914=HEAT rounds are good against transport vehicles as well as light armored vehicles. Very effective against buildings. Maximum range is 500 meters.//
915=Fragmentation rounds are good against infantry but lacks power against vehicles. Maximum range is 500 meters.//
916=TANDEM rounds are good against heavy armored vehicles. Maximum range is 200 meters.//
917=MDX201 can be utilized to distract enemy snipers. //
918=Flags Size//
920=Personal Defense Weapons
921=Capture @1 flag.
922=Destroy @1 @2 times.
924=Heal total of @1 HP of teammates.
925=Customize your gameplay settings (UI, colors and others) //
926=Change Sensitivity and Toggle settings//
927=Customize Keyboard Bindings//
928=Adjust Volume Settings//
929=Adjust Graphics Settings//
931=Color: @1//
932=EXP @1//Experience Point
939=No Permission//
944=Valid for//
945=Please enter a valid period.//
946=Invite code should be valid for a minimum of 5 minutes.//
947=Update photo//
948=Update color//
950=Delete Your Clan
956=Invite code can not be left blank.
957=Invite code is invalid.
960=Assault Rifles//
961=Marksman Rifles//
964=Naval Vehicles//
965=Light Armored Vehicles// APC
969=Kills @1
970=Deaths @1
971=Games Played @1
972=Games Won @1
973=Games Lost @1
974=Score/min//Score per minute.
975=XP Earned @1
976=@1 Hours Played
977=@1 XP earned
978=Revived by others @1 times
979=Revived others @1 times
980=@1 Shots Fired
981=@1 Shots Hit
982=@1 HP Healed
983=@1 Objectives Fulfilled
984=@1 Road kills
985=@1 Vehicle Repaired
986=@1 Suicides
987=Most Played//
988=Highest Kill//
989=Highest Score//
990=Favorite weapon//
991=Favorite gadget//
992=Favorite vehicle//
993=@1 Hours
994=@1 points
999=Class stats//
1000=@1 kills with//Number of times user killed someone with this vehicle.
1001=@1 destroyed//Number of times player destroyed this vehicle.
1002=You must be rank @1 to prestige rank up.
1003=Do you really want to prestige rank up? Your rank, weapon and skin progression will be reset.//
1004=Prestige Rank Up//
1005=Longest Kill @1m
1006=Friends Playing//
1007=Prestige @1
1008=Friendlies Shot @1//
1009=Friendlies Killed @1//
1010=Steam Profile//
1015=Voice Chat Abuse//
1016=Text Chat Abuse//
1017=Toxic Language//
1018=Other Toxic Behaviour//
1022=You have reported @1 for @2
1023=Flags opacity//
1024=Async rendering (for very slow/old cpus)//
1025=Lod quality//
1027=Longest kill @1m
1028=@1 Died From Bleeding
1029=Press '@1' to report.//
1030=Vehicle Speed Boost//
1031=Connect Your Discord Account//
1032=Your Discord account is now connected.
1033=Your role is not allowed in this seat.
1034=Press to chamber a new bullet//
1035=Disable Enemy Voice Chat//
1038=Press @1 to mute
1039=Press @1 to unmute
1040=Press to toggle user interface visibility.
1041=Toggle lean//
1042=Press enter to close//
1043=Shooting range//
1044=Test classes, loadouts and weapons in the shooting range//
1045=Heads up!/n1) Some gameplay features may not function well while you're in the shooting range./n2) Shooting range currently does not have any vehicles. /n3) You can enable NOCLIP mode by pressing TAB/n4) You can test any gun and attachments at shooting range./n5) You have unlimited ammo while you're in the shooting range.
1046=New//New Items available
1047=Driver Perspective
1048=Camera @1
1049=Friendly icon fade//
1050=Squad friend icon fade//
1051=Squad leader icon fade//
1052=@1 New//X number of new attachments.
