2023-04-08 02:59:47 -04:00
pkgbase = dnsproxy-git
pkgdesc = Simple DNS proxy with DoH, DoT, DoQ and DNSCrypt support (git version)
2023-12-17 19:21:53 -03:00
pkgver = v0.60.1.r1.g638288e
2023-04-08 02:59:47 -04:00
pkgrel = 1
url = https://github.com/AdguardTeam/dnsproxy
2023-08-23 13:32:09 -04:00
install = dnsproxy-git.install
2023-04-08 02:59:47 -04:00
arch = any
license = Apache
makedepends = git
makedepends = go
provides = dnsproxy
conflicts = dnsproxy-bin
conflicts = dnsproxy-adguard
2023-04-14 12:35:31 -04:00
backup = etc/dnsproxy/dnsproxy.yaml
2023-04-08 02:59:47 -04:00
source = dnsproxy-git::git+https://github.com/AdguardTeam/dnsproxy.git
source = dnsproxy.yaml
source = dnsproxy.service
sha256sums = SKIP
2023-12-17 19:21:53 -03:00
sha256sums = 35804d7b72453889bce6cf3bc03a499481f0c2f85fb2b02e272a1b5c061b0823
2023-04-08 02:59:47 -04:00
sha256sums = 565eea9808589ecafa81f2229ac1f85b39028e26d488a9a7c0b51afc43d7f42b
pkgname = dnsproxy-git