Firstly, if you want to be able to register the circle pad or touch screen as a joystick you will need to install [vJoy (version 2.0.5-120515 is preferable)]( However, if you just want to use keyboard buttons, this is not necessary.
Extract the archive and copy the executable in the `3DS` directory with the extension that applies to your loader: `3DSController.3dsx` and `3DSController.smdh` for Ninjhax, `3DSController.3ds` for flashcards, or `3DSController.cia` for CFWs, into your 3DS's SD card or flashcard's micro SD card.
Copy the file `3DS/3DSController.ini` to the root of your 3DS's SD card, and change the line that says `IP:` to match your computer's local IP.
Otherwise, you should just see a black screen, this is a good sign. To see if it works, open Notepad and press some buttons on the 3DS, they should show up. You can also test if the joystick works by going to Configure USB Game Controllers in Control Panel, it shows up as vJoy.
If using version 0.6 or above, up to 16 joystick buttons are available. If you wish to use more than 8, you need to configure vJoy. Search in your start menu for vJoyConfig and set buttons to 16.
- Make sure your 3DS has internet access (turn on the switch on the side of the 3DS so that an orange light shows) and is on the same network as your PC,
- Make sure that the `3DSController.ini` is in the root of your 3DS's SD card (not flashcard micro SD),