services: privatebin: image: privatebin/nginx-fpm-alpine:latest container_name: privatebin user: "65534:82" read_only: false # not in compose 3.0 documentation but appears supported based # on issues for docker compose in Github volumes: - privatebin-data:/srv/data # data volume for pastes allows pastes # to persist after container stop or restart - './cfg:/srv/cfg:ro' # second volume for custom configuration file ports: # To update: Be sure to use a reverse proxy for HTTPS termination # in front of it for production environments. # ie, The Nginx setup supports only HTTP, so make sure that you run # another webserver as reverse proxy in front of this for HTTPS #offloading and reducing the attack surface on your TLS stack. The # Nginx in this image is set up to deflate/gzip text content. - 10002:8080 restart: always networks: default: name: privatebin volumes: privatebin-data: