using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Numerics; using System.Text; using BattleBitAPI.Common; using BattleBitAPI.Common.Extentions; using BattleBitAPI.Networking; using CommunityServerAPI.BattleBitAPI; namespace BattleBitAPI.Server { public class GameServer : System.IDisposable where TPlayer : Player { // ---- Public Variables ---- public ulong ServerHash => mInternal.ServerHash; public bool IsConnected => mInternal.IsConnected; public IPAddress GameIP => mInternal.GameIP; public int GamePort => mInternal.GamePort; public TcpClient Socket => mInternal.Socket; public bool IsPasswordProtected => mInternal.IsPasswordProtected; public string ServerName => mInternal.ServerName; public string Gamemode => mInternal.Gamemode; public string Map => mInternal.Map; public MapSize MapSize => mInternal.MapSize; public MapDayNight DayNight => mInternal.DayNight; public int CurrentPlayerCount => mInternal.CurrentPlayerCount; public int InQueuePlayerCount => mInternal.InQueuePlayerCount; public int MaxPlayerCount => mInternal.MaxPlayerCount; public string LoadingScreenText => mInternal.LoadingScreenText; public string ServerRulesText => mInternal.ServerRulesText; public ServerSettings ServerSettings => mInternal.ServerSettings; public MapRotation MapRotation => mInternal.MapRotation; public GamemodeRotation GamemodeRotation => mInternal.GamemodeRotation; public RoundSettings RoundSettings => mInternal.RoundSettings; public string TerminationReason => mInternal.TerminationReason; public bool ReconnectFlag => mInternal.ReconnectFlag; // ---- Private Variables ---- private Internal mInternal; // ---- Tick ---- public async Task Tick() { if (!this.IsConnected) return; if (this.mInternal.IsDirtyRoomSettings) { this.mInternal.IsDirtyRoomSettings = false; //Send new settings using (var pck = Common.Serialization.Stream.Get()) { pck.Write((byte)NetworkCommuncation.SetNewRoomSettings); this.mInternal._RoomSettings.Write(pck); WriteToSocket(pck); } } if (this.mInternal.IsDirtyMapRotation) { this.mInternal.IsDirtyMapRotation = false; this.mInternal.mBuilder.Clear(); this.mInternal.mBuilder.Append("setmaprotation "); lock (this.mInternal._MapRotation) foreach (var map in this.mInternal._MapRotation) { this.mInternal.mBuilder.Append(map); this.mInternal.mBuilder.Append(','); } this.ExecuteCommand(this.mInternal.mBuilder.ToString()); } if (this.mInternal.IsDirtyGamemodeRotation) { this.mInternal.IsDirtyGamemodeRotation = false; this.mInternal.mBuilder.Clear(); this.mInternal.mBuilder.Append("setgamemoderotation "); lock (this.mInternal._GamemodeRotation) { foreach (var gamemode in this.mInternal._GamemodeRotation) { this.mInternal.mBuilder.Append(gamemode); this.mInternal.mBuilder.Append(','); } } this.ExecuteCommand(this.mInternal.mBuilder.ToString()); } if (this.mInternal.IsDirtyRoundSettings) { this.mInternal.IsDirtyRoundSettings = false; //Send new round settings using (var pck = Common.Serialization.Stream.Get()) { pck.Write((byte)NetworkCommuncation.SetNewRoundState); this.mInternal._RoundSettings.Write(pck); WriteToSocket(pck); } } try { //Are we still connected on socket level? if (!Socket.Connected) { mClose("Connection was terminated."); return; } //Did user requested to close connection? if (this.mInternal.mWantsToCloseConnection) { mClose(this.TerminationReason); return; } var networkStream = Socket.GetStream(); //Read network packages. while (Socket.Available > 0) { this.mInternal.mLastPackageReceived = Extentions.TickCount; //Do we know the package size? if (this.mInternal.mReadPackageSize == 0) { const int sizeToRead = 4; int leftSizeToRead = sizeToRead - this.mInternal.mReadStream.WritePosition; int read = await networkStream.ReadAsync(this.mInternal.mReadStream.Buffer, this.mInternal.mReadStream.WritePosition, leftSizeToRead); if (read <= 0) throw new Exception("Connection was terminated."); this.mInternal.mReadStream.WritePosition += read; //Did we receive the package? if (this.mInternal.mReadStream.WritePosition >= 4) { //Read the package size this.mInternal.mReadPackageSize = this.mInternal.mReadStream.ReadUInt32(); if (this.mInternal.mReadPackageSize > Const.MaxNetworkPackageSize) throw new Exception("Incoming package was larger than 'Conts.MaxNetworkPackageSize'"); this.mInternal.mReadStream.Reset(); } } else { int sizeToRead = (int)this.mInternal.mReadPackageSize; int leftSizeToRead = sizeToRead - this.mInternal.mReadStream.WritePosition; int read = await networkStream.ReadAsync(this.mInternal.mReadStream.Buffer, this.mInternal.mReadStream.WritePosition, leftSizeToRead); if (read <= 0) throw new Exception("Connection was terminated."); this.mInternal.mReadStream.WritePosition += read; //Do we have the package? if (this.mInternal.mReadStream.WritePosition >= this.mInternal.mReadPackageSize) { this.mInternal.mReadPackageSize = 0; await this.mInternal.mExecutionFunc(this, this.mInternal, this.mInternal.mReadStream); //Reset this.mInternal.mReadStream.Reset(); } } } //Send the network packages. if (this.mInternal.mWriteStream.WritePosition > 0) { lock (this.mInternal.mWriteStream) { if (this.mInternal.mWriteStream.WritePosition > 0) { networkStream.WriteAsync(this.mInternal.mWriteStream.Buffer, 0, this.mInternal.mWriteStream.WritePosition); this.mInternal.mWriteStream.WritePosition = 0; this.mInternal.mLastPackageSent = Extentions.TickCount; } } } //Are we timed out? if ((Extentions.TickCount - this.mInternal.mLastPackageReceived) > Const.NetworkTimeout) throw new Exception("Timedout."); //Send keep alive if needed if ((Extentions.TickCount - this.mInternal.mLastPackageSent) > Const.NetworkKeepAlive) { //Send keep alive. await networkStream.WriteAsync(this.mInternal.mKeepAliveBuffer, 0, 4); await networkStream.FlushAsync(); this.mInternal.mLastPackageSent = Extentions.TickCount; } } catch (Exception e) { mClose(e.Message); } } // ---- Team ---- public IEnumerable AllPlayers { get { var list = new List(this.mInternal.Players.Values.Count); lock (this.mInternal.Players) { foreach (var item in this.mInternal.Players.Values) list.Add((TPlayer)item); } return list; } } public bool TryGetPlayer(ulong steamID, out TPlayer player) { lock (this.mInternal.Players) { if (this.mInternal.Players.TryGetValue(steamID, out var _player)) { player = (TPlayer)_player; return true; } } player = default; return false; } // ---- Virtual ---- public virtual async Task OnConnected() { } public virtual async Task OnTick() { } public virtual async Task OnReconnected() { } public virtual async Task OnDisconnected() { } public virtual async Task OnPlayerConnected(TPlayer player) { } public virtual async Task OnPlayerDisconnected(TPlayer player) { } public virtual async Task OnPlayerTypedMessage(TPlayer player, ChatChannel channel, string msg) { return true; } public virtual async Task OnPlayerJoiningToServer(ulong steamID, PlayerJoiningArguments args) { } public virtual async Task OnSavePlayerStats(ulong steamID, PlayerStats stats) { } public virtual async Task OnPlayerRequestingToChangeRole(TPlayer player, GameRole requestedRole) { return true; } public virtual async Task OnPlayerRequestingToChangeTeam(TPlayer player, Team requestedTeam) { return true; } public virtual async Task OnPlayerChangedRole(TPlayer player, GameRole role) { } public virtual async Task OnPlayerJoinedSquad(TPlayer player, Squads squad) { } public virtual async Task OnPlayerLeftSquad(TPlayer player, Squads squad) { } public virtual async Task OnPlayerChangeTeam(TPlayer player, Team team) { } public virtual async Task OnPlayerSpawning(TPlayer player, OnPlayerSpawnArguments request) { return request; } public virtual async Task OnPlayerSpawned(TPlayer player) { } public virtual async Task OnPlayerDied(TPlayer player) { } public virtual async Task OnPlayerGivenUp(TPlayer player) { } public virtual async Task OnAPlayerDownedAnotherPlayer(OnPlayerKillArguments args) { } public virtual async Task OnAPlayerRevivedAnotherPlayer(TPlayer from,TPlayer to) { } public virtual async Task OnPlayerReported(TPlayer from, TPlayer to, ReportReason reason, string additional) { } public virtual async Task OnGameStateChanged(GameState oldState, GameState newState) { } public virtual async Task OnRoundStarted() { } public virtual async Task OnRoundEnded() { } // ---- Functions ---- public void WriteToSocket(Common.Serialization.Stream pck) { lock (this.mInternal.mWriteStream) { this.mInternal.mWriteStream.Write((uint)pck.WritePosition); this.mInternal.mWriteStream.Write(pck.Buffer, 0, pck.WritePosition); } } public void ExecuteCommand(string cmd) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmd)) return; int bytesLong = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(cmd); lock (this.mInternal.mWriteStream) { this.mInternal.mWriteStream.Write((uint)(1 + 2 + bytesLong)); this.mInternal.mWriteStream.Write((byte)NetworkCommuncation.ExecuteCommand); this.mInternal.mWriteStream.Write(cmd); } } public void SetNewPassword(string newPassword) { ExecuteCommand("setpass " + newPassword); } public void SetPingLimit(int newPing) { ExecuteCommand("setmaxping " + newPing); } public void AnnounceShort(string msg) { ExecuteCommand("an " + msg); } public void AnnounceLong(string msg) { ExecuteCommand("ann " + msg); } public void UILogOnServer(string msg, float messageLifetime) { ExecuteCommand("serverlog " + msg + " " + messageLifetime); } public void ForceStartGame() { ExecuteCommand("forcestart"); } public void ForceEndGame() { ExecuteCommand("endgame"); } public void SayToChat(string msg) { ExecuteCommand("say " + msg); } public void StopServer() { ExecuteCommand("stop"); } public void CloseServer() { ExecuteCommand("notifyend"); } public void KickAllPlayers() { ExecuteCommand("kick all"); } public void Kick(ulong steamID, string reason) { ExecuteCommand("kick " + steamID + " " + reason); } public void Kick(Player player, string reason) { Kick(player.SteamID, reason); } public void Kill(ulong steamID) { ExecuteCommand("kill " + steamID); } public void Kill(Player player) { Kill(player.SteamID); } public void ChangeTeam(ulong steamID) { ExecuteCommand("changeteam " + steamID); } public void ChangeTeam(Player player) { ChangeTeam(player.SteamID); } public void ChangeTeam(ulong steamID, Team team) { if (team == Team.TeamA) ExecuteCommand("changeteam " + steamID + " a"); else if (team == Team.TeamB) ExecuteCommand("changeteam " + steamID + " b"); } public void ChangeTeam(Player player, Team team) { ChangeTeam(player.SteamID, team); } public void KickFromSquad(ulong steamID) { ExecuteCommand("squadkick " + steamID); } public void KickFromSquad(Player player) { KickFromSquad(player.SteamID); } public void JoinSquad(ulong steamID, Squads targetSquad) { ExecuteCommand("setsquad " + steamID + " " + ((int)targetSquad)); } public void JoinSquad(Player player, Squads targetSquad) { JoinSquad(player.SteamID, targetSquad); } public void DisbandPlayerSquad(ulong steamID) { ExecuteCommand("squaddisband " + steamID); } public void DisbandPlayerCurrentSquad(Player player) { DisbandPlayerSquad(player.SteamID); } public void PromoteSquadLeader(ulong steamID) { ExecuteCommand("squadpromote " + steamID); } public void PromoteSquadLeader(Player player) { PromoteSquadLeader(player.SteamID); } public void WarnPlayer(ulong steamID, string msg) { ExecuteCommand("warn " + steamID + " " + msg); } public void WarnPlayer(Player player, string