package.path = package.path .. ";./?.lua" local config = require "plugins.crowdsec.config" local iputils = require "plugins.crowdsec.iputils" local http = require "resty.http" local cjson = require "cjson" local cidr = require "libcidr-ffi" local ipmatcher = require "resty.ipmatcher" local bit = require 'bitop.funcs' -- contain runtime = {} local runtime = {} runtime.remediations = {} runtime.remediations["1"] = "ban" runtime.remediations["2"] = "captcha" local csmod = {} -- init function function csmod.init(configFile, userAgent) local conf, err = config.loadConfig(configFile) if conf == nil then return nil, err end runtime.conf = conf runtime.userAgent = userAgent runtime.cache = ngx.shared.crowdsec_cache -- if stream mode, add callback to stream_query and start timer if runtime.conf["MODE"] == "stream" then runtime.cache:set("startup", true) runtime.cache:set("first_run", true) end return true, nil end function http_request(link) local httpc = httpc:set_timeout(runtime.conf['REQUEST_TIMEOUT']) local res, err = httpc:request_uri(link, { method = "GET", headers = { ['Connection'] = 'close', ['X-Api-Key'] = runtime.conf["API_KEY"], ['User-Agent'] = runtime.userAgent }, }) return res, err end function parse_duration(duration) local match, err =, "^((?[0-9]+)h)?((?[0-9]+)m)?(?[0-9]+)") local ttl = 0 if not match then if err then return ttl, err end end if match["hours"] ~= nil and match["hours"] ~= false then local hours = tonumber(match["hours"]) ttl = ttl + (hours * 3600) end if match["minutes"] ~= nil and match["minutes"] ~= false then local minutes = tonumber(match["minutes"]) ttl = ttl + (minutes * 60) end if match["seconds"] ~= nil and match["seconds"] ~= false then local seconds = tonumber(match["seconds"]) ttl = ttl + seconds end return ttl, nil end function get_remediation_id(remediation) for key, value in pairs(runtime.remediations) do if value == remediation then return tonumber(key) end end return nil end function item_to_string(item) local ip, err = cidr.from_str(item) if ip == nil then return "normal_"..item end local ip_version, ip_netmask, ip_network_address local res = ipmatcher.parse_ipv4(cidr.to_str(ip, cidr.flags.ONLYADDR)) if res ~= false then ip_version = "ipv4" ip_network_address = res end local res = ipmatcher.parse_ipv6(cidr.to_str(ip, cidr.flags.ONLYADDR)) if res ~= false then ip_version = "ipv6" ip_network_address = iputils.concatIPv6(res) end local netmask_str = cidr.to_str(ip, cidr.flags.NETMASK) for i in netmask_str.gmatch(netmask_str, "([^\\/]+)") do netmask_str = i end if ip_version == "ipv4" then ip_netmask = ipmatcher.parse_ipv4(netmask_str) else ip_netmask = ipmatcher.parse_ipv6(netmask_str) ip_netmask = iputils.concatIPv6(ip_netmask) end return ip_version.."_"..ip_netmask.."_"..ip_network_address end function stream_query() -- As this function is running inside coroutine (with ngx.timer.every), -- we need to raise error instead of returning them local is_startup = runtime.cache:get("startup") ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "Stream Query from worker : " .. tostring( .. " with startup "..tostring(is_startup)) local link = runtime.conf["API_URL"] .. "/v1/decisions/stream?startup=" .. tostring(is_startup) local res, err = http_request(link) if not res then if ngx.timer.every == nil then local ok, err =["UPDATE_FREQUENCY"], stream_query) if not ok then error("Failed to create the timer: " .. (err or "unknown")) end end error("request failed: ".. err) end local status = res.status local body = res.body if status~=200 then if ngx.timer.every == nil then local ok, err =["UPDATE_FREQUENCY"], stream_query) if not ok then error("Failed to create the timer: " .. (err or "unknown")) end end error("Http error " .. status .. " with message (" .. tostring(body) .. ")") end local decisions = cjson.decode(body) -- process deleted decisions if type(decisions.deleted) == "table" then if not is_startup then for i, decision in pairs(decisions.deleted) do local key = item_to_string(decision.value) runtime.cache:delete(key) ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "Deleting '" .. key .. "'") end end end -- process new decisions if type( == "table" then for i, decision in pairs( do if runtime.conf["BOUNCING_ON_TYPE"] == decision.type or runtime.conf["BOUNCING_ON_TYPE"] == "all" then local ttl, err = parse_duration(decision.duration) if err ~= nil then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "[Crowdsec] failed to parse ban duration '" .. decision.duration .. "' : " .. err) end local remediation_id = get_remediation_id(decision.type) if remediation_id == nil then remediation_id = 1 end local key = item_to_string(decision.value) local succ, err, forcible = runtime.cache:set(key, false, ttl, remediation_id) if not succ then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to add ".. decision.value .." : "..err) end if forcible then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Lua shared dict (crowdsec cache) is full, please increase dict size in config") end ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "Adding '" .. key .. "' in cache for '" .. ttl .. "' seconds") end end end -- not startup anymore after first callback runtime.cache:set("startup", false) -- re-occuring timer if there is no timer.every available if ngx.timer.every == nil then local ok, err =["UPDATE_FREQUENCY"], stream_query) if not ok then error("Failed to create the timer: " .. (err or "unknown")) end end return nil end function live_query(ip) local link = runtime.conf["API_URL"] .. "/v1/decisions?ip=" .. ip local res, err = http_request(link) if not res then return true, "request failed: ".. err end local status = res.status local body = res.body if status~=200 then return true, "Http error " .. status .. " while talking to LAPI (" .. link .. ")" end if body == "null" then -- no result from API, no decision for this IP -- set ip in cache and DON'T block it runtime.cache:set(ip, true,runtime.conf["CACHE_EXPIRATION"]) return true, nil end local decision = cjson.decode(body)[1] if runtime.conf["BOUNCING_ON_TYPE"] == decision.type or runtime.conf["BOUNCING_ON_TYPE"] == "all" then -- set ip in cache and block it runtime.cache:set(ip, false,runtime.conf["CACHE_EXPIRATION"]) return false, nil else return true, nil end end function csmod.allowIp(ip) if runtime.conf == nil then return true, runtime.conf["BOUNCING_ON_TYPE"], "Configuration is bad, cannot run properly" end -- if it stream mode and startup start timer if runtime.cache:get("first_run") == true then local ok, err if ngx.timer.every == nil then ok, err =["UPDATE_FREQUENCY"], stream_query) else ok, err = ngx.timer.every(runtime.conf["UPDATE_FREQUENCY"], stream_query) end if not ok then runtime.cache:set("first_run", true) return true, runtime.conf["BOUNCING_ON_TYPE"], "Failed to create the timer: " .. (err or "unknown") end runtime.cache:set("first_run", false) ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "Timer launched") end local key = item_to_string(ip) local key_parts = {} for i in key.gmatch(key, "([^_]+)") do table.insert(key_parts, i) end local key_type = key_parts[1] if key_type == "normal" then local in_cache, remediation_id = runtime.cache:get(key) if in_cache ~= nil then -- we have it in cache ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "'" .. key .. "' is in cache") return in_cache, runtime.remediations[tostring(remediation_id)], nil end end local ip_network_address = tonumber(key_parts[3]) local netmasks = iputils.netmasks_by_key_type[key_type] for _, netmask in pairs(netmasks) do local item = key_type.."_"..netmask.."_"..tostring(, netmask)) in_cache, remediation_id = runtime.cache:get(item) if in_cache ~= nil then -- we have it in cache ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "'" .. key .. "' is in cache") return in_cache, runtime.remediations[tostring(remediation_id)], nil end end -- if live mode, query lapi if runtime.conf["MODE"] == "live" then local ok, err = live_query(ip) return ok, runtime.conf["BOUNCING_ON_TYPE"], err end return true, runtime.conf["BOUNCING_ON_TYPE"], nil end -- Use it if you are able to close at shuttime function csmod.close() end return csmod