Some checks failed
Invidious CI / build - crystal: ${{ matrix.crystal }}, stable: ${{ matrix.stable }} (1.10.1, true) (push) Waiting to run
Invidious CI / build - crystal: ${{ matrix.crystal }}, stable: ${{ matrix.stable }} (1.7.3, true) (push) Waiting to run
Invidious CI / build - crystal: ${{ matrix.crystal }}, stable: ${{ matrix.stable }} (1.8.2, true) (push) Waiting to run
Invidious CI / build - crystal: ${{ matrix.crystal }}, stable: ${{ matrix.stable }} (1.9.2, true) (push) Waiting to run
Invidious CI / build - crystal: ${{ matrix.crystal }}, stable: ${{ matrix.stable }} (nightly, false) (push) Waiting to run
Invidious CI / build-docker (push) Waiting to run
Invidious CI / build-docker-arm64 (push) Waiting to run
Build and release container / release (push) Has been cancelled
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739 B
30 lines
739 B
-- Table: public.channel_videos
-- DROP TABLE public.channel_videos;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.channel_videos
id text NOT NULL,
title text,
published timestamp with time zone,
updated timestamp with time zone,
ucid text,
author text,
length_seconds integer,
live_now boolean,
premiere_timestamp timestamp with time zone,
views bigint,
CONSTRAINT channel_videos_id_key UNIQUE (id)
GRANT ALL ON TABLE public.channel_videos TO current_user;
-- Index: public.channel_videos_ucid_published_idx
-- DROP INDEX public.channel_videos_ucid_published_idx;
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS channel_videos_ucid_published_idx
ON public.channel_videos
USING btree
(ucid COLLATE pg_catalog."default", published);