msg) { WarnPlayer(player.SteamID, msg); } public void MessageToPlayer(ulong steamID, string msg) { ExecuteCommand("msg " + steamID + " " + msg); } public void MessageToPlayer(Player player, string msg) { MessageToPlayer(player.SteamID, msg); } public void MessageToPlayer(ulong steamID, string msg, float fadeOutTime) { ExecuteCommand("msgf " + steamID + " " + fadeOutTime + " " + msg); } public void MessageToPlayer(Player player, string msg, float fadeOutTime) { MessageToPlayer(player.SteamID, msg, fadeOutTime); } public void SetRoleTo(ulong steamID, GameRole role) { ExecuteCommand("setrole " + steamID + " " + role); } public void SetRoleTo(Player player, GameRole role) { SetRoleTo(player.SteamID, role); } public void SpawnPlayer(ulong steamID, PlayerLoadout loadout, PlayerWearings wearings, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookDirection, PlayerStand stand, float spawnProtection) { var request = new OnPlayerSpawnArguments() { Loadout = loadout, Wearings = wearings, RequestedPoint = PlayerSpawningPosition.Null, SpawnPosition = position, LookDirection = lookDirection, SpawnStand = stand, SpawnProtection = spawnProtection }; //Respond back. using (var response = Common.Serialization.Stream.Get()) { response.Write((byte)NetworkCommuncation.SpawnPlayer); response.Write(steamID); request.Write(response); response.Write((ushort)0); WriteToSocket(response); } } public void SpawnPlayer(Player player, PlayerLoadout loadout, PlayerWearings wearings, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookDirection, PlayerStand stand, float spawnProtection) { SpawnPlayer(player.SteamID, loadout, wearings, position, lookDirection, stand, spawnProtection); } public void SetHP(ulong steamID, float newHP) { ExecuteCommand("sethp " + steamID + " " + newHP); } public void SetHP(Player player, float newHP) { SetHP(player.SteamID, newHP); } public void GiveDamage(ulong steamID, float damage) { ExecuteCommand("givedamage " + steamID + " " + damage); } public void GiveDamage(Player player, float damage) { GiveDamage(player.SteamID, damage); } public void Heal(ulong steamID, float heal) { ExecuteCommand("heal " + steamID + " " + heal); } public void Heal(Player player, float heal) { Heal(player.SteamID, heal); } public void SetRunningSpeedMultiplier(ulong steamID, float value) { ExecuteCommand("setrunningspeed " + steamID + " " + value); } public void SetRunningSpeedMultiplier(Player player, float value) { SetRunningSpeedMultiplier(player.SteamID, value); } public void SetReceiveDamageMultiplier(ulong steamID, float value) { ExecuteCommand("setreceivedamagemultiplier " + steamID + " " + value); } public void SetReceiveDamageMultiplier(Player player, float value) { SetReceiveDamageMultiplier(player.SteamID, value); } public void SetGiveDamageMultiplier(ulong steamID, float value) { ExecuteCommand("setgivedamagemultiplier " + steamID + " " + value); } public void SetGiveDamageMultiplier(Player player, float value) { SetGiveDamageMultiplier(player.SteamID, value); } public void SetJumpMultiplier(ulong steamID, float value) { ExecuteCommand("setjumpmultiplier " + steamID + " " + value); } public void SetJumpMultiplier(Player player, float value) { SetJumpMultiplier(player.SteamID, value); } public void SetFallDamageMultiplier(ulong steamID, float value) { ExecuteCommand("setfalldamagemultiplier " + steamID + " " + value); } public void SetFallDamageMultiplier(Player player, float value) { SetFallDamageMultiplier(player.SteamID, value); } public void SetPrimaryWeapon(ulong steamID, WeaponItem item, int extraMagazines, bool clear = false) { using (var packet = Common.Serialization.Stream.Get()) { packet.Write((byte)NetworkCommuncation.SetPlayerWeapon); packet.Write(steamID); packet.Write((byte)0);//Primary