(function () { 'use strict'; var ID = 'core/location'; var DEPS = ['_', 'core/event', 'core/modernizr', 'core/settings', 'view/notification']; describe('module \'' + ID + '\'', function () { before(function () { this.definition = modulejs._private.definitions[ID]; this.xModernizr = { history: true }; this.xSettings = {view: { fastBrowsing: true, unmanagedInNewWindow: true }}; this.xEvent = { pub: sinon.stub(), sub: sinon.stub() }; this.xNotification = { set: sinon.stub() }; this.applyFn = function () { this.xEvent.pub.reset(); this.xEvent.sub.reset(); this.xNotification.set.reset(); return this.definition.fn(_, this.xEvent, this.xModernizr, this.xSettings, this.xNotification); }; }); after(function () { window.onpopstate = null; }); beforeEach(function () { window.onpopstate = null; }); describe('definition', function () { it('is defined', function () { assert.isPlainObject(this.definition); }); it('has correct id', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.definition.id, ID); }); it('requires correct', function () { assert.deepEqual(this.definition.deps, DEPS); }); it('args for each request', function () { assert.strictEqual(this.definition.deps.length, this.definition.fn.length); }); it('has no instance', function () { assert.notProperty(modulejs._private.instances, ID); }); it('inits without errors', function () { this.applyFn(); }); }); describe('application', function () { it('returns plain object with 7 properties', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isPlainObject(instance); assert.lengthOfKeys(instance, 7); }); it('sets window.onpopstate function when history and fastBrowsing', function () { this.xModernizr.history = true; this.xSettings.view.fastBrowsing = true; assert.isNull(window.onpopstate); this.applyFn(); assert.isFunction(window.onpopstate); }); it('sets window.onpopstate to null when not history and fastBrowsing', function () { this.xModernizr.history = false; this.xSettings.view.fastBrowsing = true; assert.isNull(window.onpopstate); this.applyFn(); assert.isNull(window.onpopstate); }); it('sets window.onpopstate to null when history and not fastBrowsing', function () { this.xModernizr.history = true; this.xSettings.view.fastBrowsing = false; assert.isNull(window.onpopstate); this.applyFn(); assert.isNull(window.onpopstate); }); it('sets window.onpopstate to null when not history and not fastBrowsing', function () { this.xModernizr.history = false; this.xSettings.view.fastBrowsing = false; assert.isNull(window.onpopstate); this.applyFn(); assert.isNull(window.onpopstate); }); }); describe('.forceEncoding()', function () { it('is function', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isFunction(instance.forceEncoding); }); _.each([ ['', ''], ['//', '/'], ['////', '/'], ['//a///b////c//', '/a/b/c/'], ['a b', 'a%20b'], ['ab ', 'ab%20'], [' ab', '%20ab'], ['a!b', 'a%21b'], ['a#b', 'a%23b'], ['a$b', 'a%24b'], ['a&b', 'a%26b'], ['a\'b', 'a%27b'], ['a(b', 'a%28b'], ['a)b', 'a%29b'], ['a*b', 'a%2Ab'], ['a+b', 'a%2Bb'], ['a,b', 'a%2Cb'], ['a:b', 'a%3Ab'], ['a;b', 'a%3Bb'], ['a=b', 'a%3Db'], ['a?b', 'a%3Fb'], ['a@b', 'a%40b'], ['a[b', 'a%5Bb'], ['a]b', 'a%5Db'] ], function (data) { var arg = data[0]; var exp = data[1]; it(arg + ' => ' + exp, function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.strictEqual(instance.forceEncoding(arg), exp); }); }); }); describe('.getDomain()', function () { it('is function', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isFunction(instance.getDomain); }); it('returns document.domain', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.strictEqual(instance.getDomain(), window.document.domain); }); }); describe('.getAbsHref()', function () { it('is function', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isFunction(instance.getAbsHref); }); it('returns null before .setLocation()', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isNull(instance.getAbsHref()); }); }); describe('.getItem()', function () { it('is function', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isFunction(instance.getItem); }); }); describe('.setLocation()', function () { it('is function', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isFunction(instance.setLocation); }); }); describe('.refresh()', function () { it('is function', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isFunction(instance.refresh); }); }); describe('.setLink()', function () { it('is function', function () { var instance = this.applyFn(); assert.isFunction(instance.setLink); }); it('sets href correct', function () { var $el = $(''); var item = { absHref: util.uniqId(), isManaged: false, isFolder: sinon.stub().returns(false) }; var setLink = this.applyFn().setLink; setLink($el, item); assert.strictEqual($el.attr('href'), item.absHref); }); it('sets target=\'_blank\' for unmanaged folders', function () { this.xSettings.view.unmanagedInNewWindow = true; var $el = $(''); var item = { absHref: util.uniqId(), isManaged: false, isFolder: sinon.stub().returns(true) }; var setLink = this.applyFn().setLink; setLink($el, item); assert.strictEqual($el.attr('target'), '_blank'); }); it('does not set target=\'_blank\' for managed folders', function () { this.xSettings.view.unmanagedInNewWindow = true; var $el = $(''); var item = { absHref: util.uniqId(), isManaged: true, isFolder: sinon.stub().returns(true) }; var setLink = this.applyFn().setLink; setLink($el, item); assert.isUndefined($el.attr('target')); }); it('does not set target=\'_blank\' for unmanaged folders if disabled', function () { this.xSettings.view.unmanagedInNewWindow = false; var $el = $(''); var item = { absHref: util.uniqId(), isManaged: true, isFolder: sinon.stub().returns(true) }; var setLink = this.applyFn().setLink; setLink($el, item); assert.isUndefined($el.attr('target')); }); }); }); }());