1053=Create clan squad//
1054=Reload a new rocket//
1055=@1X Sensitivity// For Options
1056=Vehicle turret zoom in//
1057=Vehicle turret zoom out//
1058=Userinterface multithreading//
1059=Move there!//
1060=APC there!//
1061=Tank there!//
1062=Observe there!//
1063=Boat there!//
1064=Transport vehicle there!//
1065=Defend there!//
1066=Sniper there!//
1067=Enemy there!//
1068=Attack there!//
1070=Friendly outline intensity//
1071=@1 coming to rescue you.
1072=@1/min// per minute.
1073=Crosshair size//
1074=Crosshair color//
1075=Crosshair opacity//
1076=Squad Order Followed
1077=Squad Objective Followed
1078=Defended the Objective
1079=Attacked the Objective
1080=Secondary fire//
1082=Cannon fire//
1083=Machine gun fire//
1084=Zoom In//
1085=Machine gun reload//
1086=@1 Bullets Loaded
1087=@1 Bullets Left
1090=Show button to ping on flags//
1091=@1 coming to heal you.
1092=@1 coming to bandage you.
1094=Coming to help!
1095=Mic Volume//
1096=Points : @1
1097=Test your microphone//
1098=Friendly name tag size//
1099=Magazine picked up
1100=Squad Leader has ordered to attack flag @1
1101=Squad Leader has ordered to defend flag @1
1102=@1hp vehicle repaired //@1 = hp
1103=Vehicle hud//
1104=Tank hud color//
1105=APC hud color//
1106=Helicopter hud color//
1107=@1 tasted the nature's wrath
1109=Place//Placing an item onto ground.
1110=Heal others
1112=Launch//Used for grappling hook
1113=Show button to help friendlies//
1114=Show keybindings//
1122=Special Gadgets
1123=Gadgets that gives benefits to your squad.//Rally points, jammer etc.
1124=Air Support
1125=Special supports that can be provided to your squad by air.//Air strike, UAV etc.
1126=Ground Deployables
1127=Gadgets and special tools that can be build on the ground.//Sandbags, deployable turrets etc.
1128=Supply Supports
1129=Special supports that can provide supplies to your squad.//Ammo Box, calling an Humvee etc.
1130=Rally Point
1131=Allows squad members to spawn on it.
1132=Available in @1 second(s).
1133=Too close to objectives
1134=Your squad has reached maximum deploy limits for this ability.
1136=Too far from player.
1137=Only the squad leader can deploy this.
1138=This ability is not available in this gamemode and map size.
1139=Squad does not have enough points.
1140=Squad has @1 points
1141=Hold to open the menu.//Hold the key to open the squad menu.
1142=Cut rope//
1143=HESCO wall.
1144=Cannot deploy under roof.
1145=Drop Bandage//Drop bandage to ground.
1148=You @1 Foe @2//@1 = your kills, @2 enemy's kills
1149=Bandage Picked Up
1150=Enemy Rally Point Destroyed
1151=Supply Box
1152=@1 spent @2 points.
1153=Show borders//
1154=Assist Counts as Kill
1155=Vehicle Damage Assist
1156=Active// Indicator of whenever a setting is actived in the options menu (to preview)
1157=Show dot crosshair//
1161=Vehicle Hit
1162=You are sending messages too fast.
1165=Objective destroyed
1166=Attackers destroyed the objective @1
1167=Attackers destroyed all the objectives
1168=Fallback to defend new objectives
1169=The defenders are falling back!
1170=Defend the objectives!
1171=Destroy the objectives!
1173=You are in safe zone
1175=You will spawn in @1
1176=Your team is out of tickets.
1177=Click to ready!
1178=Thank you for your support!//For patreon backers in main menu
1179=Your team will lose 1 ticket if you give up.//
1180=Default hit marker color//
1181=Default hit marker opacity//
1182=Default hit marker volume//
1183=Default hit marker duration//
1184=Default hit marker size//
1185=Headshot hit marker opacity//
1186=Headshot hit marker volume//
1187=Headshot hit marker color//
1188=Headshot hit marker duration//
1189=Headshot hit marker size//
1190=Armor hit marker color//
1191=Armor hit marker opacity//
1192=Armor hit marker volume//
1193=Armor hit marker duration//
1194=Armor hit marker size//
1195=Kill hit marker color//
1196=Kill hit marker opacity//
1197=Kill hit marker volume//
1198=Kill hit marker duration//
1199=Kill hit marker size//
1200=Hit markers enabled//
1201=Auto ready when dead//
1202=Your account has been banned!//
1203=Ban Reason//
1204=Your account has been banned until @1./nYou will able to join the servers again in @2./n/nIf you think that this ban is due to an error, please contact the moderators on our Discord server.//
1205=Reported by @1
1206=You have been warned//
1207=Hold @1 to close
1208=We planted the bomb!
1209=Enemies planted the bomb!
1210=We defused the bomb!
1211=Enemies defused the bomb!
1212=Auto enable voice chat when down//
1213=Show enemy voice chat//
1214=Voice chat//
1215=Mic activity threshold//
1216=Can not change team because of unbalancing.
1217=Hold to bandage yourself
1218=Hold to revive @1
1219=Team Deathmatch//Gamemode name
1220=Advance And Secure//Gamemode name
1221=Rush//Gamemode name
1222=Conquest//Gamemode name
1223=Domination//Gamemode name
1224=Elimination//Gamemode name
1225=Infantry Conquest//Gamemode name
1226=Frontline//Gamemode name
1227=Hold to bandage @1
1228=@1 ms//Miliseconds for ping
1229=Servers will be online in @1.
1230=The servers are currently offline. /nThe servers will be online in @1.
1231=Server(s) are offline!
1232=Toggle dragging players//
1233=Friendly icon size//
1234=Squad friend icon size//
1235=Squad leader icon size//
1236=This server only accepts players above rank @1
1237=This server only accepts players below rank @1
1238=Under Development//
1239=Gun Game/n (Free For All)//Gamemode
1240=Free For All//Gamemode
1241=Gun Game/n (Team)//Gamemode
1242=@1 won!
1244=Suicide Rush//Gamemode
1245=Catch Game//Gamemode
1246=First Shot Kick//Recoil
1247=Control//Weapon Control
1249=Sound Spread
1250=Aim down time
1251=Draw Speed//the speed of drawing your weapon
1252=Body damage
1253=Armor damage
1254=Reload style//
1255=Steam servers are down
1256=This server will update at end of this round
1257=New update released! This server will be updated to new version./nUpdate your game via Steam.
1258=Size//Server size
1260=@1hz//Tickrate (same as 631 but no space)
1262=North America
1263=South America
1268=Gamemodes//List of gamemodes.
1269=Maps//List of maps.
1270=Map size//
1271=Reload Time
1272=Screen shake//
1273=Enable chat//
1274=Team chat//Chat
1275=All chat//
1276=A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a computer screen, or while playing video games, may induce an epileptic seizure in these individuals. Certain conditions may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you or anyone in your family, have an epileptic condition, consult your physician prior to playing. If you experience any of the following symptoms while playing a video or computer game -- dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement, or convulsions - immediately discontinue use and consult your physician before resuming play.//
1277=Warning: risk of seizure//
1278=You @1 - @2 Foe
1279=You bled out!//
1280=Toggle Sprint//
1281=Switch next seat//
1282=Switch previous seat//
1283=Border opacity//
1284=Custom resolution//
1285=Server is restarting
1286=New update available!//
1287=The server you were playing just updated to new version./nyou can join to servers that is running old version or update your game to newer version from steam and play in new version.//
1288=@1 Squad points
1289=You have to join a squad in order to use classes.//
1290=Killsound volume
1291=Make sure you have installed EasyAntiCheat and run the game with it.
1292=Bandage//As Gadget
1293=Anti Personnel Mine//As Gadget
1294=Binoculars//As Gadget
1295=Range Finder//As Gadget
1296=C4//As Gadget
1297=Claymore//As Gadget
1298=Anti Vehicle Mine//As Gadget
1299=Strapped C4//As Gadget, a C4 that is strapped to you that you can instantly explode instead of thorwing and exploding it.
