pkgbase = suyu-dev-git pkgdesc = suyu is the afterlife the world's most popular, open-source, Nintendo Switch emulator (dev branch) pkgver = r27439.daf2c1f496 pkgrel = 1 url = install = suyu-dev-git.install arch = x86_64 license = GPL-3.0-or-later makedepends = boost makedepends = clang makedepends = cmake makedepends = ffmpeg makedepends = xbyak makedepends = oaknut makedepends = dynarmic makedepends = git makedepends = glslang makedepends = llvm makedepends = ninja makedepends = nlohmann-json makedepends = qt5-tools makedepends = shaderc makedepends = spirv-headers makedepends = vulkan-headers makedepends = vulkan-utility-libraries makedepends = catch2 makedepends = rapidjson makedepends = mbedtls depends = brotli depends = enet depends = llvm-libs depends = gcc-libs depends = glibc depends = hicolor-icon-theme depends = depends = depends = depends = depends = depends = depends = depends = depends = depends = depends = depends = lz4 depends = qt5-base depends = qt5-multimedia depends = qt5-webengine depends = sdl2 depends = zlib provides = suyu-git provides = suyu-dev-qt6-git conflicts = suyu-git conflicts = suyu-dev-qt6-git conflicts = suyu-appimage options = !debug options = lto options = strip source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = ffmpeg::git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ source = git+ b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP b2sums = SKIP pkgname = suyu-dev-git