(function () { 'use strict'; var ID = 'view/viewmode'; var DEPS = ['_', '$', 'core/resource', 'core/settings', 'core/store', 'view/content', 'view/sidebar']; describe('module \'' + ID + '\'', function () { before(function () { this.definition = modulejs._private.definitions[ID]; this.xSettings = { view: {} }; this.xResource = { image: sinon.stub().returns(util.uniqPath('-image.png')) }; this.xStore = { get: sinon.stub(), put: sinon.stub() }; this.xContent = {$view: null}; this.xSidebar = {$el: null}; this.applyFn = function () { this.xResource.image.reset(); this.xStore.get.reset(); this.xStore.put.reset(); return this.definition.fn(_, $, this.xResource, this.xSettings, this.xStore, this.xContent, this.xSidebar); }; }); after(function () { util.restoreHtml(); }); beforeEach(function () { util.restoreHtml(); this.xContent.$view = $('
').appendTo('body'); this.xSidebar.$el = $('').appendTo('body'); }); describe('definition', function () { it('is defined', function () { assert.isPlainObject(this.definition); }); it('has correct id', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.definition.id, ID); }); it('requires correct', function () { assert.deepEqual(this.definition.deps, DEPS); }); it('args for each request', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.definition.deps.length, this.definition.fn.length); }); it('has no instance', function () { assert.notProperty(modulejs._private.instances, ID); }); it('inits without errors', function () { this.applyFn(); }); }); describe('application', function () { it('returns undefined', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isUndefined(instance); }); it('adds HTML to #sidebar', function () { this.applyFn(); assert.lengthOf($('#sidebar > .block > .l10n-view'), 1); }); it('adds Style to head', function () { var styleTagCount = $('head > style').length; this.applyFn(); assert.lengthOf($('head > style'), styleTagCount + 1); }); }); }); }());