/* {{pkg.name}} {{pkg.version}} {{pkg.url}} Options */ { /* The absolute link to {{pkg.name}}. Must point to the "_{{pkg.name}}" directory. */ "h5aiAbsHref": "/_{{pkg.name}}/", /* Spacing of the main content. Left and right will be added to a minimum of 30px. Top and bottom are calculated relative to the top and bottom bar heights. */ "spacing": { "maxWidth": 960, "top": 50, "right": "auto", "bottom": 50, "left": "auto" }, /* An array of view modes the user may choose from. Currently there are two possible values: "details", "icons", "grid", and "list". The first value indicates the default view mode. If only one value is given the view mode is fixed and the selector buttons are hidden. The user selected view mode is also stored local in modern browsers so that it will be persistent. - setParentFolderLabels [all]: set parent folder labels to real folder names - binaryPrefix [all]: set to true uses 1024B=1KiB when formatting file sizes (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix) - indexFiles [php]: consider folder with those files as non {{pkg.name}} folders - ignore [php]: don't list items matching these regular expressions - maxFolders [aai]: max folders to trigger folder status checks */ "view": { "modes": ["details", "list", "grid", "icons"], "setParentFolderLabels": true, "binaryPrefix": false, "indexFiles": ["index.html", "index.htm", "index.php"], "ignore": ["^\\.", "^_{{pkg.name}}"], "maxFolders": 16 }, /*** Extensions (in alphabetical order) ***/ /* [php] Watch current folder content. Folders possibly visible in the tree view that are not the current folder might not be updated. Interval will be a least 1000 milliseconds. */ "autorefresh": { "enabled": true, "interval": 5000 }, /* [all] Show a clickable breadcrumb. */ "crumb": { "enabled": true }, /* [all] Filenames of customized header and footer files to look for in each folder. */ "custom": { "enabled": true, "header": "_{{pkg.name}}.header.html", "footer": "_{{pkg.name}}.footer.html" }, /* [php] Allow file deletion. */ "delete": { "enabled": true }, /* [php] File upload via drag'n'drop. Folders are not supported. The working file size seems to be very browser dependent. Max file size is in MB. */ "dropbox": { "enabled": true, "maxfiles": 10, "maxfilesize": 1000 }, /* [php] Enable packaged download of selected entries. Execution: "php", "shell". Supported formats: "tar", "zip". */ "download": { "enabled": true, "execution": "shell", "format": "zip" }, /* [all] Allow filtering the displayed files and folders. Will check entries for right order of characters, i.e. "ab" matches "ab", "axb", "xaxbx" but not "ba". Space separated sequences get OR-ed. Filters will be treated as JavaScript regular expressions if you prefix them with "re:". */ "filter": { "enabled": true }, /* [php] Calc the size of folders. Depends on du. */ "foldersize": { "enabled": true }, /* [all] Adds Google Analytics asynchronous tracking code. for example: "gaq": [ ["_setAccount", "UA-xxxxxx-x"], ["_setDomainName", ".your-domain.tld"], ["_trackPageview"], ["_trackPageLoadTime"] ] see: http://support.google.com/googleanalytics/bin/topic.py?hl=en&topic=27612 */ "google-analytics": { "enabled": true, "gaq": [] }, /* [all] Localization, for example "en", "de" etc. - see "langs" below for possible values. Adjust it to your needs. If lang is not found in "langs" it defaults to "en". Optionally try to use browser language, falls back to previous specified language. */ "l10n": { "enabled": true, "lang": "en", "useBrowserLang": true }, /* [all] Link the hover effects between crumb, main view and tree. */ "link-hover-states": { "enabled": true }, /* [all] Shows the server mode in the bottom left corner. display values: 0: only show mode 1: mode and servername 2: mode, servername and -version */ "mode": { "enabled": true, "display": 2 }, /* [all] Adds Piwik tracker javascript code. "baseURL" without protocol */ "piwik-analytics": { "enabled": false, "baseURL": "mydomain.tld/piwik", "idSite": 1 }, /* [all] Show an image preview on click. */ "preview-img": { "enabled": true, "types": ["bmp", "gif", "ico", "image", "jpg", "png", "tiff"] }, /* [all] Show text file preview on click. "types" maps file types to SyntaxHighligher brushes. Special case: "markdown" will be rendered as HTML. For available brushes see http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/manual/brushes/ */ "preview-txt": { "enabled": true, "types": { "authors": "plain", "copying": "plain", "c": "c", "cpp": "cpp", "css": "css", "diff": "diff", "h": "c", "hpp": "cpp", "install": "plain", "log": "plain", "java": "java", "js": "js", "json": "js", "makefile": "xml", "markdown": "plain", // "php": "php", "python": "python", "readme": "plain", "rb": "ruby", "rtf": "plain", "script": "shell", "text": "plain", "xml": "xml" } }, /* [all] Show QRCodes on hovering files. */ "qrcode": { "enabled": true, "size": 150 }, /* [php] Allow to rename files. */ "rename": { "enabled": false }, /* [all] Make entries selectable. At the moment only needed for packaged download and delete. */ "select": { "enabled": true }, /* [all] Default sort order is a two letter code. The first letter specifies the column: "n" for "Name", "d" for "Date" or "s" for "Size". The second letter specifies the sort order: "a" for "ascending" or "d" for "descending". */ "sort": { "enabled": true, "order": "na" }, /* [all] Show additional info in a statusbar. */ "statusbar": { "enabled": true }, /* [php] Show thumbnails for image files. Needs the "/_{{pkg.name}}/cache" folder to be writable for the web Server. - img thumbnails depend on PHP-GD - mov thumbnails depend on ffmpeg - doc thumbnails depend on convert */ "thumbnails": { "enabled": true, "img": ["bmp", "gif", "ico", "image", "jpg", "png", "tiff"], "mov": ["video"], "doc": ["pdf", "ps"], "delay": 1 }, /* [all] Replace window title with current breadcrumb. */ "title": { "enabled": true }, /* [all] Show a folder tree. Note that this might affect performance significantly. Slide tree bar into viewport if there is enough space. */ "tree": { "enabled": true, "slide": true, "maxSubfolders": 50 } }