1300=Advanced Binoculars//As Gadget
1301=Heavy Ammo Kit//As Gadget
1302=Medic Kit//As Gadget
1303=Pickaxe//As Gadget
1304=Repair Tool//As Gadget
1305=Sledge Hammer//As Gadget
1306=Small Ammo Kit//As Gadget
1307=Grappling Hook//As Gadget
1308=Air Drone//As Gadget
1309=Anti Vehicle Grenade//As Gadget
1311=Frag Grenade
1312=Smoke Grenade Blue
1313=Smoke Grenade Green
1314=Smoke Grenade Red
1315=Smoke Grenade White
1317=Impact Grenade
1318=Easy Anti Cheat have not verified your status yet. Deploying is disabled until EAC verifies you. (Restarting the game may fix the issue if it is persistent)
1319=Server is full.
1320=Kill feed//
1321=Cheating - wallhack//
1322=Cheating - aimbot//
1323=Cheating - speedhack//
1324=Steady Aim//
1325=Main menu//
1326=Playing in shooting range//
1327=In main menu//
1328=Playing in @1//Playing in server.
1329=Open social tab//
1330=@1's Party
1331=Locked//Party is locked(private)
1332=Open//Party is open
1333=@1 joined your party.
1334=@1 left your party.
1335=Party leader has joined a server.
1336=Press '@1' to join the server.
1337=Party leader is joining a server.
1338=@1 has invited you to the their party.
1339=Press '@1' to join the party.
1340=You have timeout from the party.
1341=Press @1 to open.//To open the party chat.
1342=You were kicked from the party.
1343=You were timeout from the server.
1344=You were kicked from the server.
1345=You were banned from the server.
1346=You were kicked by anti cheat.
1347=Make sure game is properly launched with anti cheat services.
1348=Your connection has been terminated.
1349=You have lost connection to the game server.
1350=Server changed map.
1351=You have already reported this user for this reason.//
1352=You are reporting too fast, try again in @1 minutes.//
1353=Spawn protected//
1354=Quick match (@1 vs @1)//
1355=Can't be placed in water.
1356=Don't show this again.//
1357=Reload tap delay//
1358=Player/Vehicle is blocking.
1359=There is no room to spawn.
1360=Only winning team can vote.
1361=You cannot vote because your team lost.
1362=Baking the map.
1363=Your region location.
1364=This information is used to determine what regions require more servers, this does not stop you connecting to other servers in other regions.
1368=Anti Cheat detected corrupted game files./nPlease verify the integrity of the games files by using Steam./n/nOn Steam;/nRight click on BattleBit Remastered/Properties/LocalFiles/Verify integrity of files.
1422=Gun game/nNo Teams/nGet highest kill//Gun game Free For All explanation
1423=No Teams/nGet highest kill//Free for all explanation
1424=Gun game/nTeamA vs TeamB/nGet highest kill//Gun game Team explanation
1425=We lost the sector!
1426=We captured the sector!
1427=Defend your sectors and recapture enemy sector
1428=Capture enemy sector and defend your sectors
1431=Capture/Defend sectors
1432=You cannot use main sight while night goggles are equipped.
1433=Cash Run//Gamemode's name
1434=Kill/Collect/Deposit Cash//Cash Run explanation.
1436=Cash Deposited
1437=Cash Picked Up
1438=Drop Cash//
1439=Deposit here//
1440=You are broke, you can't deposit.
1441=Your deposit://
1443=Voxel Fortify//Name of the gamemode.
1444=Build Voxel Defences/nAttack Enemy Flags//
1445=Build your defences.
1446=The game will start in @1 seconds.
1447=Hold your flags and capture enemy flags!
1448=Voxel Trench//Name of the gamemode.
1449=Dig voxel tunnels/nCapture enemy flags//
1450=Downloading Voxel World.
1451=Generating Chunks.
1452=Server Generating Voxel World.
1453=Which server size would you prefer?//
1454=(note: this will not prevent you joining any server)//
1455=Looking for 127 vs 127 server
1456=Looking for 64 vs 64 server
1457=Looking for 32 vs 32 server
1458=Joining to a server.
