakeYesNoHorzMenu(3, COLOR_DEFAULT)){ free(baseSdPath); return; } RESETCOLOR; gfx_printf("\nDeleting... "); FolderDelete(baseSdPath); gfx_putc('\n'); } f_mkdir(baseSdPath); gfx_printf("Out: %s\nReading entries...\n", baseSdPath); int readRes = 0; Vector_t fileVec = ReadFolder("bis:/Contents/registered", &readRes); if (readRes){ DrawError(newErrCode(readRes)); free(baseSdPath); return; } gfx_printf("Starting dump...\n"); SETCOLOR(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_DEFAULT); int res = 0; int total = 1; vecDefArray(FSEntry_t*, fsEntries, fileVec); for (int i = 0; i < fileVec.count; i++){ sprintf(sysPath, (fsEntries[i].isDir) ? "%s/%s/00" : "%s/%s", "bis:/Contents/registered", fsEntries[i].name); int contentType = GetNcaType(sysPath); if (contentType < 0){ res = 1; break; } char *sdPath = malloc(baseSdPathLen + 45); sprintf(sdPath, "%s/%s", baseSdPath, fsEntries[i].name); if (contentType == Meta) memcpy(sdPath + strlen(sdPath) - 4, ".cnmt.nca", 10); gfx_printf("[%3d / %3d] %s\r", total, fileVec.count, fsEntries[i].name); total++; err = FileCopy(sysPath, sdPath, 0); free(sdPath); if (err.err){ DrawError(err); res = 1; break; } } clearFileVector(&fileVec); RESETCOLOR; if (res){ gfx_printf("\nDump failed...\n"); } gfx_printf("\n\nDone! Time taken: %ds\nPress any key to exit", get_tmr_s() - timer); free(baseSdPath); hidWait(); } extern sdmmc_storage_t sd_storage; extern bool is_sd_inited; MenuEntry_t FatAndEmu[] = { {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_ORANGE), .name = "Back to main menu"}, {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_GREEN), .name = "Fat32 + EmuMMC"}, {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_BLUE), .name = "Only Fat32"} }; void FormatSD(){ gfx_clearscreen(); disconnectMMC(); DWORD plist[] = {0,0,0,0}; bool emummc = 0; int res; if (!is_sd_inited || sd_get_card_removed()) return; gfx_printf("\nDo you want to partition for an emummc?\n"); res = MakeHorizontalMenu(FatAndEmu, ARR_LEN(FatAndEmu), 3, COLOR_DEFAULT); if (!res) return; emummc = !(res - 1); SETCOLOR(COLOR_RED, COLOR_DEFAULT); plist[0] = sd_storage.csd.capacity; if (emummc){ if (plist[0] < 83886080){ gfx_printf("\n\nYou seem to be running this on a 32GB or smaller SD\nNot enough free space for emummc!"); hidWait(); return; } plist[0] -= 61145088; u32 allignedSectors = plist[0] - plist[0] % 2048; plist[1] = 61145088 + plist[0] % 2048; plist[0] = allignedSectors; } gfx_printf("\n\nAre you sure you want to format your sd?\nThis will delete everything on your SD card!\nThis action is irreversible!\n\n"); WaitFor(1500); gfx_printf("%kAre you sure? ", COLOR_WHITE); if (!MakeYesNoHorzMenu(3, COLOR_DEFAULT)){ return; } RESETCOLOR; gfx_printf("\n\nStarting Partitioning & Formatting\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ gfx_printf("Part %d: %dKiB\n", i + 1, plist[i] / 2); } u8 *work = malloc(TConf.FSBuffSize); res = f_fdisk_mod(0, plist, work); if (!res){ res = f_mkfs("sd:", FM_FAT32, 32768, work, TConf.FSBuffSize); } sd_unmount(); if (res){ DrawError(newErrCode(res)); gfx_clearscreen(); gfx_printf("Something went wrong\nPress any key to exit"); } else { sd_mount(); gfx_printf("\nDone!\nPress any key to exit"); } free(work); hidWait(); }