item.Write(packet); packet.Write((byte)extraMagazines); packet.Write(clear); WriteToSocket(packet); } } public void SetPrimaryWeapon(Player player, WeaponItem item, int extraMagazines, bool clear = false) { SetPrimaryWeapon(player.SteamID, item, extraMagazines, clear); } public void SetSecondaryWeapon(ulong steamID, WeaponItem item, int extraMagazines, bool clear = false) { using (var packet = Common.Serialization.Stream.Get()) { packet.Write((byte)NetworkCommuncation.SetPlayerWeapon); packet.Write(steamID); packet.Write((byte)1);//Secondary item.Write(packet); packet.Write((byte)extraMagazines); packet.Write(clear); WriteToSocket(packet); } } public void SetSecondaryWeapon(Player player, WeaponItem item, int extraMagazines, bool clear = false) { SetSecondaryWeapon(player.SteamID, item, extraMagazines, clear); } public void SetFirstAid(ulong steamID, string tool, int extra, bool clear = false) { using (var packet = Common.Serialization.Stream.Get()) { packet.Write((byte)NetworkCommuncation.SetPlayerGadget); packet.Write(steamID); packet.Write((byte)2);//first aid packet.Write(tool); packet.Write((byte)extra); packet.Write(clear); WriteToSocket(packet); } } public void SetFirstAid(Player player, string tool, int extra, bool clear = false) { SetFirstAid(player.SteamID, tool, extra, clear); } public void SetLightGadget(ulong steamID, string tool, int extra, bool clear = false) { using (var packet = Common.Serialization.Stream.Get()) { packet.Write((byte)NetworkCommuncation.SetPlayerGadget); packet.Write(steamID); packet.Write((byte)3);//Tool A packet.Write(tool); packet.Write((byte)extra); packet.Write(clear); WriteToSocket(packet); } } public void SetLightGadget(Player player, string tool, int extra, bool clear = false) { SetLightGadget(player.SteamID, tool, extra, clear); } public void SetHeavyGadget(ulong steamID, string tool, int extra, bool clear = false) { using (var packet = Common.Serialization.Stream.Get()) { packet.Write((byte)NetworkCommuncation.SetPlayerGadget); packet.Write(steamID); packet.Write((byte)4);//Tool A packet.Write(tool); packet.Write((byte)extra); packet.Write(clear); WriteToSocket(packet); } } public void SetHeavyGadget(Player player, string tool, int extra, bool clear = false) { SetHeavyGadget(player.SteamID, tool, extra, clear); } public void SetThrowable(ulong steamID, string tool, int extra, bool clear = false) { using (var packet = Common.Serialization.Stream.Get()) { packet.Write((byte)NetworkCommuncation.SetPlayerGadget); packet.Write(steamID); packet.Write((byte)5);//Tool A packet.Write(tool); packet.Write((byte)extra); packet.Write(clear); WriteToSocket(packet); } } public void SetThrowable(Player player, string tool, int extra, bool clear = false) { SetThrowable(player.SteamID, tool, extra, clear); } // ---- Closing ---- public void CloseConnection(string additionInfo = "") { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(additionInfo)) this.mInternal.TerminationReason = additionInfo; else this.mInternal.TerminationReason = "User requested to terminate the connection"; this.mInternal.mWantsToCloseConnection = true; } private void mClose(string reason) { if (this.IsConnected) { this.mInternal.TerminationReason = reason; this.mInternal.IsConnected = false; } } // ---- Disposing ---- public void Dispose() { if (this.mInternal.Socket != null) { this.mInternal.Socket.SafeClose(); this.mInternal.Socket = null; } } // ---- Overrides ---- public override string ToString() { return this.GameIP + ":" + this.GamePort + " - " + this.ServerName; } // ---- Static ---- public static TGameServer CreateInstance(Internal @internal) where TGameServer : GameServer { TGameServer gameServer = (TGameServer)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TGameServer)); gameServer.mInternal = @internal; return gameServer; } // ---- Internal ---- public class Internal { // ---- Variables ---- public ulong ServerHash; public bool IsConnected; public IPAddress GameIP; public int GamePort; public TcpClient Socket; public Func, Internal, Common.Serialization.Stream, Task> mExecutionFunc; public bool IsPasswordProtected; public string ServerName; public string Gamemode; public string Map; public MapSize MapSize; public MapDayNight DayNight; public int CurrentPlayerCount; public int InQueuePlayerCount; public int MaxPlayerCount; public string LoadingScreenText; public string ServerRulesText; public ServerSettings ServerSettings; public MapRotation MapRotation; public GamemodeRotation GamemodeRotation; public RoundSettings RoundSettings; public string TerminationReason; public bool ReconnectFlag; // ---- Private Variables ---- public byte[] mKeepAliveBuffer; public Common.Serialization.Stream mWriteStream; public Common.Serialization.Stream mReadStream; public uint mReadPackageSize; public long mLastPackageReceived; public long mLastPackageSent; public bool mWantsToCloseConnection; public StringBuilder mBuilder; public Internal() { this.TerminationReason = string.Empty; this.mWriteStream = new Common.Serialization.Stream() { Buffer = new byte[Const.MaxNetworkPackageSize], InPool = false, ReadPosition = 0, WritePosition = 0, }; this.mReadStream = new Common.Serialization.Stream() { Buffer = new byte[Const.MaxNetworkPackageSize], InPool = false, ReadPosition = 0, WritePosition = 0, }; this.mKeepAliveBuffer = new byte[4] { 0,0,0,0, }; this.mLastPackageReceived = Extentions.TickCount; this.mLastPackageSent = Extentions.TickCount; this.mBuilder = new StringBuilder(4096); this.ServerSettings = new ServerSettings(this); this.MapRotation = new MapRotation(this); this.GamemodeRotation = new GamemodeRotation(this); this.RoundSettings = new RoundSettings(this); } // ---- Players In Room ---- public Dictionary> Players = new Dictionary>(254); // ---- Room Settings ---- public mRoomSettings _RoomSettings = new mRoomSettings(); public bool IsDirtyRoomSettings; // ---- Round Settings ---- public mRoundSettings _RoundSettings = new mRoundSettings(); public bool IsDirtyRoundSettings; // ---- Map Rotation ---- public HashSet _MapRotation = new HashSet(8); public bool IsDirtyMapRotation = false; // ---- Gamemode Rotation ---- public HashSet _GamemodeRotation = new HashSet(8); public bool IsDirtyGamemodeRotation = false; // ---- Public Functions ---- public void Set(Func, Internal, Common.Serialization.Stream, Task> func, TcpClient socket, IPAddress iP, int port, bool isPasswordProtected, string serverName, string gamemode, string map, MapSize mapSize, MapDayNight dayNight, int currentPlayers, int inQueuePlayers, int maxPlayers, string loadingScreenText, string serverRulesText) { this.ServerHash = ((ulong)port << 32) | (ulong)iP.ToUInt(); this.IsConnected = true; this.GameIP = iP; this.GamePort = port; this.Socket = socket; this.mExecutionFunc = func; this.IsPasswordProtected = isPasswordProtected; this.ServerName = serverName; this.Gamemode = gamemode; this.Map = map; this.MapSize = mapSize; this.DayNight = dayNight; this.CurrentPlayerCount = currentPlayers; this.InQueuePlayerCount = inQueuePlayers; this.MaxPlayerCount = maxPlayers; this.LoadingScreenText = loadingScreenText; this.ServerRulesText = serverRulesText; this.ServerSettings.Reset(); this._RoomSettings.Reset(); this.IsDirtyRoomSettings = false; this.MapRotation.Reset(); this._MapRotation.Clear(); this.IsDirtyMapRotation = false; this.GamemodeRotation.Reset(); this._GamemodeRotation.Clear(); this.IsDirtyGamemodeRotation = false; this.RoundSettings.Reset(); this._RoundSettings.Reset(); this.IsDirtyRoundSettings = false; this.TerminationReason = string.Empty; this.ReconnectFlag = false; this.mWriteStream.Reset(); this.mReadStream.Reset(); this.mReadPackageSize = 0; this.mLastPackageReceived = Extentions.TickCount; this.mLastPackageSent = Extentions.TickCount; this.mWantsToCloseConnection = false; this.mBuilder.Clear(); } public void AddPlayer(Player player) { lock (Players) { Players.Remove(player.SteamID); Players.Add(player.SteamID, player); } } public void RemovePlayer(TPlayer player) where TPlayer : Player { lock (Players) Players.Remove(player.SteamID); } public bool TryGetPlayer(ulong steamID, out Player result) { lock (Players) return Players.TryGetValue(steamID, out result); } } public class mRoomSettings { public float DamageMultiplier = 1.0f; public bool BleedingEnabled = true; public bool StaminaEnabled = false; public bool FriendlyFireEnabled = false; public bool HideMapVotes = true; public bool OnlyWinnerTeamCanVote = false; public bool HitMarkersEnabled = true; public bool PointLogEnabled = true; public bool SpectatorEnabled = true; public float CaptureFlagSpeedMultiplier = 1f; public byte MedicLimitPerSquad = 8; public byte EngineerLimitPerSquad = 8; public byte SupportLimitPerSquad = 8; public byte ReconLimitPerSquad = 8; public void Write(Common.Serialization.Stream ser) { ser.Write(this.DamageMultiplier); ser.Write(this.BleedingEnabled); ser.Write(this.StaminaEnabled); ser.Write(this.FriendlyFireEnabled); ser.Write(this.HideMapVotes); ser.Write(this.OnlyWinnerTeamCanVote); ser.Write(this.HitMarkersEnabled); ser.Write(this.PointLogEnabled); ser.Write(this.SpectatorEnabled); ser.Write(this.CaptureFlagSpeedMultiplier); ser.Write(this.MedicLimitPerSquad); ser.Write(this.EngineerLimitPerSquad); ser.Write(this.SupportLimitPerSquad); ser.Write(this.ReconLimitPerSquad); } public void Read(Common.Serialization.Stream ser) { this.DamageMultiplier = ser.ReadFloat(); this.BleedingEnabled = ser.ReadBool(); this.StaminaEnabled = ser.ReadBool(); this.FriendlyFireEnabled = ser.ReadBool(); this.HideMapVotes = ser.ReadBool(); this.OnlyWinnerTeamCanVote = ser.ReadBool(); this.HitMarkersEnabled = ser.ReadBool(); this.PointLogEnabled = ser.ReadBool(); this.SpectatorEnabled = ser.ReadBool(); this.CaptureFlagSpeedMultiplier = ser.ReadFloat(); this.MedicLimitPerSquad = ser.ReadInt8(); this.EngineerLimitPerSquad = ser.ReadInt8(); this.SupportLimitPerSquad = ser.ReadInt8(); this.ReconLimitPerSquad = ser.ReadInt8(); } public void Reset() { this.DamageMultiplier = 1.0f; this.BleedingEnabled = true; this.StaminaEnabled = false; this.FriendlyFireEnabled = false; this.HideMapVotes = true; this.OnlyWinnerTeamCanVote = false; this.HitMarkersEnabled = true; this.PointLogEnabled = true; this.SpectatorEnabled = true; this.MedicLimitPerSquad = 8; this.EngineerLimitPerSquad = 8; this.SupportLimitPerSquad = 8; this.ReconLimitPerSquad = 8; } } public class mRoundSettings { public const int Size = 1 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4; public GameState State = GameState.WaitingForPlayers; public double TeamATickets = 0; public double TeamBTickets = 0; public double MaxTickets = 1; public int PlayersToStart = 16; public int SecondsLeft = 60; public void Write(Common.Serialization.Stream ser) { ser.Write((byte)this.State); ser.Write(this.TeamATickets); ser.Write(this.TeamBTickets); ser.Write(this.MaxTickets); ser.Write(this.PlayersToStart); ser.Write(this.SecondsLeft); } public void Read(Common.Serialization.Stream ser) { this.State = (GameState)ser.ReadInt8(); this.TeamATickets = ser.ReadDouble(); this.TeamBTickets = ser.ReadDouble(); this.MaxTickets = ser.ReadDouble(); this.PlayersToStart = ser.ReadInt32(); this.SecondsLeft = ser.ReadInt32(); } public void Reset() { this.State = GameState.WaitingForPlayers; this.TeamATickets = 0; this.TeamBTickets = 0; this.MaxTickets = 1; this.PlayersToStart = 16; this.SecondsLeft = 60; } } } }