Little fix.

This commit is contained in:
Fijxu 2024-09-08 03:23:09 -03:00
parent 6c45ccb3b9
commit f7e368e2e9
Signed by: Fijxu
GPG key ID: 32C1DDF333EDA6A4
2 changed files with 4 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ function M.GetTemplate()
function M.GetCaptchaBackendKey()
return captcha_frontend_key[M.CaptchaProvider] .. "-response"
-- return captcha_frontend_key[M.CaptchaProvider] .. "-response"
-- Temporary "fix"
return "mcaptcha__token"
function table_to_encoded_url(args)

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@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
<p>Parece que no tienes javascript habilitado, no te preocupes, aun puedes acceder al sitio siguiendo
estas <a href="">instrucciones</a>
Token: <input type="text" name="mcaptcha-response" id="mcaptcha__token" />
Token: <input type="text" name="mcaptcha__token" id="mcaptcha__token" />
<div id="mcaptcha__widget-container"></div>
<script>!function (e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], t) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.mcaptchaGlue = t() : e.mcaptchaGlue = t() }(self, (() => { return e = { 260: function (e) { var t; t = () => (() => { "use strict"; var e = {}; return { 166: function (e, t) { var n, i = this && this.__extends || (n = function (e, t) { return n = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t } || function (e, t) { for (var n in t), n) && (e[n] = t[n]) }, n(e, t) }, function (e, t) { if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(t) + " is not a constructor or null"); function i() { this.constructor = e } n(e, t), e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (i.prototype = t.prototype, new i) }); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.ConfigurationError = void 0; var r = function (e) { function t() { var t = null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this; return t.message = "Provide either widget link or site key to display mCaptcha widget", t } return i(t, e), t }(Error); t.ConfigurationError = r; var o = function () { function e(e, t) { var n = this; if (this.handle = function (e) { console.log("message received from ".concat(e.origin, " with data: ").concat(, new URL(e.origin).host == ? n.updateState( : console.error("expected message from ".concat(, " but received message from ").concat(e.origin, ". Aborting.")) }, this.updateState = t, e.widgetLink && e.siteKey) throw new r; if (e.widgetLink) this.widgetLink = e.widgetLink; else { if (!e.siteKey) throw new r; e.siteKey.instanceUrl ? (this.widgetLink = e.siteKey.instanceUrl, this.widgetLink.pathname = "/widget/", = "?sitekey=".concat(e.siteKey.key)) : this.widgetLink = new URL("".concat(e.siteKey.key)) } } return e.prototype.listen = function () { window.addEventListener("message", this.handle) }, e.prototype.destroy = function () { window.removeEventListener("message", this.handle) }, e }(); t.default = o } }[166](0, e), e })(), e.exports = t() }, 942: (e, t) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.ID = t.INPUT_LABEL_ID = t.INPUT_NAME = void 0, t.INPUT_NAME = "mcaptcha__token", t.INPUT_LABEL_ID = "mcaptcha__token-label", t.ID = "mcaptcha__widget-container" }, 166: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = this && this.__importDefault || function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.ConfigurationError = void 0; var r = n(260); Object.defineProperty(t, "ConfigurationError", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r.ConfigurationError } }); var o = i(n(695)); (0, n(695).run)(), t.default = o.default }, 695: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = this && this.__importDefault || function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), = void 0; var r = i(n(260)), o = n(942), a = function (e) { var t = this; this.setToken = function (e) { return t.inputElement.value = e }, this.receiver = new r.default(e, this.setToken), this.receiver.listen(); var n = document.getElementById(o.ID); if (null == n) throw new Error("Element ".concat(o.ID, "'s parent element is undefined")); var i = document.getElementById(o.INPUT_LABEL_ID); null !== i && ( = "none"), this.inputElement = document.getElementById(o.INPUT_NAME), = o.INPUT_NAME, = o.INPUT_NAME, this.inputElement.hidden = !0, this.inputElement.required = !0, = "none", n.appendChild(this.inputElement); var a = "mcaptcha-widget__iframe", s = document.createElement("iframe"); s.title = "mCaptcha", s.src = this.receiver.widgetLink.toString(), s.ariaRoleDescription = "presentation", = a, = a, s.scrolling = "no"; try { s.sandbox = "allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups" } catch (e) { try { s.sandbox.add("allow-same-origin"), s.sandbox.add("allow-scripts"), s.sandbox.add("allow-popups") } catch (e) { s.setAttribute("sandbox", "allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups") } } s.width = "100%", s.height = "100%", s.frameBorder = "0", n.appendChild(s) }; = function () { var e = document.getElementById(o.INPUT_LABEL_ID); if (null === e || !e.dataset.mcaptcha_url) throw new Error('Couldn\'t find "mcaptcha_url" dataset in elmement (ID='.concat(o.INPUT_LABEL_ID, ")")); var t = { widgetLink: new URL(e.dataset.mcaptcha_url) }; new a(t) }, t.default = a } }, t = {}, function n(i) { var r = t[i]; if (void 0 !== r) return r.exports; var o = t[i] = { exports: {} }; return e[i].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, n), o.exports }(166); var e, t }));</script>