# udphex This Is A UDP DoS Method Which Sends A Hex String. # Use without compile **Requires golang installed**\ `go run udphex.go HOST PORT` # Compile :) **Also requires golang installed, but you can use it in multiple machines without install golang in every machine**\ `go build`\ Then search for the udphex binary file # Use the compiled file `./udphex HOST PORT`\ Example: `./udphex 666` # How to change the hex message (recommended) if you want a custom message Why should you change the hex value?\ The program sends this message **(in this fork the message is replaced by "abc")** via UDP.\ ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/61166695/116642459-f2b4d000-a93c-11eb-87fb-8794b8956823.png)\ You need modify the source code, the udphex.go file. Go to line 18 and you will see something like this (in this fork) ```go conn.Write([]byte("\x61\x73\x64")) ``` `\x61\x73\x64` equals to "abc"\ So if we want it to say "cba" we have to change it for `\x63\x62\x61`\ And now if you want a custom message you need a text to hex convertor, also you can use HxD\ ![e9ez2DCXWl](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/61166695/116642777-9bfbc600-a93d-11eb-8cab-a4858446f704.gif)\ Write what do you want and convert it to hex, in the gif i get `64 69 73 63 6F 72 64 2E 67 67 2F 61 61 61` as output\ So you need to delete the spaces and put `\x` every 2 numbers/letters and you should get something like this `\x64\x69\x73\x63\x6F\x72\x64\x2E\x67\x67\x2F\x61\x61\x61`\ Then copy that here and compile it or watever you want lol.\ ![nERS00ObPL](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/61166695/116643195-7de29580-a93e-11eb-9e94-bfa3f2a7a157.gif) # Stop Attack Ctrl+C # Edited by The one that forked this. The original repository was deleted OMEGALUL