# http3-ytproxy A fork of http3-ytproxy adding support for dynamic socket names and port numbers, just because I'am too lazy to change the code enough to use Go routines. So I prefer to run different threads instead. The socket folder will be created automatically. ## Arguments: ``` -p string Specify a port number (default "8080") -s string Specify a socket name (default "http-proxy.sock") ``` ## SystemD service Copy the `http3-ytproxy@.service` to `/etc/systemd/system/` and use it like this: ``` # This will create the http-proxy-1.sock file $ sudo systemctl enable --now http3-ytproxy@1.service # And this one will be http-proxy-2.sock $ sudo systemctl enable --now http3-ytproxy@2.service ``` lolxdxdxd fastest invidious instance in the fucking world wtfffffffffffffffffffffff