1459=Fetching data.
1460=Pinging servers (Use server browser if it's taking too long)
1461=Attempting to join a server.
1462=There are no empty/available @1 servers in your region. Waiting for a @1 server to be launched (@2)\n@3 player(s) are in queue.//@1 Server size, @2 seconds, @3 number of players in queue.
1463=There is a @1 server in another region with @2ms latency, do you want to join or wait for a server to be launched?//@1 Server size, @2 latency.
1464=Wait for server//
1465=There are no empty/available @1 servers in any region. Waiting for a @1 server to be launched\n@2 player(s) are in queue.//@1 Server size, @2 number of players in queue.
1466=There is a @1 server in your region, do you want to join or wait for @2 server to be launched?//@1 Server size,@2 User Server Size
1467=This server is merging with @1.
1468=Party member color//
1469=Party member icon size//
1470=Steam friend color//
1471=Steam friend icon size//
1473=Tail Rotor Destroyed//
1474=Contrast intensity//
1475=[ Main Rotor Missing ]//
1476=[ Tail Rotor Missing ]//
1477=Rappelling rope ready//
1478=Rappelling rope deployed//
1479=Rappelling rope release/unrelease//
1480=Rappelling rope
1481=Change camera//
1482=You are outside of map borders//
1483=Transportation Bonus
1484=Player is climbing.
1485=Helicopter throttle invert//
1486=Helicopter yaw invert//
1487=Helicopter pitch invert//
1488=Helicopter roll invert//
1489=Reppelling rope deployed/nPress '@1' to repel//@1 is the key to get leave the vehicle.
1490=Cannot be deployed in safe zone.
1491=Press '@1' To Close.
1492=Auto Refresh//
1493=Master voip volume//
1494=Steam friend voip volume//
1495=Party friend voip volume//
1496=Clan friend voip volume//
1497=Squad leader voip volume//
1498=Squadmate voip volume//
1499=Teammate voip volume//
1500=Enemy voip volume//
1501=Voice Chat - Racism / Discrimination//
1502=Text Chat - Racism / Discrimination//
1503=Text Chat - Spamming//
1504=Voice Chat - Spamming//
1505=Text Chat - Bad Language//
1507=You are reporting @1 for @2\nPlease provide more information about their behaviour to help us understand.
1508=More info/n(You can leave this blank but it would help us a lot if you give details for us to look for)//
1509=Voice Chat - Bad Language//
1510=Inappropriate profile name / picture//
1512=Exit spectator mode//
1513=Search user//
1514=Your clan submission is being reviewed!
1515=Your clan has been disabled temporarily.//
1516=You can not aimdown during night goggles are equipped.
1519=Repair Bonus
1520=You can not place this outside game borders.
1521=Spawn point is outside game borders.
1522=Press to activate night vision//
1523=Opt-in Voice Chat//
1524=You have opted out from voice chat (To change, Opt-In under Audio Settings)
1525=You did not accept the server rules! (You can accept by rejoining to server)
1526=No input device was found!
1527=Microphone is not supported by Unity Engine!
1528=Halfway there, the enemy is winning by @1 tickets.
1529=Halfway there, we are wining!
1530=We are losing, only @1 tickets left.
1531=We are winning, only @1 tickets left.
1532=Enemy is dominating by @1 tickets.
1533=We are dominating by @1 tickets
1534=You can't spawn while player is falling down!
1536=Streamer mode//
1537=Streamer mode enabled//
1538=Account settings//
1539=Show server name//
1540=Show friend names//
1541=Friend voice chat//
1542=Show clan friend names//
1543=Clan friend voice chat//
1544=Show party friend names//
1545=Party friend voice chat//
1546=Show profile pictures//
1547=Non relative person voice chat//
1548=Show non relative person usernames//
1549=Enable streamer mode//
1550=Go account settings to customize//
1551=Show custom squad names//
1552=Death microphone//When player died, brief moment everyone can hear them on local chat.