(function () { 'use strict'; var ID = 'model/item'; var DEPS = ['_', 'core/event', 'core/location', 'core/server', 'core/settings', 'core/types']; describe('module \'' + ID + '\'', function () { before(function () { this.definition = modulejs._private.definitions[ID]; this.xRootName = util.uniqId(); this.xTypes = { getType: sinon.stub().returns(util.uniqId()) }; this.xEvent = util.uniqObj(); this.xSettings = { rootHref: util.uniqPath('/' + this.xRootName + '/') }; this.xServer = util.uniqObj(); this.xLocation = { forceEncoding: sinon.stub().returnsArg(0), getDomain: sinon.stub().returns(util.uniqId()) }; this.applyFn = function () { return this.definition.fn(_, this.xEvent, this.xLocation, this.xServer, this.xSettings, this.xTypes); }; }); describe('definition', function () { it('is defined', function () { assert.isPlainObject(this.definition); }); it('has correct id', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.definition.id, ID); }); it('requires correct', function () { assert.deepEqual(this.definition.deps, DEPS); }); it('args for each request', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.definition.deps.length, this.definition.fn.length); }); it('has no instance', function () { assert.notProperty(modulejs._private.instances, ID); }); it('inits without errors', function () { this.applyFn(); }); }); describe('application', function () { it('returns plain object with 2 properties', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isPlainObject(instance); assert.lengthOfKeys(instance, 2); }); }); describe('.get()', function () { it('is function', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isFunction(instance.get); }); it('returns null with no argument', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isNull(instance.get()); }); it('returns null for no string argument', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isNull(instance.get(1)); }); it('returns null for href not starting with rootHref', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isNull(instance.get('/a/')); }); describe('for rootHref', function () { beforeEach(function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); this.item = instance.get(this.xSettings.rootHref); }); it('returns object', function () { assert.isObject(this.item); }); it('sets href correct', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.item.absHref, this.xSettings.rootHref); }); it('sets type correct', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.item.type, this.xTypes.getType(this.absHref)); }); it('sets label correct', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.item.label, this.xRootName); }); it('sets time to null', function () { assert.isNull(this.item.time); }); it('sets size to null', function () { assert.isNull(this.item.size); }); it('sets parent to null', function () { assert.isNull(this.item.parent); }); it('sets isManaged to null', function () { assert.isNull(this.item.isManaged); }); it('sets content correct', function () { assert.isPlainObject(this.item.content); assert.lengthOfKeys(this.item.content, 0); }); }); describe('for folder href other than rootHref', function () { beforeEach(function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); this.item = instance.get(this.xSettings.rootHref + 'a/'); }); it('returns object', function () { assert.isObject(this.item); }); it('sets href correct', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.item.absHref, this.xSettings.rootHref + 'a/'); }); it('sets type correct', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.item.type, this.xTypes.getType(this.absHref)); }); it('sets label correct', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.item.label, 'a'); }); it('sets time to null', function () { assert.isNull(this.item.time); }); it('sets size to null', function () { assert.isNull(this.item.size); }); it('sets parent to object', function () { assert.isObject(this.item.parent); }); it('sets isManaged to null', function () { assert.isNull(this.item.isManaged); }); it('sets content correct', function () { assert.isPlainObject(this.item.content); assert.lengthOfKeys(this.item.content, 0); }); }); describe('for file href other than rootHref', function () { beforeEach(function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); this.item = instance.get(this.xSettings.rootHref + 'a'); }); it('returns object', function () { assert.isObject(this.item); }); it('sets href correct', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.item.absHref, this.xSettings.rootHref + 'a'); }); it('sets type correct', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.item.type, this.xTypes.getType(this.absHref)); }); it('sets label correct', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.item.label, 'a'); }); it('sets time to null', function () { assert.isNull(this.item.time); }); it('sets size to null', function () { assert.isNull(this.item.size); }); it('sets parent to object', function () { assert.isObject(this.item.parent); }); it('sets isManaged to null', function () { assert.isNull(this.item.isManaged); }); it('sets content correct', function () { assert.isPlainObject(this.item.content); assert.lengthOfKeys(this.item.content, 0); }); }); }); describe('.remove()', function () { it('is function', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isFunction(instance.remove); }); }); }); }());